EJP to Brother M.P. on Jesuit Coadutors Making the Antichrist a Muslim

Dear M.P.,
Here is my following critique.
As you know, the Mahdi/12th Imam is the Islamic version of the biblical Antichrist/Man-Beast.
The false “Jesus the Prophet” of Islam is the Islamic version of the biblical False Prophet—who will, in fact, be a Jew in charge of the Third Hebrew Temple yet to be built for the Pope of Rome.
The other Jesus of Islam who is called “a false prophet and Son of God” to be killed by the Mahdi is, in fact, the true Lord Jesus Christ.
Rome created Islam via Muhammad (violently driving away Arabs from believing on the true Son of God) and thus has sought to redirect attention away from the real Antichrist who shall be Roman into a mythological Islamic Antichrist that is “Syrian.”
The Antichrist is described as “the King of Tyre” who is indwelt by Satan (Ezekiel 28:1-19). The Antichrist will rule over Tyre in his future kingdom, but his origin is not Tyre (Lebanese of Syrian): He is a Roman (Daniel 9:26).
The Antichrist is described as “the King of Babylon” and will rule over a rebuilt City of Babylon, but his origin is not from Syria or Iraq/Babylon: He is a Roman as were the six previous Roman Caesars (Revelation 17:10) of the Fourth World Empire that is Roman.
The Antichrist is described as “the Assyrian” and will rule over the region of Assyria that will be governed by the Antichrist’s capital city of Babylon, but his origin is not from Assyria. He is a Roman that arises from the Roman Empire, later Revived with active Ten Horns/Ten Kings (Revelation 13:1-2) unlike the Roman Empire in its previous form whose Ten horns/Ten Kings were inactive from 31 BC to 476 AD.
The Antichrist is not Syrian or a Muslim as Dyer, Hagee, MacArthur, Robertson and others state. This rhetoric is creating a hatred for all Muslims in the west so as to fuel Protestant and Baptist Bible-believers to fight the pope’s present Crusade against Islam.
We know that the Antichrist/Man-Beast will be a Roman Caesar just as much as were the six Roman Caesars that preceded him. We know, after the Lord’s destruction of the Russian Gog and his Islamic armies at about mid-70th week (as Israel is enjoying the false peace and safety of her covenant with death of Isaiah 28:15), the Roman Papal Caesar will be killed, revived, and take control of the entire Middle East region, he to sit on his throne in his new capital in Babylon City. Therefore he, as the Eighth Roman Caesar Antichrist living his same body when he was the Seventh Roman Caesar Pope, will take on a new identity, a new name, worship a new god and be identified by the regions he governs (Assyria, Babylon, Tyre). He is not “the king of the north” of Daniel 11:40; this is another Russia king having regathered his forces after having five sixths destroyed just prior to mid-70th week of Daniel (Ezekiel 38).
The Restrainer of II Thessalonians 2:6 is not Michael the Archangel. Michael has not the power to restrain Satan at this time in human history. In the future, Michael will cast Satan out of heaven at mid-70th week (Revelation 12:9), and he shall protect the Jews in the wilderness from Satan’s armies (Daniel 12:1). Only the Person of the Holy Spirit, now resident in the Church as the Comforter and not resident in heaven as the Person of the Holy Spirit, can restrain Satan’s quest of manifesting that man of sin. The Third Person of the Biblical Triune God is resident in the earth, He is not in heaven at this time just as the Second Person of Triune God was on earth as a Man during his ministry as the Lord Jesus Christ. During those three and one half years, the Person of God the Son was not in heaven.
The apostasy of II Thessalonians 2:4 is literally “the departure.” The question is who has departed, or what has been departed from? Is this a specific departure of the Church/Body of Christ from the biblical faith in Christ? If so, what is that specific event known to all believers? Or is it the specific departure of the Church (to whom Paul is speaking in Greece) from this world via the indwelling Person of the Holy Spirit? It can only be the last choice. After that specific “departure” known to all believers in Christ, only then can that man of sin be manifested. Thus, the Church/Body of Christ will not spend one day on earth within the 70th week of Daniel. The gospel of Christ could never compete with the miracles of the two prophets to be in the streets of Jerusalem (Revelation 11:3-12) the day that “covenant with death” is confirmed.
The Jesuits never authored “the blessed hope” of the Christian that the Apostle Paul had so declared in Titus 2:13. He said “WE which are alive and remain shall be caught up” (I Thess. 4:17). Paul did not expect to die; he expected to be alive at the time he would depart this world to be with Christ. The Jesuits created a counterfeit hope so as redirect attention of believers away from the papacy and its final pope to be the Antichrist while using that heresy to justify a non-resistance to papal political intrigue.
Our story today is this:
Notable Bible teachers are seeking to incite a unified Catholic/Protestant/Evangelical/Baptist people of the West to fight a papal crusade against the Islamic nations in the Middle East. In so doing, all attention is being directed away from the Jesuit Papacy and its infallible Pope, to the Middle East and Islam as the source for the coming Antichrist/Man-Beast—who is indisputably a Roman.
Lord bless,
Brother Eric
Email brethren,
Let’s put our head together on how the islamic end times will contrast with biblical end times… because both have a Jesus coming back, one false, one true.
Here are some helpful clips speaking on the similarities between Christian and Islamic eschatology for those new to muslim eschatology…
John MacArthur on Islam and Chrisitan end times: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4JR-H6PQjY#t=35m00s
Muslim on Mahdi (truly the biblical antichrist): http://www.5min.com/Video/The-End-Times-and-The-Mahdi-246739695
More on biblical comparison by a nkjv reader but good insight on islam: http://vimeo.com/12996480
This islamic revolution virus is a sign of the coming mahdi aka 12th imam… Now we need to see how the final pope will come into play. Think ecumenism and the next to announce the next pope is in direct dialogue with muslims and we know of Rome’s control of modern-day Islam using the likes of Fethullah Gulen, Yahya Pallavicini and SMOM Felice Abdul Wahid Pallavicini. Let’s not forget Peter-Hans Kolvenbach SJ controlling the Roman Middle East command point in Lebanon.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSmVaUiHoQM << Next to announce new pope is in talks with muslim world… HINT HINT!