EJP Replies to Jewess Doreen Concerning Adonai Yeshua ha Maschiah ben David

Dear Doreen,
I dont know if I quite understand your missive below, but I will attempt to reply. You have not hurt me but motivated me to respond that I might correct some misapprehensions and beliefs on your part.
First, I enjoyed portions of your video, especially as to the Jesuit penetration and present control of Judaism, both Reformed and Orthodox. This is not surprising as the Jesuit is to become all things to all men by means of deception to bring all men under the Temporal Power of the Pope of Rome. The same has been done within every Protestant denomination and many Baptist denominations.
Now to your points:
Mark 7:27 and Matthew 7:6 and 15:26 concern Yeshuas mission to ONLY the lost sheep of the house of Israel. None of these passages state that Yeshua commanded that the Torah not be taught to Gentiles. He is merely stating that the children to whom he was sent were the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites, not to non-racial Jews. These children of the lost sheep of Israel were the heirs of the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants. This is summarized by the Apostle Paul in Romans 15:8 when he stated that Messiah came to confirm the promises made to the fathersAbraham, Isaac, Jacob, the 12 sons and David.
Secondly, I am a White Euro-Gentile, that is correct. I have never thought that I am smarter than the man I think is God, and I never interpret his admonitions to suit my purposes. I read what is recorded of Him in the Holy Scriptures in a literal fashion, holding to the natural and obvious meaning of words, phrases, paragraphs and entire contexts. So when it states that Adonai Messiah ben David would be the Mighty God, I believe it (Isaiah 9:6). When it states that the shepherd of Jehovah would be the fellow or equal (amithi) of Jehovah, I believe it (Zechariah 13:7). When it states that Messiah is the Son of God, I believe it (Psalm 2:2, 7, 12). When it states that the One to be born in Bethlehem to ultimately rule the people of Israel is in fact from everlasting as is only Jehovah, I believe it (Micah 5:2). When the LORD Jehovah states that the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall literally look upon me whom they have pierced, I believe it (Zechariah 12:10). When God refers to Himself as us, indicating a plurality within the One God, I believe it (Genesis 1:26; 11:7; Isaiah 6:8). When it states that the One God is a plurality via the LORD our God (Elohimplural translated gods in Genesis 3:5) is one LORD, (Deuteronomy 6:4) indicating a plurality within the One True God, I believe it.
My White Gentile people having believed the gospel of the risen Yeshua Messiah, have not twisted his words. We realize the he was sent, not to establish the Church (to the exclusion of Romanism), later called the Body of Christ; rather, he was sent only to Israel to call the nation to national repentance that he in turn would establish the Davidic Kingdom, its world capital being in Jerusalem as foretold by the prophets (Isaiah 2:1-4). But in his rejection by the Nation of Israel (thank God!) salvation has been extended us Gentiles for the last nearly 2000 years. (We do not hate the Jews for this and call them Christ-killers as do the Romanists; rather we thank God and do not persecute the Jews for this that was foretold in the first place!) When that fullness of the Gentiles is completed, God will again deal with the Nation of Israel (Romans 11:25). After her time of Jacobs trouble, (Jeremiah 30:7) the nation will be repent and be born in a day (Isaiah 66:8). Then shall Adonai Yeshua ha Maschiach ben David sit on the throne of his father David and rule the re-gathered Nation of Israel in the land of promise forever (II Samuel 7:16). With the understanding of Genesis 12:1-3, we White Protestant and Baptist peopleswhen our leaders and majority of our people within historic Protestant and Baptist nations truly believed the BibleNEVER persecuted the racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites who we permitted to dwell in our midst. Therefore, pursuant to the blessing of Genesis 12:3, we were Blessed by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The White Roman Catholics never believed the Bible and therefore always persecuted you Jews. This is why the Popes Eurasian Jewish Holocaust was successful: White Catholic peoples carried it out within the Popes Jesuit-modeled SS and Gestapo, with the aid of a few apostate White Protestantslike Martin Bormann whose son became a Jesuit Priest! The Protestant Second German Reich never persecuted Jews as a matter of Luthers Bible Doctrine (Luther Never wrote On the Jews and their Lies as I prove in VAIII); the Roman Catholic Third Reich killed Jews by the millionsas a matter of Jesuit papal doctrine.
I do not try to do anything as far as living life for the Glory of God is concerned. I yield to the Holy Spirit of God residing within me (due to my gifted salvation in Messiah YeshuaEphesians 4:30), that same Spirit of God Who was involved in the creation of the world (Genesis 1:2). I am yielding to the Sprit of God and He then bears his fruit through me (Galatians 5:22-24).
As to your Sages, if they reject that Yeshua is the Messiah, the Son of the living God (Psalm 2), then they are of that spirit of Antichrist (I John 4:3); and their synagogues are synagogues of Satan (Revelation 3:9). These Sages have no circumcised hearts (Deut. 10:16; 30:6). Their religion is merely a body of works salvation, of self-reformation apart from being indwelt by the Spirit of the LORD (Ezekiel 36:23-27) and apart from being under the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34). True, we Gentiles knew nothing of the One True God of Israel, until certain of us Gentiles believed the gospel of Messiah unto salvation (Romans 1:15-17; I Corinthians 15:1-4). We were without Messiah, aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers from the covenants of promise (Abrahamic and Davidic), having no hope, and we were without God in the world (Ephesians 2:11-12).
As to Satan, the god of this world (II Corinthians 4:4), I never sought to grab him by the horns. First, he has no horns; secondly he is the most powerful spiritual being in the universe save the risen Son of God and God His Father. I resist Satan by the power of the Holy Spirit through the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17). When resisted like this, he flees; when resisted with mans wisdom and strength, he conquers.
As to Ignatian Spirituality, this is nothing more than the doctrines of devils that result in demon possession. Ignatius Loyola has nothing to do with the One True God, His Son, the Holy Spirit of God or the Word of God. Ignatius has nothing to do with the true Messiah foretold in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament; as the Sons of Loyola destroy or counterfeit every Bible they can find. They ran the Holy Office of the Inquisition and conducted both Hitlers Third Reich and Stalins Communist USSR in destroying the Jews of the old Pale of Settlement. So please do not identify me or my people with anything to do with Ignatius LIEola, that Spanish Knight Templar seeking to conquer the world for the Pope of Rome!
As to the Church fathers, I repudiate all of them including Augustine who was one of four of the foremost Roman Catholic theologians, a hater of Jews and whose Order of Augustinians created Islam tutoring Muhammad. The Church fathers, as I have read many of them, disagree with each other on most points of doctrine and Rome loves to occupy her enemies in reading these masters of confusion. This is how the Order conquered the Protestant ministers during the 19th centurypreoccupying them with the reading of the Church Fathers instead of the Holy Bible born out of the Protestant Reformation.
Yes, historic, Reformation Bible-based Protestantism is as different from past and present Reformation Bible-rejecting Roman Catholicism as is day from night, as is heaven from hell! And after the resurrection of Messiah as foretold by the prophets Isaiah and David, he commanded his disciples to preach the gospel to the Gentile nations (Matthew 28:18-20). After the gospel of the Davidic Kingdom was rejected by Israel, the gospel of the grace of God in the risen Messiah Yeshua was then preached to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles (Romans 1:16). Upon belief of the gospel of Messiah, both Jews and Gentiles are baptized by the Spirit of God into the same Body of Christ (Ephesians 3:6). Further, by preaching the gospel and the whole counsel of God to Gentiles, we White Gentile races became benevolent to the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites, as Satan is no longer our spiritual father (Ephesians 2:2). The history of White Protestant nations proves this point.
Concerning Yeshua ben Pandera of the Talmud (Oral Law of the Orthodox Jews which they put on par with the Written Law), his man is not Yeshua of Nazareth and is a figment of the imaginations of the writers of the Talmud, the very Talmud that states that Jesus of Nazareth was a bastard and his mother a Whore. Does this not embarrass you Doreen, especially when we White Gentiles who believe the Bible of the Protestant Reformation have given you permission to live among us unmolesteddespite that wicked Babylonian Talmud? Have you forgotten the benevolence of Protestant William of Orange I, or Independent Puritan Oliver Cromwell or Baptist George Washington? Why do you equate us with the Romanists who constantly persecute you in obedience to Canon Law? This is unfair and dishonest; a clever design to bias Jews never to read the New Testament with an open mind or heart. We Protestants and Baptists never conducted a Crusade against you Jews and we never operated an Inquisition against Jews or anyone else, yet you continue to equate us with that damnable Jesuit-ruled Roman Papacy, calling both of us Christians. Shame on you!
Now I know you do not love the Jew who is very God and very Man (Romans 1:3-4)as your inspired and preserved Hebrew Tenach so describes him to be as proven above! That is a good place to start. You see Doreen, if you honor not the Son even as you honor the Father, then you are lost and need to be saved by the grace of God! You are in sin and destined to an eternity separated from the One true God of Israelas are all Gentiles until they too repent of their sins and believe the gospel! We are all condemned and all need to be saved by the same Son of God, Messiah ben David, Jesus of Nazareth (John 3:16-18).
Indeed, the rejection of Messiah Yeshua ben David by his beloved elect nation of Israel did break his heart. Oh, he wept when he rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the first day of the week when he fulfilled Psalm 118:24; Daniel 9:25 and Zechariah 9:9! Read Matthew 23:37-39 and Luke 19:41-44. Indeed, that Prophet (Deut. 18:18) was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3), stricken for my people Israel (Isaiah 53:8).
One more thing. Your Messiah had to declare himself such within the Fourth Decade of the First Century AD during the reign of Tiberius Caesar. This is according to the prophecy of Daniels 70 Weeks of Years (Daniel 9:24-27). For, from the commandment to rebuild the City of Jerusalem given to Nehemiah in 445 BC (Nehemiah 6:1-6) to the national declaration of Messiah the Prince according to Zechariah 9:9, that completion of 483 Hebrew Years fell in 32 AD, within the Fourth Decade of the First Century. And after that national declaration, that same Messiah had to be cut offto die, according to Daniel 9:26. Now, if you can find another person who fits the description of Daniel 9:25-26, then let me know. Joseph Ben-Matthias, alias Flavius Josephus, declares that indeed Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah (The Life and Works of Flavius Josephus, William Whiston, Philadelphia: The John C. Whiston Company, 1957; first printed in 1737, p. 535). Otherwise, know that your leaders and people have continued to reject that very Messiah promised to Israel (Deuteronomy 18:18), that very Messiah who died for the sins of the Nation of Israel (Isaiah 53:8), that very Messiah who shall return to be looked upon by Israel as the One whom they pierced (Zechariah 12:10), that very Messiah who shall save his beloved racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites from complete annihilation by the coming Gentile beast (Daniel 7:11) who shall be broken by the Prince of princes (Daniel 8:25)Adonai Yeshua ha Maschiah ben David.
May Adonai Hashem bless you as you seek Him within His Word,
Brother Eric
Im going to say something that may be hurtful, but it must be said, accepted and acted upon, if the suffering of the world is ever going to end.
Yeshua ben Pandera told his students not to teach Torah to the gentiles.
See: Mark 7:27, Matthew 7:6 and 15:26.
He said it simply, clearly and at least three recorded times.
But the Euro-gentiles thought theyd be smarter than the man they think is God and interpreted his admonitions to suit their purposes.
Everything in this video are horrific results the gentiles twisting his simple words.
By trying to arrogate a sacred Text that was not meant for you and trying to live on a vastly higher moral/spiritual level than you are suited for, you unleashed the worst that is in you.
Jews know how to increase the level of observance and understanding gradually so that a person does not experience moral/spiritual backlash as he or she ascends.
We know that every advance of the Soul causes a stirring of higher levels of both the good and evil within us and our Sages have taught us how to handle this inevitable occurrence as one proceeds in closely with the God of Yisrael.
You gentiles never learned these techniques and, in trying to grab Satan by the horns, the dark side of you was unleashed in fury because it felt itself attacked, rather than slowly being brought into the *service* of God as we know how to do.
Not only were the church fathers aware this was happening, they found ways to increase the effects of it the worst of which is Ignatian spirituality.
Do not deceive yourselves into believing that Protestanism is somehow more real than Catholicism. It too goes against Yeshuas unequivocal insistence not to teach Torah to the gentiles, the reasons for which he explained in no uncertain or politically correct terms.
As a result of this happening to you generation after generation, you have incurred considerable epigentic damage, which you then pass on to your offspring.
The most loving thing that you and other Christians can do is stop trying to understand that which you cannot and stop telling the terrible lies that you do about who Yeshua ben Pandera really was, about the Pharisees, about the Talmud and all the rest of the atrocious lies you tell because you are attempting to understand (and judge!) that which is vastly beyond your moral and spiritual ken, that keep my People from bringing Yeshua ben Pandera back into the fold, redeem his reputation and reunite with him.
Trust me when I tell you that I love the Jew I *know* to be my Cousin infinitely more than you love the Jew whom you believe to be God.
And trust me when I tell you, the fact that he is rejected by his People causes him pain far greater than the devotion of a billion some odd deluded gentiles can salve and the Vatican knows that too.
Doreen Ellen Bell-(Pander)Dotan, Tzfat, Israel