EJP Replies to M.P.: Jesuit Papacy Playing Both Sides During American “Civil War”

Apostate Protestant Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, General Robert E. Lee, 1865
Dear M.P.,
Thank you for contacting me.
In VAIII I cover the Jesuit Order’s control of both the North and the South during the “Civil War,” or rather “the War Between the States,” or better yet, “the War of Northern Aggression.” The Jesuits controlled Jefferson Davis, Judah Benjamin and Robert E. Lee (with their conscious assent). The Order also controlled Abraham Lincoln and the “Radical Red/Black” Republican Party (although Lincoln underwent a true conversion to Jesus Christ after Gettysburg and then began to oppose his Jesuit masters). Both ex-priest Charles Chiniquy and General Thomas Harris (a Baptist-Calvinist) missed the Jesuit connection to the North.
To begin with, Rome ALWAYS has an Open-but-False policy for world consumption, and a Secret-but-True policy known only to the high Jesuits and the Pope himself. For example, the Papacy openly opposes homosexuality and pedophilia, yet both crimes are institutionalized throughout the entire Roman Catholic Institution. Another example is the present War in Afghanistan and Iraq. Openly, the pope is against it; Secretly, he plotted it for years and ignited it on 911 via his Knight of Malta/CFR-member and DCI, George J. Tenet.
Now before we can examine the War of Northern Aggression, we must go back about 100 years to the time just prior to the White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestant and Baptist American Revolution (1775-1783). King George III came to power in 1760 and would reign for 60 years, dying in 1820. From the very day he donned the British Crown, he was a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, serving his Jesuit masters within his court. What does he do? He declares Roman Catholicism to be the religion of Quebec after the French-Indian War—when there are no more French in the region. This was an Outrage to every British Protestant! George also steps up the London-based African slave trade, its major English masters being White Roman Catholic and pro-Catholic Anglican lords. The Royal African Company that had a monopoly on that wicked “trade” for many years was owned by the House of Stuart. And though the Stuarts were legally outlawed from ever becoming British sovereigns again with the Act of Settlement in 1702, the Jesuit-ruled Stuarts intermarried with the German Hanoverian dynasty that would occupy the monarchy for the following 200 years. Nothing really changed. So the slave trade continued, that criminal selling of African Blacks by African Blacks to White slavers, then to be brought to the Western Hemisphere and sold on the docks, with regard to this narration, sold to the White Protestant North American/British colonies.
The question is “Why?” Why would the Jesuits use their British Crown to import hundreds of thousands of Black slaves into the 13 Protestant colonies. (Remember, at the time of the American Revolution, there were 2.5 million White Protestants and Baptists; 500,000 Black Slaves; 30,000 White Roman Catholics; and 24 Roman Catholic priests in the entire 13 colonies.) The reason for this criminal slave trade, a veritable mass-kidnapping in the spirit of things, was to bring Blacks into the “heretic and liberal” American Protestant colonies, then to incite them to a huge race war. This race war was to kill off the White Protestants and Baptists with aid from the American Indians. This plot is so stated by Thomas Jefferson, as I quote it in one of my Power Points, the quote taken from W. O. Blake’s The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade (1860). Yes, Jefferson stated that the Blacks were to be incited to kill off all the Whites of the colonies. And if 500,000 Blacks would rise up and kill the Whites, this would be in complete harmony with the Jesuit Order’s Council of Trent and her “Moral Theologians” such as Suarez, Molina, Escobar, etc. This Black-on-White race war (at this time in 2011, still in the making) would further the Black Pope’s Counter Reformation aided and abetted by the secretly-ruled British Crown.
But the plot failed. Yet, it remained a major design against the White Protestant and Baptist United States of America with its “Baptist First Amendment.”
About thirty years after the creation of America, in 1819, the Order used its British Crown to agitate for the “freeing of the slaves.” (Since the Order failed in its use of the British Crown to destroy America in the War of 1812, it would seek to incite domestic insurrection!) That freeing was to be a radical emancipation, Rome’s Secret-but-True policy being to ruin the White Protestant South by driving the freed slaves to desperation, starvation, then to anarchy and then to mass-rapine and race war—as had been done in White Roman Catholic French Santo Domingo in 1791. (That race war in Santo Domingo—“Hispanola”—was incited by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Napoleon Bonaparte with the Jesuit-ruled French Directory. The Directory, led by Jesuit Abbe Sieyes, preached the socialist-communist doctrine of “universal equality” as perfected by the Jesuit Order on its Paraguayan Reductions from 1609-1759, for 150 years! This socialist-communist doctrine served to ignite the race war, the Blacks drawing first blood.) All other nations conducted a policy of gradual emancipation with monetary compensation paid to the owners. This was done by England as well as Mexico. But the Order’s policy for the White Protestant South was universal, radical emancipation and no compensation paid to the owners of the Black slaves, at which time there were both White and Black owners of Black slaves. Yes, this policy was to destroy the Protestant South using uneducated, illiterate, irresponsible, unskilled, emancipated Blacks, who, after the plotted destruction of the Whites, would then be destroyed by White European invaders to included the French, Spanish and the British—the very forces who later landed in Mexico to overthrow the great anti-Jesuit Benito Juarez and to invade the US during the War of Northern Aggression.
This “anti-slavery agitation” began in the northern cities under Jesuit control. They were New York, Boston and Philadelphia. The limited federal government at the time had no Constitutional jurisdiction over the domestic policies of the individual sovereign states, including the domestic institution of slavery. The continuation or abolition of slavery was an issue of states’ rights, not federal legislation. The federal government could no more take the property of guns any more than it could take the property of labor in slaves from the owners. Yet, this anti-slavery agitation, later denounced by President James Buchanan as the foremost cause for the war, persisted for over 30 years until it culminated in the creation of the “Republican Party,” the revived old Federalist Party seeking centralization of power in Washington. During this time, the Missouri Compromise had been enacted, a total violation of the Constitutional protection of slave property owned by citizens of the states, which wicked Compromise (led by Masonic Jesuit Coadjutor Henry Clay) geographically separated the nation via the Mason-Dixon Line into “North and South.” Hence, the warnings of George Washington in his Farewell Address—America’s greatest state paper—went unheeded!
By 1860 the nation was divided over the “burning question of slavery.” Forget that the federal government had already begun to repatriate freed American Blacks to the Black African colony of Liberia, for which its first governor, Thomas Buchanan—the brother of President James Buchanan—gave his life to found. Forget that American Black Bible-believing Joseph Roberts was the President of Liberia and called for honest American Blacks who believed the Bible to come to beautiful Liberia—founded, financed and built by American White Anglo-Saxon Protestants! No, the Jesuits could never allow a Black Protestant nation to exist in Africa, so all migration back to Africa had to be stopped “by any means necessary,” including inciting a huge uncivil war in America that was intended to morph into a Black-on-White race war once the South had been defeated.
With Lincoln’s election to the presidency, South Carolina seceded. As an aside, for a Republican to be elected, the Democratic Party had to be divided—which was done in 1860! This rupture of the Democratic Party led by Jesuits secured a win for the Order’s Radical Red Republican Party. Maryland was about to secede when it was put under martial law, Lincoln signing the nation’s first “executive order.” If Maryland had seceded, then Washington would have been in the hands of the Confederates. Thus, the Marylanders fled into Virginia and manned the Army of Northern Virginia under Lee. The last State to secede was Virginia, the home of America’s greatest statesmen including our beloved President George Washington—the Baptist, having been baptized by his Baptist Chaplain John Gano in the Hudson River in 1783. The War was on, having been ignited by President James Buchanan when he sought to reinforce Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, with his ship, “Star of the West.” Yes, the war was started by the North, South Carolina having the right to secede as did all other states.
Rome was delighted! Her open policy was to support the South—only after the South had lost Gettysburg in July of 1863. Indeed, the nation that had been founded on July 4, 1776, via the Declaration of Independence, ended on July 4, 1863 with the South’s loss of the Battle of Gettysburg. Rome, knowing it was only a matter of time until the South was defeated, openly sided with Jefferson Davis with Pope Pius IX’s letter of support to Davis in 1864. The truth is, Lee was a traitor, deliberately sacrificing nearly one half of his army that day, aided by another traitor, General James Longstreet. Had General Stonewall Jackson been in the saddle at Gettysburg instead of Longstreet, Roman Catholic General Meade would have been routed. But Lee prevented such a possibility: Lee and General A. P. Hill—Jackson’s old enemy—carried out the conspiracy to murder Jackson at Chancellorsville, Jackson given “the poison cup” by Lee’s trusted Masonic doctor, Major Hunter McGuire! All of this is in VAIII.
With the loss of Gettysburg, the “War to Preserve the Old Union” became a crusade “to Free the Slaves.” Bevin Alexander, America’s foremost military historian, makes this clear in his masterpiece, Lost Victories. The Radical Red Republican-led Yankees will conduct a war of annihilation against the White Protestant Southern people, stealing their tobacco, cotton and labor in slaves—as a matter of federal policy thanks to the wicked Thaddeus Stevens (baptized into the Roman Catholic Church on his deathbed!)—while stealing every other valuable they can find via the Irish Roman Catholic drunken “bummers.” Meanwhile, Roman Catholic General Meade is ordered by a Jesuit in camp not to pursue Lee, which pursuit would have ended the war. NO, “Dagger John” Archbishop Hughes will cause the New York City riots that will justify Meade sending a portion of his army to quell the anarchy. This gives Lee his exit back to Richmond, to then draw out the war for another nearly two years. Thus, Rome’s “Open-but-False” policy is to back the South but her “Secret-but-True” policy is to defeat and destroy the White Protestant South and on its ruins, erect an empire “from sea to shining sea.” That Empire is what I call in VAIII, the Black Pope’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, Socialist-Communist, Cartel-Corporate-Fascist, American Empire (1868-Present). That empire was created with the declared ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment on July 28, 1868, also covered in VAIII.
Now, to your question of “White Supremacy.” Since this term conjures up the ideas of the White KKK and the White Nazis, I do not use this term. I use the term “White Predominance,” a predominance in intellectual capacities as reflected in culture, the arts, sciences and nations. There is no question of “White Predominance,” as our genius and persistence is used both for good and for evil. The greatest men in history for the last 500 years have been White Protestants and Baptists (Luther, Knox, Calvin, Cromwell, Washington, etc.) To the contrary, the most wicked men in history for the last 500 years have been White Roman Catholics (Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, and every Pope of Rome). This the war is a war between Whites—Bible-believing, righteous Whites versus Bible-rejecting, wicked Whites. All other races, with their obviously lower cultures, are merely siding with either faction of this ceaseless war. It takes a Righteous White man to resist a Wicked White man. The Pope’s evil White Power Structure incited the Slave trade; the Risen Son of God’s righteous White men, such as William Wilberforce, ended that damnable traffic. Presently, the world is ruled by evil, Bible-rejecting White men—White men serving the White Jesuit Papacy! Those chief in the forefront in resisting these White Devils, are Bible-believing White men—White men who know the Lord!
Therefore, it is Rome’s quest to destroy every White Protestant population on earth. This was the real purpose for the Jesuit-led, Black Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. This is the real purpose for putting the Black ANC in power in South Africa—now mass-murdering the White Protestant Boers without restraint. Since 1994 over 30,000 Whites have been murdered by Socialist-Communist, Majority Black Savages tied to the Pope’s ANC. This is why the Whites have been killed out of once White Protestant Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) now ruled by Black Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, Robert Mugabe. And with no Protestant Whites, the Blacks of Zimbabwe are financially broken and starving! This is why the Pope’s White Power Structure has been destroying the White race and White Protestant culture within America for the last 60 years. It is clearly a war between White adversaries—Righteous, Bible-reading White populations versus the Pope’s anti-Bible, White Power structure using the Blacks and now Hispanic Roman Catholics—alien Hispanic Roman Catholic invaders—against us. To successfully resist Rome’s White Power Structure, White raced-peoples must be preserved. Thus, we must observe racial separation as mandated by the Word of God when the Lord created the races to keep mankind separate. His creation of the three major races was done in order to prevent mankind from uniting against the Lord as was done prior to the Great Flood when there was one race, one language and one land mass of earth.
Hopefully M.P. (and I remember that you are Italian), you, being a White man, will side with us Bible-believing, Righteous White men against the designs of the Pope’s Wicked White Power Structure. For once we White Protestants and Baptists are destroyed as a race and nation of people in North America, the Blacks and Hispanics will not stand a chance to resist this damnable White Power Structure having destroyed every Latin American Nation’s cultural advancement for the last 100 years. We will be nothing more than a race-mixed, Roman Catholic Brazil or Cuba. This end is Rome’s Secret-but-True policy here in North America.
I trust this is helpful.
Lord bless,
Brother Eric
Hello Eric,
Been a listener for a while, born Italian so I have a lot of knowledge on the Whole Roman Papacy. I Just wondered I have studied endless sources before the 19th Century… And i’ve not heard one author who has said the North is the Popes army? This is everyone I could find speaking against the Vatican. But I see you were claiming this was the case and I just wondered what information you could show me in this or any sources or references before the 19th century in Books. This is a part of my history and i know it pretty well… So i was a bit surprised you were supporting this.
Also whats the Racial division about through superiority in the White Race?