Cromwell: Warning to Parliament on Domestic and Foreign Affairs, 1658; Pt. 2 of 4

Oliver Cromwell, Defender of the Protestant Faith
Our Blessed Oliver Cromwell continues his warning in January, 1658, to the Second Protectorate Parliament. His warnings devolve upon Rome’s “designs” against the “Being” and “Well Being” of the Risen Son of God’s Protestant Puritan Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. Our most devoted Man of God, his mind immersed in the Reformation English Bible of 1611—the Word of God—is the greatest General and Statesman of his age. With every fiber he seeks to awake his slumbering hearers to the realization of Rome’s Jesuitical plot. That ceaseless, international plot is to utterly overthrow all Protestantism, first on the European continent. This design has become an inescapable fact to the Bible-believers of this era, burned into the consciences of all men having survived the Black Pope’s Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648)—openly led by the Society of Jesus/Society of Horus. And once united, subsequent to the “extirpation” of continental Protestantism, Rome’s European monarchs would then lead their peoples to invade and subjugate Cromwell’s beloved Great Britain, the very world apex of blood-bought Protestant liberties. Our Great White Father of White Protestant and Baptist-Calvinist America (1789-1868) continues:
“Is not,—to begin there,—the King of Hungary [Leopold I, a Knight of Malta and Rome’s Holy Roman Emperor as of July, 1658, surrounded with Jesuits in Vienna according to Tzar Peter the Great—EJP], who expecteth with his partisans to make himself Emperor of Germany, and in the judgment of all men ‘with’ not only a possibility but a certainty of the acquisition of it,—is not he, since he hath mastered the [Protestant Lutheran] Duke of Brandenburg, one of the Electors, ‘as good as sure of the Emperorship‘? [(Jesuit-trained) Emperor Ferdinand III., under whom the Peace of Westphalia was made (thereby ending the Black Pope’s Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648), had died this year: his second son, Leopold, on the death of the first son, had been made King of Hungary in 1655 (to whom Cromwell is referring); he was, shortly after this, elected Emperor, Leopold I., and reigned till 1705. ‘Brandenburg’ was Frederick William: a distinguished Prince; father of the First King of Purssia: Frederick the Great’s great-grandfather: properly the Founder of the (Protestant Lutheran) Prussian Monarchy.—Carlyle and (EJP)] No doubt but he will have three of the Episcopal Electors ‘on his side,’ and the Duke of Bavaria. [There are but Eight Electors in all; Hanover not yet made.—Carlyle] Whom will he then have to contest with him abroad, for taking the Empire of Germany out of his hands? Is not he the son of a Father whose principles, interest and personal conscience guided him to exile all the Protestants out of his own patrimonial country,—out of Bohemia, got with the sword; out of Moravia and Silesia? [Ferdinand the Second, his Grandfather; yea, your Highness;—and brought the great (Lutheran Swedish King) Gustavus (Adolphus) upon him in consequence. Not a good kindred that! (Many Protestant Bohemians and Moravians fled to America because of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III’s vile persecutions!)—Carlyle (EJP)] ‘And’ it is the daily complaint which comes over to us,—new reiterations of which we have but received within these two or three days, being conveyed by some godly Ministers of the City, That the Protestants are tossed out of Poland into the Empire; and out thence wither they can fly to get their bread; and are ready to perish for want of food.
“And what think you of the other side of Europe, Italy to wit,—if I may call it the other side of Europe, as I think I may,— ‘Italy,’ Spain, and all those adjacent parts, with the Grisons, the Piedmonts before mentioned, the Switzers [all of them being Protestants—EJP]? They all,—what are they but a prey of the [Roman Catholic, Jesuit-ruled—EJP] Spanish power and interest? And look to That that calls Itself [Neuter gender!—Carlyle] the Head of all this! A Pope fitted,—I hope indeed “born” not “in” but out of “due time,” to accomplish this bloody work; so that he may fill-up his cup to the brim, and make himself ripe for judgment! [Somewhat grim of look, your Highness!—Carlyle] He doth as he hath always done. He influences all the Powers, all the Princes of Europe to this very thing [Rooting-out of the Protestants.—The sea which is now (in the mid-Nineteenth Century) scarcely audible to us, two safe centuries off, how it roars and devouringly rages while this Valiant One is heroically bent to bank it in!—He prospers, he does it, flings his life into the gap,—that WE for all coming centuries may be safe and ungrateful!—Carlyle (EJP)];—and no man like this present man [Pope Alexander VII, a most able and gifted Italian nobleman from the Ancient Roman Banking Family of Chigi totally in the hands of the Jesuits; for when pro-Calvinist Venice sought help from Rome as Islamic Ottoman Turks attacked Crete, Alexander agreed to send military aid with the provision that Venice would readmit the Jesuits having been expelled since 1606—EJP] So that, I beseech you, what is there in all the parts of Europe but a consent, a cooperating, at this very time and season, ‘of all Popish Powers’ to suppress everything [Reformation Bible-reading Protestant and Baptist peoples and culture—EJP] that stands in their way? [A very grave epoch indeed.—Carlyle]
“But it may be said, “This is a great way off, in the extremest parts of the world; what is that to us?”—if it be nothing to you, let it be nothing to you! I have told you it is somewhat to you. It concerns all your religions [Protestant and Baptist to the exclusion of Romanism—EJP], and all the good interests of England.
“I have, I thank God, considered, and I would beg of you to consider a little with me: What that resistance is that is likely to be made to this mighty current, which seems to be coming from all parts upon all Protestants? Who is there that holdeth up his head to oppose this danger? A poor Prince [Charles X, King of Sweden; at present attacked by the King of Denmark; the Dutch also aiming at him (indicating the supposedly Protestant monarchs ruling those nations were in the hands of the Jesuits! Such would be the fate of England within a mere 100 years.)—Carlyle (EJP)];—indeed poor; but a man in his person as gallant, and truly I think I may say as good, as any these last ages have brought forth; a man that hath adventured his all against the Popish Interest in Poland, and made his acquisition still good ‘there’ for the Protestant Religion [the Risen Son of God overruling the fact that Charles was a (pro-Reformation) Wittelsbach, the ruling Roman Catholic dynasty in Bavaria, and, that his predecessor, Queen Christiana (daughter of King Gustavus Adolphus and Lutheran military hero having delivered German Protestants from complete annihilation during the Black Pope’s Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648) had been converted to Romanism by Jesuits, she resigning her crown and moving to Rome!—EJP] He is now, reduced into a corner: and what addeth to the grief of all,—more grievous than all that hath been spoken of before (I wish it may not be too truly said!)—is, That men of our [Bible-based, anti-papal—EJP] Religion forget this, and seek his ruin. [Protestant Dutch and Danes: . . . (the Jesuits inciting war between White Protestant nations; this same tactic to be employed during the Black Pope’s Second Thirty Years’ War, 1914-1945, when the Protestant British Empire and the Protestant German Empire, pitted against one another by two paramount Jesuit Coadjutors—Protestant Knights of Malta King George V and Kaiser Wilhelm II—would tear each other to pieces!)—Carlyle (EJP)]
“I beseech you consider a little; consider the consequences of all that! For what doth it all signify? Is it only a noise? Or hath it not withal an articulate sound in it? Men that are not true to the Religion we profess,— ‘profess,’ I am persuaded, with greater truth, uprightness and sincerity than it is ‘professed’ by any collected body, so nearly gathered together as these Nations are, in all the world,—God will find them out! [The low-minded Dutch; pettifogging for “Sound Dues,” for “Possession of the Sound,” and mere shopkeeper lucre! (while professing the same Protestant faith of the virtuous English Protestants, who, with the help of Cromwell’s rule, evidence true Protestantism by BOTH faith and works—the works of resisting the Temporal/Political Power of the pope!)—Carlyle (EJP)] I beseech you consider how things do cooperate. ‘Consider,’ this may seem but a design (a veritable conspiracy!—EJP) against your Well-being? It is a design [“Design” later used by the five writers of the American Declaration of Independence, 1776, foremost in its composition being Bible-Believing Calvinist Roger Sherman] against your very Being; this artifice, and this complex design, against the Protestant Interest,—wherein so many Protestants are not so right as were to be wished! If they [the Dutch “Protestants”—EJP] can shut us out of the Baltic Sea, and make themselves masters of that, where is your Trade? Where are your materials to reserve our Shipping? Where will you be able to challenge any right by sea, or justify yourselves against a foreign invasion in your own soil? Think upon it; this is in design! I believe, if you will go and ask the poor mariner in his red cap and coat, as he passeth from ship to ship, you will hardly find in any ship but they will tell you this is designed against you. So obvious is it, by this and other things, that you are the object. And in my conscience, I know not for what else ‘you are so’ but because of the purity of the profession amongst you; who have not yet made it your trade to prefer your profit before your godliness [Whatever certain Dutch and Danes may do!—Carlyle], but reckon godliness the greater gain!
“But should it happen that, as contrivances stand, you should not be able to vindicate yourselves against all whomsoever,—I name no one state upon this head, but I think all acknowledge States are engaged in the combination [as coordinated by the Jesuit Papacy—EJP],—judge you where you were! You have accounted yourselves happy in being environed with a great Ditch from all the world beside. Truly you will not be able to keep your Ditch, nor your Shipping,—unless you turn your Ships and Shipping into Troops of Horse and Companies of Foot; and fight to defend yourselves on terra firma!—
“And these things stated, liberavi animam mean; and if there be “no danger” in ‘all this, I am satisfied. I have told you; you will judge if no danger! If you shall think We may discourse of all things at pleasure,—[Debate for days and weeks, Whether it shall be “House of Lords” or “Other House;” put the question, Whether this question shall be put; and say Ay, say No; and thrash the air with idle jargon! (the Jesuits using their tools in this Second Protectorate Parliament to prevent Settlement and passage of just laws for the protection of the Commonwealth while the Jesuits busy themselves within the Three Nations in preparation for another attempted Spanish Invasion to be led by Charles Stuart II)—Carlyle (EJP)],—and that it is a time of sleep and ease and rest, without any due sense of these things,—I have this comfort to God-ward: I have told you of it.
“Really were it not that France (give me leave to say it) is a balance against that Party at this time—!—[King Louis XIV, now 25 years old and advised by French nationalist Jules Cardinal Mazarin still in deadly fear of Cromwell, was warring with Jesuit-ruled Spain, the conflict serving to divide both nations from allying against Cromwell’s Commonwealth—the secret Design of the Order! EJP] Should there be a Peace made (which hath been, and is still laboured and aimed-at, “a General Peace”), then will England be the “general” object of all the fury and wrath of all the Enemies of God and our Religion in the world! I have nobody to accuse;—but to look on the other side of the water! You have neighbours there; some that you are in amity with; some that have professed malice enough against you. I think you are fully satisfied in that. I had rather you would trust your enemy than some friends,—that is, rather believe your enemy, and trust him that he means your ruin [such as the Jesuit-ruled, Roman Catholic Spanish. Though France was presently a friend of Protestant England in 1658, yet Mazarin did employ his agent Le Bas in the 1655 plot to assassinate Cromwell via Jesuit Vowel. Three years later in 1661 Cardinal Mazarin would die in his chair, given “the poison cup,” the Order gaining full power over “the Sun King” to do their nefarious bidding without French restraint!—EJP], than have confidence in some who perhaps may be in some alliance with you! [We have watched the Dutch, and their dealings in the Baltic lately! (The Dutch people, though Reformed Protestants, were turned into enemies of their Protestant English brothers—evidenced by the First Anglo-Dutch War—via the Jesuit-ruled House of Orange in alliance with the exiled House of Stuart; William III was the grandson of traitorous Charles I rightly executed by Cromwell—Carlyle (EJP)]—I perhaps could enforce all this with some particulars, nay I ‘certainly’ could. For you know that your enemies be the same who have been accounted your enemies ever since Queen Elizabeth came to the crown. An avowed designed enemy ‘all along;’ wanting nothing of counsel, wisdom and prudence, to root you out from the face of the Earth [in accordance with the bloody Jesuit Oath—EJP]: and when public attempts [Spanish Armadas and suchlike—Carlyle] would not do, how have they, by the Jesuits and other Emissaries, laid foundations to perplex and trouble our Government by taking away the lives of them whom they judged to be of any use for preserving our peace! [Guy Faux and Jesuit Garnet (of the Gunpowder Plot) were a pair of pretty men; to go no further. Ravaillac (murderer of French Protestant King Henry IV) in the Rue de la Ferronerie, and Stadtholder William’s Jesuit (Gerard who murdered William of Orange I); and the Night of St. Bartholomew (the Order using Roman Catholic French soldiers to massacre 75,000 French Protestant Huguenots): here and elsewhere they have not wanted “counsel,” of the sort!—Carlyle (EJP)] And at this time I ask you, Whether you do not think they are designing as busily as ever any people were, to prosecute the same counsels and things to the uttermost?
“The business then was: The Dutch needed Queen Elizabeth of famous memory for their protection. They had it, ‘had protection from her.’ I hope they will never ill requite it! For if they should forget either the kindness that was then shown them (which was their real safety), or the desires this Nation hath had to be at peace with them,—truly I believe whoever exercises any ingratitude in this sort will hardly prosper in it. [He cannot, your Highness: unless GOD and His TRUTH be a mere Hearsay of the market, he never can!—Carlyle] But this may awaken you, howsoever. I hope you will be awakened, upon all these considerations! It is certain, they [These Dutch—Carlyle] have professed a principle which, thanks be to God, we never knew. They will sell arms to their enemies, and lend their ships to their enemies. They will do so. And truly that principle is not a matter of dispute at this time, ‘we are not here to argue with them about it:’ only let everything weigh with your spirits as it ought;—let it do so. And we must tell you, we do know that this, ‘of their having such a principle,’ is true. I dare assure you of it; and I think if but your Exchange here ‘in London’ were resorted-to, it would let you know, as clearly as you can desire to know, That they have hired—sloops [Twenty-two ships of war—EJP], I think they call them, or some other name,—they have hired sloops, ‘let sloops on hire,’ to transport [from Flanders—EJP] upon you Four-thousand Foot and a Thousand Horse, upon the pretended interest of that young man that was the late King’s Son. [Oh Oliver, you have laid bare the plot! The Dutch House of Orange secretly ruling the Netherlands, with whom you fought the First Anglo-Dutch War and in secret alliance with the House of Stuart, has lent their ships to the Spanish brutes for the invasion of England from Flanders led by exiled Charles II seeking to overthrow Cromwell’s “heretic and liberal” Commonwealth. My Lord and my God! This is the very United Netherlands that fought a land-and-sea war against the pope’s Spanish murderers for Eighty Years!—EJP] And this is, I think, a thing far from being reckonable as a suggestion to any ill end or purpose:—a thing to no other end than that it may awaken you to a just consideration of your danger, and to uniting for a just and natural defence.
[The Jesuit Order, in full control of Washington, D. C., and New York City, has followed the same Design here in Fourteenth Amendment America (1868-Present). The Society has used its New York City-based Council on Foreign Relations—its “trusted third party” in the words of Ignatius Loyola—administering the pope’s Federal Reserve Bank as well as directing all three branches of the federal government, to build weapons manufacturing plants in both the Communist USSR (now deceptively called “the Russian Federation”) and Communist China. The Company of Jesus, thanks to the anti-American, anti-Protestant, anti-Nationalist treason of its CIA, has used American high technology to construct the Russian and Chinese Air Forces and Navies—for our future invasion. And we American people, preoccupied with sports, entertainment and that most deceptive, Hegelian dialectic between Rome’s CFR-controlled “Republicans and Democrats,” have not considered our danger and therefore are unable to unite for our just and natural defense!—EJP]
“Indeed I never did, I hope I never shall, use any artifice with you to pray you to help us with money for defending ourselves: but if money be needful, I will tell you, “Pray help us with money, that the interest of the Nation may be defended abroad and at home.” I will use no arguments; and thereby will disappoint the artifice of bad men abroad who say, It is for money. Whosoever shall think to put things out of frame upon such a suggestion—For you will find I will be very plain with you before I have done; and that with all love and affection and faithfulness to you and these Nations. [All His Highness has ever sought to do is defend all Protestant Interests of the Commonwealth of Great Britain, both domestically and abroad, from the blood-lust Conspiracy of the Jesuit Papacy fully intending, then and now as a matter of Canon Law, “to extirpate” the Risen Son of God’s beloved Reformation Bible-believing people “from the face of the whole earth.”—EJP]
Thomas Carlyle, Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches: With Elucidations, (London: Chapman and Hall, Ld., 1894), Vol. V of V, pp. 106-112 (and page 242 consulted as to Cromwell’s letter “For the Commanders of the Militia of the City of Gloucester” warning of the plotted invasion of England from Flanders).
End of Part 2 of 4