EJP to Sheik Omar: Uniting Reformed Christians with Muslims Against Jesuit Papacy

Saladin taking Jerusalem, 1187
Saladin taking Jerusalem, 1187

Dear Sheik Omar,

The Jesuit Papacy has one really great fear.  That is, the fear Islamic peoples will finally wake up to the fact that their Masonic leaders are completely in the lap of Rome.  Thus, my purpose in working with Prince Yasser and you is to wake up the Muslim world to the fact that Rome has hired American and European guns (financed by the corrupt Masonic Sunni leaders of Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait) to wage this present Crusade in order to secure and expand the Pope’s Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist Israel) as well as to rebuild the Kingdom of Babylon (from Dubai to Baghdad) under the guise of a “New Sunni Caliphate.” To accomplish this, Mecca and Medina must be destroyed during this American-led, Papal Crusade.  All Arab attention must be redirected by Rome to the rebuilt City of Babylon once Mecca and Medina are in ashes.

Once honest Muslim leaders begin to attack the Jesuit Papacy and its Anglo-American (RIIA-CFR) governments enforcing the Pope’s damnable “Temporal Power,” I will host them on the broadcast to tell their story.   Part of my plan is to fully acquaint the Muslims that they had absolutely NOTHING to do with 911, save the Saudis and Muslim Brotherhood—totally in the arms of the Mother of Harlots in Rome via the Black Pope’s CIA!  Muslims must immediately STOP feeling guilty and STOP being intimated for Knight of Malta Edward Cardinal Egan’s 911 “Pearl Harbor” wickedly blamed on them!  They must stand up and denounce this 911 black-op as a design of Rome to incite Western hatred for all Muslims.  This must be done openly and boldly in a public forum.  If they are called upon to prove their claim, then I will humbly come to their aid at which time the Pope’s CFR press will be unable to logically respond and thus back off and shut its lying, loud mouth.  The O’Reillys, Hannitys, Peter Kings, Laura Ingrams, Ann Coulters and all those papal slaves licking “the slippered toe of the Pope” (as do all Skull and Bonesmen during their initiation in “the Tomb”) cannot refute my information and thus will be put to silence.  Then, the Muslims, once they realize they have been victims of a cruel hoax,  can go on the attack demanding answers to their honest claims while denouncing the papal rule of America.  With the Pope’s CFR/RIIA-controlled press totally unable to give a truthful retort, the Muslims will be further convinced they are right and Rome will begin to shudder.  The Jesuit Papacy is terrified at the possibility that she could lose control of Islam as did the Roman Papacy in 750 AD, which loss of control continued for over 1000 years—until the Order began to regain that control with its Great Avenger, Napoleon Bonaparte I.

Cromwell at Dunbar with His Undefeated Puritan Ironsides, 1650
Cromwell at Dunbar with His Undefeated Puritan Ironsides, 1650

May the Lord bless our work and may He set back the powers of Satan’s Jesuit Papacy in our lifetime.  He has done it before and He can do it again as He is omnipotent.  Saladin, the forerunner of His anti-Jesuit Highness Oliver Cromwell, killed 230 Knights Templars and Knights of Malta when he took Jerusalem from the Knight Templars in 1187 AD.  Hence, the Risen Son of God used Islam to restrain the power of Satan’s Roman Papacy in the Middle East.

Oh, haste the day when a White Protestant and Baptist Army/Navy/Air Force will valiantly fight alongside avenging Muslim Warriors in attacking the strongholds of Rome.  For our common enemy has murdered tens of millions of us over the centuries via the Crusades and accursed “Holy Office of the Inquisition.”  I truly pray we may behold such a sight in our lifetime

“The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion.”

Proverbs 28:1

Lord bless dear Sheik,

Brother Eric



Dear Brother Eric,

Thank you so much for your friendship and information.

I must be brief. I am always praying for you and I hope that you are praying for me. I will a always be eagerly listening to your broadcast.

The information that you have provided to me is astounding, and very thorough, therefore I know it to be True.  My greatest contribution to your work would be to document the inter-relations between the Islamic hierarchy (an abomination in the name of the Prophet) and those of Western Europe and the Papists.  My family were actually Islamic converts going back over ten centuries, so we have much insight into the inner workings of the Faith.

I have extensive information regarding this, and I will get the information to you a soon as possible. Your broadcasts are excellent, and focusing on the nobility and their acts of demonology is important in understanding our enemy.

I feel that we will win in the end, we are already on our way!

Lord Bless Brother Eric.

Sheik Omar

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