Red Chinese Navy: 4,000-Ton Missile Frigate Now off the Coast of Libya

Red Chinese Naval Frigate Off the Coast of Libya, March 21, 2011

As repeated by your Editor for the last ten years, America is to suffer a future Sino-Soviet-Muslim Invasion, North America to be partitioned between the victors.  Therefore, we are not surprised that China has been given a huge economy to surpass the US economy in a mere ten to twelve years.  In order to build a massive military capable of waging war on several international fronts, a nation must have a vibrant and growing commercial economy manufacturing a host of goods.  And what better way to build that infrastructure than to sell its goods to its future martial enemy–the USA!  Yes, the Black Pope’s CFR-controlled government of Rome’s 14th Amendment American Empire has built the Black Pope’s Red Chinese army and navy thanks to the gift of American technology—both commercial and military!


Red Chinese Naval Frigate in Port, Libya, March 21, 2011

For the first time in history, Red China has established a presence in the Mediterranean Sea—as has Iran.  It will continue.  The stage of this unfolding war in the Middle East is being carefully set.  A host of possibilities in realizing the Jesuit Order’s desires for its unfolding mass-murder and reorganization of nations have presented themselves.

May we Americans be reminded that our nation is under judgment primarily for our rejection of the AV1611 Reformation English Bible. WE have banned “The BOOK” from our domestic and foreign policies as well as from our 14th Amendment American government in Washington, it for over a century, spiritually fornicating with that “Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth”—that great city of Rome (Revelation 17:18)

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