EJP Replies to Bruce: Rome’s Labor Zionists and Six Different Kinds of Zionists


Hexagram: Sign of Rome’s Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists

Dear Bruce,

I understand your rage against the Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists, believe me.

A dear married couple who are Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites, whom I personally know, lived in Israel for 15 years.  Both are Messianic Jews in Christ Jesus.  He was a pastor.  They have two children, both formerly in the IDF.

Yet, the Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists controlled by the Talmudic Orthodox Jews working for Rome drove them out of Israel.  They now have a US ministry with the Friends of Israel.

Fred told me the fanatical Orthodox Jews beat down the walls of their little church and the police watched and did nothing.  Israel has an “anti-missionizing law” since 1977 making it a crime to tell lost Jews about the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua.

There is no question, dear Bruce, that the Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist government of Israel is utterly corrupt, completely in the hands of the Jesuit Papacy via Knight of the Equestrian Order/Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos and a few other SMOMs.  But then so are the governments of every nation in the Arab world including the PLO and Hamas.  You know that Peres and Arafat had a partnership in the Israeli telephone company named PALTEL according to Barry Chamish.

Here are a few maxims we must always remember when dealing with the Israel issue:

1.      The racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites have a God-given right to their land to the exclusion of all Arab, Black, White, Hispanic and Asian racial Gentiles (non-Jews).  The Abrahamic Covenant is a racial promise to the physical descendants of Abraham through Isaac, through Jacob, through the 13 tribes.

2.     There is a blessing and a curse pronounced upon individuals and nations in accordance with how they treat the racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites.  We do not want to be under that curse as we presently see Japan for its gift of ONE BILLION dollars to the “Palestinians”—a non-historic nation with no rights to the land whatsoever.

3.     The Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites are no longer under the Mosaic Law since the veil was torn in half at the death of Messiah (Matthew 27:51).  Therefore, no obedience to the Mosaic Law is required in order for the racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites to live in their land.  They are not under the Mosaic Law evidenced by the fact they have had no Hebrew prophet for nearly 2000 years.  National Israel has been set aside “until the fullness of the Gentiles” is completed (Romans 11:25) after which national salvation will come to Israel.

4.     There are six different kinds of “Zionists,” as I covered with Lenny Bloom on one of his broadcasts.  They are 1) the Pope’s Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists presently ruling Israel—Rome’s “Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem;” 2) the anti-Pope Revisionist Zionists led by the late Vladimir Jabotinsky who sought to prevent the Nazi mass-murder of Jews in Poland but was later murdered in Hunter, New York.  His truly nationalistic Irgun was destroyed by Ben-Gurion’s Haganah, now the CIA/German BND-created Mossad; 3) the Pope’s Orthodox Jewish Zionists who claim Israel has no right to exist PRIOR TO the coming of Messiah, which is an utter denial of Joel 3:1, Ezekiel 38:8 and Zechariah 14:1-4.  Clearly there must be a re-gathered Nation of Israel living in a condition of national unbelief prior to the Coming of Messiah in Power to the earth—the Second Coming of Christ; 4) the Arminian Christian Zionists which includes the vast majority of Baptists and other men such as 33rdDegree Freemason Billy Graham and John Hagee.  These “Christians” support both the government of Israel and the Talmudic Orthodox Jews (which are evil, clearly in the lap of Rome) as well as the right of the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitish people to live in their land of promise (which is good, according to Genesis 15:18; 12:1-3).  I used to be one of these Arminian Christian Zionists; 5) the Calvinist Christian Zionists (which includes myself and other Christian men) who know the government of Israel is ruled by the Jesuit Papacy, the Nation now governed by the evil predecessors of Israel’s future leaders called “scornful men” (Isaiah 28:14) who will be ruling Israel during the future 70 week of years as foretold in Daniel 9:27.  Thus, we abhor the present government of Israel—Rome’s Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem—but we defend the right of the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites to live in their land of promise; 6) the Lord Jesus Christ/Yeshua Messiah Himself, he being the foremost Zionist bringing peace and final comfort to Zion yet in the future (Isaiah 40:1-2, 9-11).

5.     The participation of Rome’s Israeli government and Mossad in the Lavon Affair, the attack on the USS Liberty and 911 were all ordered by the Jesuit Order’s International Intelligence Community leaders in Rome.  The attack on the USS Liberty was completely backed by Masonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor and serial adulterer President Lyndon B. Johnson who wanted that “god—–“ ship sunk to the bottom of the ocean.  The dancing Israelis on top of a van in New Jersey right after 911, and the Israeli company involved with the WTC were both controlled by Rome via Jewish Freemasons and the CFR, so as to provide a visible connection to Israel in order to justify a future nationwide rage against the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites living in the US.  That day will surely come when the White fascists come to power.

6.     As to the killing of Arab men, women and children who are primarily Muslims avowing the destruction of Israel, this is unfortunate, but do not the fanatical Arab Muslims mass-murder Israeli men, women and children?  As I have said, all this would stop if Rome did not continue to perpetuate the Arab Muslim presence in Israel.  Now if those Arabs in Israel (though enjoying the highest standard of living of any Arab people) seek to leave the country, they are persecuted and driven back to Israel by the very Arab Muslims claiming to be their “brothers.”  Did not the Pope’s Masonic Muslim King Hussein kill tens of thousands of Arab Muslim “Palestinians” in Jordan during the Black September Massacre of September, 1970?  Did not the Emir of Kuwait (another serial adulterer), upon his return to the country after the First Gulf War, beat and drive all “Palestinians” back to Israel to continue the Israeli-Arab agitation of Rome?   Did not Lebanon refuse to assimilate the Arab Muslim “Palestinians” but rather keeps them in “refugee camps?”  Does not Saudi Arabia utterly hate the Arab Muslim “Palestinians” never helping them to resettle in Arab countries?  Clearly both the Pope’s government of Israel and all surrounding Arab governments utterly refuse to solve the problem.  And anyone proposing the right solution, that is repatriation to Arab Muslim nations, is killed outright—men like Rabbi Kahane.  The death of Arab civilians is not just the fault of the Israeli government: every Arab Muslim government is to share the blame as all these wicked governments are ruled by the Jesuit Papacy.  And woe be to the Arab leader who seeks to be at peace with Israel: he will be killed outright by Rome’s Intelligence Community as was Anwar Sadat—murdered by Rome’s Muslim Brotherhood in control of the Egyptian military.

7.     Indeed, the Rothschilds are ruled by Rome and intermarry with the Ten Noble Roman families advising the Jesuit Council of the Black Pope.  The wealth of the Rothschilds is as nothing compared to the Farnese, Chigi, Colonna, etc.,  families now ruling all the currencies and gold hordes.

8.     Indeed, Greenspan, Chertoff, Bernanke, Geithner (?), Madoff and all these wicked “Court Jews” of Rome have robbed us blind.  But remember that Greenspan is a Knight of the British Empire subject to Rome; Chertoff is a Knight of Malta; and Geithner is also a Knight of Malta who refused to save the Jewish Lehman Brothers with a $65 million bond that would have saved the market ONE TRILLION Dollars according to Goldman Sachs guru Jim Cramer.  Also remember that “Court Jew” Richard Fuld, the CEO of Lehman was also a member of the CFR and thus a party to the plot to bring down Lehman loaded with Jewish Money.  Let us not also forget that all the six banking beneficiaries of the “bailout” were controlled by the Jesuits via Knights of Malta including Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup.  Do not forget the current robbery perpetrated by Kolberg, Kravis and Roberts Chairman, Henry Kravis—the controller of the corrupt First Data credit card monstrosity raping merchants every day with their hidden charges concealed on monthly statements that no merchant can read.  This racial Jew Henry Kravis is a Roman Catholic and a Knight of Malta—just like Abraham Foxman leading the wicked ADL also creating anti-Jewish fury here in the US.

Thus, there is a good Zionism (#5 above), but it is the abject enemy of the Jesuit Papacy’s Labor Zionists and will never be allowed to come to power—unless God intervenes with a righteous Gentile nation honoring His Word and everlasting promise to the racial sons of Jacob.  That is one of my goals in founding our new White Protestant and Baptist nation of “ProBaptiCal.”

I trust this helps.

Lord bless,

Brother Eric



I couldn’t stop thinking about about the e-mail I sent you yesterday.  That Genesis 12:7 reference may or may not mean what I think it means.

I am simply sick about all the brutal killing of men, women, and children by those twisted Israelis.  THEY are evil!  And, the twisted murdering creeps all call themselves Zionists.

I get so angry just thinking about these evil Israelis role in the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty, and 911, coupled with their constant need to murder and destroy.

Yes, I realize there are some good people in Israel who may have some form of Zionist Nationalistic Pride, perhaps in their Olympic athletic program or something else constructive, but for the most part, when I think of Zionism, I think about the Jesuit controlled Rothschilds lying, cheating, stealing, and murdering to establish that evil nation.

I think about that hideous looking Alan Greenspan, Michael Chertoff, and all those Zionist Jews on Wall Street who have robbed us blind.

So, I hope you will forgive me when I get a little upset with you for saying anything positive about Zionism.

I guess a baby born as the result of a violent rape can be regarded as positive too.  I just don’t like it.

Regardless, I do think you are fantastic 99.999% of the time.

I love you like a brother,




I have a problem with the Zionists in Israel abusing the Arabs in Palestine.

Genesis 12:7 reads, “And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, “Unto thy seed will I give this land…

Are you sure that none of the Arabs being abused, murdered, and kicked out of their homes by these evil Zionists are not the seed of Abraham too?

Yes.  The Arabs consider themselves to be the seed of Ishmael, not of Isaac.

The way I see it is the way Myron Fagan and Ben Freedman tell it.  The Satanic Rothschilds, most probably assisted by the Jesuits, lied about the SS Sussex to get the USA involved in WWI so Great Britain would have to honor their deal with the Zionists and steal the land, where Israel is today, from the folks living there, give it to the Rothschilds so they could have their state of Israel.
Both Fagan and Freedman were loyal to Rome.  Freedman was indeed a Roman Catholic Jew and traitor to his people.
It pains me when I hear you say that Zionism is somehow good.  There is nothing Biblical about murdering, stealing, and manufacturing a living Hell for these Palestinian people.
I answered this above.
Most of these people in this area of the world, label them any way you choose, have some claim to Abraham’s seed.  The land we call the state of Israel belongs to all of these folks, not just the Zionist murderers who call themselves Jews.  Remember, Hitler called himself a Christian (Roman Catholic).

Disagreed.  See above.
Jews love God and practice the religion of Judaism.  None of these Zionists love God and practice Judaism.  It is precisely the same as saying that Hitler loved God and practiced Roman Catholicism.  It’s all a load of poop!
No one loves God unless they love his Son.  This eliminates all unsaved Jews, Muslims and Roman Catholics from the list of those who “love God.”
I wish you would stop saying that Zionism is somehow good.  It is not good.  There is nothing good about it.  It is absolutely disgraceful.  You simply confuse matters when you say it is good in any way.  Henry Ford really had it right in his book The International Jew.  These folks don’t need their own separate little country in the middle east.  They rule the roost wherever they are.  They are truly independent and international people.
33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Henry Ford worked for the Jesuits.  The Jesuits of Detroit wrote The International Jew, not Ford.
Another thing you said made me very uncomfortable.  You said Felix Larkin and Montagu Norman, two gentile bankers, were far wealthier than the Rothschilds.

Both Norman and Larkin were Gentile Knights of Malta.
How do you know this?  Is everyone else wrong about the Rothschilds?  Aren’t they the wealthiest family in the world?

Research and private sources.  Yes, they are wrong, as blaming the Rothschilds as the source for the money power is both unbiblical and not grounded in true history.  This blaming the Rothschilds and thus all Jews is a Papal maxim championed by Pope Innocent III.  Have you read my book?

The more I study, the more it appears that the Zionists, folks only pretending to be God loving Jews, are the folks running virtually everything.  Eric, I am still on your team, accepting the idea that the Jesuits are the Zionist puppet masters,  but it sure appears that the Zionists are calling most of the shots.

See above comments on the Pope’s Labor Zionists.

These Zionists appear to be nothing more than the Jesuits’ Mobsters.  I wish you would stop saying that Zionism was good in any way.  It simply shakes my confidence in you.

I still love you like a brother.


Lord bless,

Brother Eric

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