A Very Erudite Message from Brother Bjorn, a Jamaican Black Brother in-Christ

To the reader:
Please remember that English is not Brother Bjorn’s native language. Look to the spirit of his writing.
Dear Brother Bjorn,
I do believe the Jesuit Order running the re-programming mind-control in the USSR and Red China are able to so traumatize an individual so as to then be enabled to reprogram that man. Jesuit Hollywood’s movie trilogy titled The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum make this clear. The only bulwark against the success of the program is the Word of God memorized in the heart and mind of the victim. This, it has been proven, the Order’s Communist inquisitors cannot overcome.
Your Editor
To Mr. Eric Jon Phelps,
With Respect to God and Jesus Christ, I write on this issue to you.
Proverbs 4 vs 7, “Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom,and with all thy getting get understanding.”
The propose of Education is to bring out understanding with oneself by reading the Bible loving God words an Accepts Jesus Christ, has our Authority on Earth by the power of Holy Spirit. The principle: We Christian men and women love and knew is the truth, for the time Reformation Christian Nations, were the Greatest educated, Scientific,Technological an Agricultural nations in the world. South America, Central America nations never achieved this. Nor the Socialize Communist Atheist U.S.S.R, their technological 80% come form the Western nation Primary USA. The irony is the communist Nations are thought to hate God and Christ,Christian nations, yet depend on these nations for their life hood. I read of the Murder of General George Patton, Christian man of Principle, by Joseph Stalin. Patton wanted save 28500 American, British soldiers for being kidnapped sent to Russian Gulags. The Kidnapped continue in Germany cold war there ,during the Korean war ,President Eisenhower is quoted has saying he will not pay for the Korean war U S p.o.w. held after the war nor risk war with USSR. The Practice of Kidnapping continued in Vietnam war. U S Pow where sent to USSR Gulag, Russian late president Boris Yeltsin, is refer to U S A prisoners in Russia living there today to NBC news journalist. Nothing was done to save them or contact them, it was forgotten by the main press for these soldiers who were brainwashed, experimented on by the Communists. My Question to you Mr. Phelps: these kidnappings look to be training practice for communist instructors to control population in brainwashing technique, to erase the person mind from where he come from. Do you agree that there is technology out there to erase a persons mind? I hope not, but it seems that these technology of erase minds exist. It takes a Strong-willed men of God and Jesus Christ,to resist these Experiments. Many Christian soldiers payed with their life in Russian Gulag, so has not to be lost their soul and body to Devil.
With thank to God and Jesus Christ will on his Earth i give thanks God Blessed.
Brother Bjorn