Majority Black Savagery Continues Unabated in Apostate Protestant White America

As you know, your Editor distinguishes between the Majority Savage Blacks and the Minority Civil Blacks—many of whom are my brethren in Christ Jesus. Further, as you know, whenever a White man attempts to deal objectively with the topic of Majority Savage Black-on-White or Black-on-Hispanic crime, he runs the rise of being labeled a “hateful racist” in addition to being a KKK-er or “White Supremacist.” But your Editor will not be shouted-down with these pathetic, epithetic ad hominem attacks, the vast majority of White and Black men being utterly terrified to address the subject.
Continuing: as per the article below, 28 Majority Savage Black beasts, raised by their fornicating mothers due to seventy-percent of all Black American births being illegitimate, committed this gang rape. Yes, these animalistic Black bastards (for they act like “animals” and are indeed “bastards,” they having no legitimate fathers) have perpetrated yet another unspeakable crime, this time against an 11-year old Hispanic girl.
May they reap what they have sown!
To read the full article, see here!