Gov. & Labor Unions Attacking Tea Party Furthers Jesuit Order’s Quest for Fascism

Unions versus Tea Party, 2011

In seeking to honestly understand the reporting of the Pope’s CFR-controlled “news,” your Editor must submit to Two Irrefutable Maxims that, if seriously permitted, will shape immovable conclusive deductions: the Word of God (the AV1611 Reformation English Bible) and True History.  Without these Two Indispensable Landmarks to guide a serious seeker of truth through the labyrinth of calculated deceptions— “a bodyguard of lies”—rife throughout the historical record of the last five hundred years, we cannot know what is about to unfold here in apostate Protestant North America.  Could it be this is the reason neither subject is taught in the nation’s public schools any longer?

To begin with, the Word of God gives us the knowledge of the Holy and Most High One God Whose habitation is “Holiness.” We learn of His Triune Godhead, He referring to Himself as “Us,” They being the Persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  We learn of His attributes, first His Holiness and secondly His Love; for what the Father’s Holiness demanded to realize the propitiation of the sins of His Elect as well as the sins of the World, His Love provided in the willing sacrifice of the death of His beloved Son.  We also learn that God, in the here-and-now, actively rewards individuals and nations for their works, be those works good or evil.  And we learn that there comes a time when a nation becomes so evil, actively and unabashedly opposing His divine institutions and decrees, that He must either punish or destroy that nation by His means including national disasters, civil war, domestic tyrants or invading foreign armies.


Tea Party versus Unions: Washington against Obama

This brings us to America.  It began with the persecutions of the Rome in the Old World.  For two hundred years White Anglo-Saxon Protestants and Baptists were relentlessly persecuted first by the Jesuit Papacy, then, in a lesser degree, by the Anglican Church infiltrated by the bloodthirsty sons of Loyola.  As a result, thirteen North American Colonies were founded and at the time of our glorious Calvinist American Revolution (1775-1783), all of the Colonists were White (to the exclusion of 500,000 Negro Slaves forcibly put upon us by the Jesuits running the slave trade).  Of these colonists, 2.5 million were Protestant and Baptist Calvinists while only 30,000 Roman Catholics, overseen by 24 priests, had settled mostly in Maryland.  We had a Presbyterian-Calvinist Constitution and a Baptist-Calvinist Bill of Rights.  The Jesuits had been suppressed and extinguished by the pope; American Freemasonry had not been penetrated by the Order’s Illuminati; and the Papacy was under “ex-Jesuit” attack, in time, exploding into the French Revolution and the subsequent Napoleonic Wars.  Truly “These Confederated United Sovereign States of America” was a New World Order: no Jesuits, no papal Temporal Power; AV1611 Bibles in most households; no foreign entanglements; universal gun ownership and most of all, Bible-believing preachers that were active in pointing out the sins of governmental leaders.  America was the closest thing to “heaven on earth” in the history of Man, save for Israel under King Solomon during his early reign.

Tea Party against Obama, San Francisco

But Satan would not permit such a nation to continue if permitted to have his way.  So, with the consent of the Risen Son of God, the devil used his Jesuit Order and King George III to foment the War of 1812, yet failed in his quest of destroying the Lord’s little, Bible-based, Calvinist Republic.  So, in the passing of 45 years, he incited another war, this time the sanguine War of Northern Aggression (1861-65).  Satan’s enterprise was crowned with success, he succeeding in his Great Conspiracy.  In 1868 the devil’s Company of Jesus triumphed by its lawless imposition of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, “reversing the origin and character” of American citizenship, making national citizenship “paramount and dominant” while reducing State citizenship as being “subordinate and derivative.” In short, a new citizenship created a new nation, which nation in fact, became a new Papal Empire, a consolidated “Holy Roman” Empire of once Sovereign States devolving around an all-powerful, Romish capital city—the very evil our White Protestant Southern Confederacy sought to prevent at the cost of untold blood, sweat, tears, heartbreak and treasure.  Why the triumph of evil? because the Church of God had become lukewarm and apostate, loving commercial success more than the God and Father of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ who used His beloved Baptist-Calvinist George Washington to give us our late Calvinist Republic.  Additionally, because the five Southern States that refused to end the Men-stealing Slave Trade at the behest of Jefferson in 1776, they would have to suffer the most in the war—Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.  Northerners and Southerners reaped what we had sown: we had sown to the wind only to reap the whirlwind.

Tea Party Movement, Washington DC, 2010

From this moment forward, Washington, D.C. was in the lap of Rome; the Pope’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, Socialist-Communist, Corporate-Cartel-Fascist American Empire was in the lap of Rome; every State Capital was in the lap of Rome; and Rome’s boast that when America would rule the world, the Pope would rule the world, would come to pass.  Plotting to create an Empire of the West “from sea to shining sea,” the Company of Jesus ruling from Georgetown University launched the Indian Wars.  They would span 25 years, from 1865 to 1890, and, under the argus eye of Jesuit Pierre De Smet advising his supreme commander of the Yankee “Union” Army of the Empire, Roman Catholic Philip Sheridan would lead in the mass-murder and subjugation of the savage American Indians—they too reaping what they had sown in the idolatrous worship of the demonic host of heaven.


Tea Party Movement, Washington DC, 2010

By 1901, the entire American Empire, from New York City to San Francisco, was clearly under Jesuit rule.  Masonic Emperor Theodore “Rex” Roosevelt, via the Order’s assassination of “heretic” President William McKinley, had assumed command under the supervision of Archbishop of Baltimore, James Cardinal Gibbons—the first “American Pope.” The Order’s “Robber Barons” created its central bank, the Federal Reserve System, to finance the Pope’s Crusades (via unlimited credit without collateral) and to build the Military Industrial Complex of the Empire.  The Black Pope’s papal knights, working together with Illuminized Freemasons, tied the Empire together with the railroads, commerce being the foundation for this Masonic Empire of War.  The Order created its steel manufacturing colossus, mechanized the army, and invented novel weapons in preparation for the opening salvo of the Black Pope’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945), that salvo being World War I—fanatically backed by Cardinal Gibbons and his Knights of Columbus.  Again, why this triumph of evil? because Protestant and Baptist Churches further departed from the old paths, Rome’s American Standard Version of the Bible (1901) began to be embraced by the seduced people of God.  Additionally, because of Congress’s refusal to address the Jesuit Order’s assassination of Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley, Washington (District of Catholics) would be an ever more powerful tool for the use of the Vatican in Rome.

Tea Party Attacked by Union Workers, 2011

In command of their consolidated American Empire and with Washington (District of Criminals) and all State capitols occupied by both Gentile and Jewish Masonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors, the only roadblock left to remove was White Protestant and Baptist American manhood that was vehemently nationalistic.  Thus, this American patriotic White manhood (particularly Southern White manhood), while it was being destroyed, would be used to destroy the manhood of White Protestant Germany whose Protestant Second German Reich founded by Prince Bismarck was a stench in the nostrils of the damnable Pope of Rome.  The Vatican could never have a revived “Holy Roman Empire” as long as there existed Germany’s Protestant Reich centered in Protestant Berlin and White Protestant Prussia.  So Rome used her “Holy Roman” American Empire to destroy the German Second Reich and Protestant German people.  Why the triumph of evil? because Protestant Germany/Prussia had become apostate, departing from Luther’s Bible favoring Rome’s pro-Jerome’s Latin Vulgate “Critical German Text.”  Because of this departure from the Word of God, Germany fell for Hitler’s line blaming the Jews for “stabbing Germany in the back” at the close of the Great War; that the Jews ran the press, entertainment and banking; and that if “the Jewish Question” (agitated by the Jesuits since 1880) was solved via deportation or mass-death, all would be well in Germany.  The Black Pope’s Roman Catholic Nazi Third Reich, originating in Roman Catholic Munich and financed by Washington and London, brought the death of the Risen Son of God’s Protestant Reformation in Germany, the heart and soul of Protestant Western Civilization without which there could never have been a Constitutional Republic of Sovereign States of America—Never!  Both Americans and Germans reaped the whirlwind!

Labor Unionists Against Tea Party, 2011

After the Crusade, the Company of Jesus created its Cold War Hoax.  The Pope’s USSR was in shambles, over 30 million Orthodox Russians lay dead (“for the greater glory of God!”), no manufacturing base could be found and the country was broken, living on American Lend-Lease funds and supplies.  Masonic Stalin’s hellhole of the USSR was never a threat to the US under Masonic Truman.  (Both dictators were Lodge Brothers working for Rome!)  But the Hoax was perpetrated “to fight communism” so as to justify the evacuation of tens of thousands of Nazis out of Europe into the US for the building of a huge, technologically advanced Military Industrial Complex—not to be used against the Russians, but to be used against Islam as well as American citizens in a future day after the formal ending of the Cold War Hoax at Malta!  And why this triumph of evil? because American Protestant and Baptist Christian men had finally departed from their AV1611 English Reformation Bibles; joined Rome’s World Council of Churches/National Council of Churches; permitted the governmental theft of their gold and silver coins via Rome’s Masonic FDR and Masonic LBJ; submitted to the rulings of the Masonic Warren Court that abolished Bible-reading and prayer in the “accursed” Common Schools of America; laid down for the Court’s legalization of abortion, interracial marriage and forced integration of the public schools; and continued to fight Cardinal Spellman’s crusades in Korea and Vietnam against the Buddhists (i.e., “fighting godless communism!”).  Once again, having sown to the wind, we Americans reaped the whirlwind—and few were aware of this national judgment!

Firefighters’ Union opposing Tea Party

This brings us to our present headline.  Rome’s Cold War Hoax is now over.  The president of “the Russian Federation” kisses the ring of that Antichrist in Rome—an act of submission to which many a Russian communist would never stoop in his wildest dreams!  (Your Editor’s Communist paternal grandmother would roll over in her grave if she knew KGB Putin kissed the ring of Benedict XVI!)  Overnight, the new enemy is now Islam, particularly Shia Islam—that old enemy of Rome’s Sunni Muslims.  For the last thirty or forty years, the Jesuit-ruled, American Office of Immigration has facilitated the arrival and settlement of these fanatical, intolerant Muslims (both Shia and Sunni)—they being nothing more than intolerant Roman Catholics of color!  Clearly the American peoples are to unite against this “Fifth Column” created by the Jesuit Papacy now within our borders.

Tea Party Movement Against Obama, 2010

But there are yet more visible enemies created by the Jesuit Order—the illustrious, military, praetorian guard of the Papal Caesar of Rome! The Sodomites, with their radical and violent homosexual movement, are a second enemy of the “straight,” White working man of once Middle Class America.  There are the alien invading Roman Catholic Mexicans, Roman Catholic Central Americans and Roman Catholic South Americans (in addition to Arab Muslims) streaming across our southern borders, this unpunished criminal activity having occurred for the last thirty years with the blessing of the Jesuit Order’s Kino Initiative in Arizona!  There are the Black Pope’s Cartel-Corporate Capitalists on Wall Street—the Knights of Malta ruling the paramount banking and finance houses—who deprived the American people of over three Trillion dollars with the blessing of both Bush and Obama!

Tea Party beaten by Labor Unionists, 2011

But now a new enemy is unfolding for the robbed, raped, pillaged and murdered White males of the once prosperous White Middle Class born out of the White Protestant Reformation.  That enemy is Socialist-Communism—and it is indeed a real enemy; for we Americans have lived under this thieving system since the days of apostate Protestant, Masonic Socialist-Communist Franklin Delano Roosevelt advised by Roman Catholic Knight of Malta/Georgetown University Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh!  Leading the charge is the baptized Roman Catholic turned Mormon, Fox News Crusader Glenn Beck.  The socialist-communist target is now the Labor Unions, stoutly Roman Catholic, stoutly joined at the hip to the socialist-communist Democratic Party, and rabidly violent presently inflicting assaults on Tea Party activists.  Yes, the order has come down: Rome’s Socialist-Communist Union members of the Democratic Party must attack Rome’s Socialist-Fascist Tea Party demonstrators so as to create SYMPATHY for the Tea Party Movement—a “New Right” White Fascist work in progress!

Obama and Biden: To Build Tea Party Movement, 2008

And this is going to continue.  Every congressional act signed into law by Socialist-Communist Mulatto Barry Davis Obama overseen by his White master, Jesuit Joe Biden, BUILDS the Tea Party Movement—to the delight of the Jesuits running Fox (“Faux”) News!  Every act of violence perpetrated against Tea Party members BUILDS the Tea Part Movement.  Every broadcast of “conservative” Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hanity, Laura Ingram and Mike Huckabee BUILDS the Tea Party Movement.  Every speech of apostate Baptist, Bohemian Grover, Roman Catholic Newt Gingrich and Mormon Mit Romney BUILDS the Tea Party Movement.  Thus, we should not be surprised to see a future Republican ticket with Tea Party Gingrich running for president and Tea Party Romney running for vice president—uniting the apostate White Protestants and Baptists with the White Roman Catholics along with the White Mormons—another damnable “works salvation” religion founded by Rome via her American Jesuit Pierre De Smet!  Yes, observe all the newer commercials hosted by White Mormons who are successful businessmen!  This is to breakdown all resistance by Protestants and Baptists to Rome’s Mormon Mit Romney!

Newt Gingrich and Mit Romney, 2010

In conclusion, when the “New Right” Tea Party Movement places Gingrich and Romney in the Vaginal “Oval Office” of the Virgin Mary in Rome’s Jesuit Andrew White House on the Potomac, every vestige of Socialist-Communism will be eliminated.  The Socialist-Communist Labor Unions are finished—for they, don’t you know, are responsible for all the manufacturing industries movement into Mexico and China.  Rome’s wicked “Free Trade” G20 Summit in Toronto can never be blamed, without which sinister “Free Trade” we could lay excises and imposts on imports thus protecting our domestic manufacturers and working men and women!  Oh no, never mention that!

Tea Party portrayed as Nazi by Wisconsin Unionists, 2011

And the last Socialist-Communist target to go is—the racial Jew!  Yes, the true purpose of the anti-Socialist-Communist Tea Party Movement is to ultimately get to the North American Jew!  Indeed, the majority of American Jews are Socialist-Communists!  They voted for Socialist-Communist Barry Davis Obama while the rich, racial Jews work for the Order’s White Gentile Cartel-Capitalists—who build Socialist-Communism!  (Even Rome’s John Birch Society proclaims this truth!)  And this is how the Jesuit Order is going to justify the roundup of all North American Jews.  The Jewish leaders are, for the most part, anti-White, pro-Black, socialist-communists—but they would never live in a Black community mind you!  And why will this evil triumph?  Because they will reap what they have sown!  And in this crucible of National Judgment, the curse of Genesis 12:1-3 will be placed upon the Bible-rejecting, White American people (in addition to all other races) whose nation, after the smoke clears, will resemble post-war Germany!

Preaching Repentance and the True Gospel of Christ to the Pope of Rome, 1845

God help us to repent and turn once again to the God of our White Protestant and Baptist fathers before we, their degenerate sons and citizens of this condemned American Empire, its military having restored the Pope’s Temporal Power around the world for the last 100 years, reap the whirlwind.  For that whirlwind will be Civil War (communist Democrats against fascist Republicans)/Race War (Whites against Blacks/Hispanics) /Holy War (“Christians” of every stripe against Muslims), Martial Law, Domestic Tyranny, Concentration Camps, Foreign War, Governmental Betrayal of our armed forces overseas, Military Defeat, and finally Foreign Invasion with a Partitioning of the Empire at the hands of the Russians, Red Chinese and Arab Muslims—with the blessing of the Pope of Rome!

Update: To review a most accurate article detailing Obama/Biden’s destruction of America (purposed to justify the rise of Jesuit fascism), see Dr. Michael S. Coffman’s “All Out War on America” here.

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