Video Series: Roman Catholic Church—Mother of Corrupt Bible Versions, 1 of 9
What an excellent series put together by a White American AV1611 Bible-believing Man of God! Its thrust is to prove the Jesuit Order is behind every Bible version (perversion) since 1881 in the Order’s quest of destroying the White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestant Reformation. Please take the time in viewing all nine videos, guaranteed to inspire you, anger you and, at the end, bring you to tears. Covering such topics as the Reformation, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, the Greek Received Text, the AV1611, Counter Reformation, Ignatius Loyola, the Jesuits, Jerome’s Latin Vulgate, Rheims-Douay false bible, Council of Trent, Gunpowder Plot, heretic apostates Westcott and Hort, English Revision Committee of 1871-1881 which altered the AV1611 in over 30,000 places and which secret Greek Text deviated from the Received Text in 5,788 places (which lawless revision committee assembled under the reign and with the blessing of Jesuitess Queen Victoria who killed over 100,000 British White men during the wicked, anti-Protestant Boer Wars), the NIV false bible which copyright is owned by Knight of St. Gregory, Rupert Murdoch—owner Zondervon Press and Fascist Fox News (Murdoch also publishing Anton LeVey’s Satanic Bible), and many other subjects make this a classic for every Pastor, Bible-teacher and Christian School.