M.P.’s Report: Mulatto Obama Surrounded by White Jesuit Masters

Mulatto Obama in the Vaginal Oval Office of the Virgin Mary with his White Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Advisers, 2011
Hispanic Brother-in-Christ M.P. has provided another irrefutable post proving Mulatto Barry Davis Obama is merely the creature of White Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors. These White Devils (rightly named by the murdered Malcolm X) serving the Pope are “hell-bent” on driving the Whites of the American Empire (1868-Present) into the “New Right,” Knight of Malta-backed Jesuit Fascism via the Tea Party Movement (having arisen out of many legitimate grievances) to be led by the likes of Roman Catholic Bohemian Grover and Apostate Baptist, Newt Gingrich!
See M.P.’s post here!