EJP to Brother Thomas: Jesuit Oversight of Second Thirty Years’ War, 1914-1945
Dear Brother Thomas,
This is only part of the story.
The Jesuits, via the Knights of Malta (as well as by Illuminized Scottish-Rite/Grand Orient Freemasonry), controlled Great Britain, Germany, Russia, France, Italy, Japan and America. All the leaders of those nations worked together to realize World War II—the second act of the Black Pope’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945). The Jesuits, in control of the Anglo-American empires via Washington and London, created the Axis Powers as well as the Allied Powers, which Powers worked together at the top for the entire duration of this 11th Papal Crusade. During that horrible thirty years the Protestant British Empire was nearly destroyed; the Protestant German Second Reich was destroyed; the Lutherans of Germany were decimated; the Russian Orthodox Church and Romanov dynasty was conquered and submitted to Rome; over 50 million Russian Orthodox “heretic” Christians were murdered (from the Bolshevik Revolution, to Stalin’s Purges, to Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa, to Stalin’s reckless and insane invasion of Germany; historic Protestant Churches in Germany and the Netherlands were bombed and destroyed; the Eurasian Jews of the historic “Pale of Settlement” were “terminated” by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors Hitler and Stalin—Rome’s Twin Pincers—working together (Stalin never opposing Hitler when the Jews of Belarus were rounded up, shot and buried in mass graves by the SS), etc. If you read my Chapter 37 in VAIII, all of this is detailed—-in about 150 pages.
As to Orthodox Russia and her Russian Orthodox Knights of Malta—the same Military Order of which Len Horowitz is now a member—, here is the truth. The Jesuits, using their Russian “Tongue” of the Knights of Malta, persecuted the Jews in Russia via SMOM Alexander III as well as SMOM Nicholas II. The Pogroms incited anti-Czarist fury among the Russian Jews because of their terrible suffering. The mold is now set: it is the Jews—many of them (playing into the trap) becoming Communist Bolsheviks—versus the Czar and Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, head of the Orthodox Church who also secretly directed the pogroms. (This is why Tikhon the Patriarch was never killed by Stalin and his Bolsheviks! He was a party to the plot!) These pogroms began by blaming the Jews for the Jesuit/Anarchist assassination of the beloved, anti-Jesuit, “heretic and liberal” Czar Alexander II in 1881 (of which only one insignificant Jew was involved). Persecutions continued to the pogrom of 1905 (the bloodiest pogrom in Russian history) overseen by Nicholas II.
With the building of the Bolsheviks, via London’s Fabian Socialists (ruled by the Jesuits), the propaganda began to be spread asserting there was an “International Jewish Conspiracy” to overthrow the Czar then to consummate in a world government under “Judah.” The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were written by Jesuits in France (just prior to the Dreyfus Affair in 1890) and served as the backdrop of the Order’s Mein Kampf later to be attributed to Hitler—who only read newspapers and never wrote any book! Count Spiridovich would also contribute to the furor with his The Secret World Government Or “The Hidden Hand” published in 1926 seemingly validating Mein Kampf.
When the Jesuits brought the 300 Jews of New York City over to Russia who then openly led the Revolution in 1917 via Jews Trotsky and Lenin, the Czar and his Knights ruling the Russian secret police (Okhrana) secretly aided the Bolsheviks in their overthrow of the government. Secret Police members joined the inquisitional Cheka, later the Soviet NKVD, which, during WWII was given training and technology by Knight of Malta Wild Bill Donovan’s OSS—to further enslave the “heretic” Russian Orthodox people with the KGB. Nicholas was secreted out of the country, his death faked (see The File on the Tzar), and the Knights were formally expelled in 1917, the Grand Master “fleeing” to Paris. Without the aid of the Jesuit Order’s Russian Knights of Malta protected by the Czar, there could have been no successful Bolshevik Revolution! Knight of Malta King George V and Knight of Malta Czar Nicholas II were cousins! working together to the end of a successful communist revolution overseen by the Jesuits. In 1922 Shriner Freemason President Warren G. Harding gave 60 million dollars in aid to the Bolsheviks, and that same year Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh from Washington’s Georgetown University arrived in Moscow, he to “negotiate” with the Bolsheviks on behalf of the Vatican for two years. What a cover story! In that “negotiation” Walsh appointed Stalin to be the Secretary of the Communist Party and “Koba” remained so until the day he was poisoned in March of 1953. Indeed, both monarchs of Britain and Russia worked together to ensure a successful Bolshevik Revolution—which, in the words of Walsh, was the single most important event since the fall of the Roman Empire in 476. Why? Because the Order used its Communist Bolshevik Jews to conquer “the Third Rome”—Moscow! At the same time, the Order ignited anti-Jewish fury across Europe which let to Hitler’s ultimate reign of terror.

Jesuit Superior General Wladimir Ledochowski, 1915-1942; Master of the Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945)
Now the Jesuit Papacy had it all: Rome, Constantinople, Moscow, London, Tokyo, Washington, Paris and Berlin. Remember, this Bolshevik Revolution occurred during the Black Pope’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945), the Jesuit “Knights of the Virgin Mary” conquering and to conquer. The Order would also destroy the Islamic Ottoman Empire via England (the Sultan and King secretly working together as not a shot was fired when Freemasonic Crusader General Allenby entered Jerusalem in 1917) conquer Arabia, take control of the Mosques of Mecca and Medina, and create its “oil bonanza” for the purpose of financing the rebuilding of Babylon via the American Knights of Malta running Standard Oil of California via Knight John McCone. (McCone was later the Director of the CIA and participated in the JFK assassination and cover-up). This was the real purpose for enthroning the Order’s fanatical, Wahhabi-Islamic Saudi dynasty in 1932 (King Ibn Saud advised by English Knight of Malta Sir John Philby), the dynasty to be removed in the near future.
It is this same unified Jesuit Power over national rulers of today that will oversee and direct the presidents, kings and dictators of the world to work in tandem for the military defeat, invasion and partition of apostate Protestant/apostate Baptist, Roman Catholic-dominated North America within the next 50 years. The Black Pope’s Unified International Intelligence Community will direct the decisions of the American politicians and military generals to this horrible end. And no one will know how it happened unless they have first acquired this understanding of 20th century, Jesuit-directed history.
Lord bless,
Brother Eric
Click here: The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor
So I read in the above article url, “One of the biggest public relations hoaxes ever perpetrated by the British Crown, is that King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1938, due to his support for the Nazis, was a “black sheep,” an aberration in an otherwise unblemished Windsor line. Nothing could be further from the truth. The British monarchy, and the City of London’s leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Führer’s election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain’s planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia.”
So was this to overthrow the Byzantine knights that were in Russia? I’m trying to find out why Russia was such a target and have been a target of Catholic and worldwide propaganda for all these years.
brother Eric, have you covered this? i believe I remember you mentioning that Russians were also betrayed by the leader of Russia at that time. Stalin I think it was.
Craig, do you have a comment? I’m trying to sort this all out here and looking for some input.