Agenda: Grinding America Down: The Order’s CFR/Socialist-Communist Conspiracy

Agenda: Grinding America Down, 2010

Here is yet another video, a trailer for Agenda: Grinding American Down, documenting the socialist-communist takeover of America—the Pope’s CFR/CIA-controlled, “Holy Roman” Corporate-Fascist, Socialist-Communist American Empire (1868-Present).  Two of Rome’s most loyal, occult, White fascists are featured in this trailer, they being John Stormer (a noted historian for the Pope’s “anti-communist” John Birch Society) and Phyllis Schlafly, a Dame of Malta!

As all of your Editor’s readers are aware, the endgame for America is Jesuit Fascism as the plotted response to the Black Pope’s thieving, socialist-communist (pro-Black, pro-Hispanic, anti-White) domestic and foreign policies.  American Whites, in general, and of every religious stripe, are to be driven to desperation via these calculated, socialist-communist policies.  All of these terrible realities imposed for the last 50 years (1960-2010) against the will of American White people, in general, are going to be blamed on all American Blacks, Hispanics and Jews, in general, as plotted by the Jesuits running White Roman Catholic Washington (District of Catholics) and White Roman Catholic New York City.  Then the endgame of the Order for America will unfold: Martial Law, a Right-Wing Jesuit Fascist Military Dictatorship and the subsequent roundup and murder of all the spiritual and physical seed of Abraham—Christian Bible-believers and the racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites.

Enjoy the trailer here!

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