Son Jason Simpson: Bloody Murderer of Nicole Brown Simson and Ron Goldman

White Private investigator William C. Dear has done a tremendous job in solving the bloody, double-murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, White wife of Black football hero,O. J. Simpson, as well the murder of Jewish Ron Goldman. Here we have a White and a Jew savagely murdered by a Majority Savage Black and son of Orange Juice Simpson, drug-addicted Jason Simpson, hereinafter, the Black Savage. Simpsons White-woman-addicted, Black Savage Son was adept with a knife, taught to fight with a blade in the Navy, and was a chef, experienced in the use of chef knives, who worked at a nearby restaurant.

The Black Savage was known for his violent and brutal demeanor, beating all of his White girlfriends as he had no Black girlfriends during this time. Apparently The Black Savage, like the effeminate Michael Jackson, believed in White Supremacy when it comes to the female genitalia! Ah, that is the final statement of Black Male Supremacy!
This beast, The Black Savage, is your typical fighten and fornicating Majority Savage Black American male. The Black Savage cut the long, dark hair off one of his White concubines, but this is the price these whorish White women must pay in order to enjoy the larger penis of the Black man. Yes, that is the truth dear reader and if that is offensive to you, know this: any honest White woman who copulates with Blacks will admit this to be so. Even so the lighter-skinned Jewish women in the day of Ezekiel the Prophet had the same, demented addiction, craving the larger penises and larger, seminal ejaculations of the Black Egyptians whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses (Ezekiel 23:20).

Now, to a more critical matter, as if Black-on-White assault, rape and bloody murder are not sufficient enough trespasses with which to end this discourse. Wicked White men serving the Jesuit Papacy have sheltered The Black Savage from prosecution. Wicked White Papal Knights who control the Los Angeles Police Department suppressed evidence during the trial of father O. J. Simpson for the crime of his son. Father Simpson knew he would walk, as his dream team attorneys were aware of the real truth, fully understood the biased setting of the court, were confident in the evidence to be admitted and refused (including the bloody fingerprint pulled from the back gate that was refused admittance into evidence), would attempt to intimidate the Whites on the jury using the race card,and that Daddy Simpson would indeed go free. If the black hat did not fit, you must acquit!
Of a truth, the jury rightly found Orange Juice not guilty! And we should not be surprised, as this very same police department destroyed 10,000 pieces of evidence involving the murder of Robert Kennedy way back in 1968. As then, so the LAPD is now: corrupt and controlled by the Archbishop of Los Angeles, who at the time was pro-sodomite, pro-Mexican Invasion, Cardinal Roger Mahoney.

The question is Why? Why does no one prosecute The Black Savage for his bloody murder, a murder so brutally vicious that he nearly cut off the head of White Nicole Brown Simpson, and repeatedly knifed the Jewish Ron Goldman though the karate man put up a serious fight evidenced by blade marks on the bottom of his shoes. There is a reason for the Popes men in charge of Los Angeles refusing to prosecute The Black Savage: Mr. William C. Dear has provided all the needed evidence for conviction, yet no one dares make a move! Why? Maybe you should ask Roger Cardinal Mahoney!
Enjoy the video here.