Jesuit Jon Favreau: Obama’s Speechwriter Backing Alien Catholic Mexican Invasion

The Jesuits are not only working the streets via their Kino Initiative in Arizona bringing in millions of Alien Roman Catholic Mexican Invaders, but the Order also writes Obama’s speeches backing said invasion by speechwriter and Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, Jon Favreau. These insulting, arrogant, Alien Roman Catholic Mexican invaders will be registered to vote for the Democratic Party (the Order’s “Social Justice” Communist Party) in Rome’s plot to drive all Whites into the arms of the Jesuits ruling the Republican Party (the Order’s anti-Communist, anti-Black, anti-Jew, White Fascist Party).

As you can see via the attached picture, these uncivilized, crude and lewd, Alien Roman Catholic Mexican Invaders are constantly fighting and fornicating, birthing babies as fast as they can so as to have their “anchor babies” receive 14th Amendment citizenship further seeking to justify their presence here in the Pope’s 14th Amendment American Empire (1868-Present). This unpunished, lawless criminal activity has virtually enraged the vast majority of White men—including your Editor—and they have joined the Order’s 80 million-member White Tea Party Movement that is to end in a military dictatorship—the Black Pope’s quest for the last 80 years! In reaping what they have sown, these fighting and fornicating invaders are to be rounded up and sent to the concentration camps for extermination—that is, after the women have been gang-raped and the men are half-beaten to death. When these criminals have served their purpose for the Order, they will be betrayed by those they trusted most—the Society of Jesus!
For the complete story see this link!