The AV1611 King James Bible: Monarch of all English Bibles including the Geneva

King James Authorized English Version of the Bible, 1611

A few weeks ago, your Editor received a lovely post from a dear Black Sister-in-Christ named “Tracy” from Maryland.  She betrayed an air of learning, culture, civility and a real love for the Word of God and Jesus Christ.  As a consequence of our exchanges, she sent me six copies of The Workes of King James VI & I.  The following are her first and second emails along with sites for your review in furthering knowledge as to the primacy of the Monarch of the Books, the English Authorized Version of 1611. Your Editor, in return, sent her a hard copy of Vatican Assassins III, Second Printing, along with assorted CDs.  Both of us are pleased.

Your Editor will be corresponding with one of his advisers, Troy Space of London, on this topic in the near future.  It will be shown that the translation of the AV1611 is far superior to that of the Geneva Bible while simultaneously reviewing the deeds and doctrines of our English King Solomon—for better or for worse—as was the case with King Solomon of the Bible.  For there are substantive reasons why the English-speaking Church of God in Christ Jesus has preferred the AV1611 to the Geneva Bible for the last 400 years though both are derived from the same Greek and Hebrew texts.  Even our English Man of God Oliver Cromwell—the savior of the Lord’s Grand and Glorious Protestant Reformation in England and a Puritan Baptist Independent—quoted from the AV1611 in his letters as proven by the epic English historian Thomas Carlyle in his notably detailed, five-volume work, Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches with Elucidations, (London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1898).

Dear Sir:

I was just at your website watching a video about the Authorized Version and thought I’d send along some links–

King James has a message that Rome does not want you to hear.

Commemoration of the 400th Year Anniversary of the Authorized King James Version.

Summary of King James VI & I’s Workes (1616).

James’ Workes can be read online at Google books

James’ Workes can be downloaded (google webarchive).

King James Page.

If you are interested in receiving a hardcopy of James’ Workes, I’d be  glad to send you a copy free of charge.

I became acquainted with your work some years ago after watching a video (I don’t remember the name of it but believe that it had to do with Rome).  I am one of the children of Ham but can see what is happening with Japheth which–as with many things–does not make me happy.

Mrs. Tracy

Second Email

Greetings my brother,

It great to hear from you.  I just sent you a box of James’ Workes (six copies).  Distribute and/or sell them as you please, I do not want one cent.  If you ever need more copies just send the postage label (each book is about five pounds) and I will send them at no charge.  If you want a CD of the pdf for our edition of The Workes, I can send you that at no charge.  If I had thought of it earlier, I could have stuck it in the box with the books.

I am concerned about Japheth and I am seeing them attacked here and all over the world.  King James addressed Rome’s tactic of overwhelming by numbers, by immigrants.  He told them that he would keep his eye on them in the event they thought they’d do that in his kingdom.

The whore knew what she had to do to destroy this country.   She infiltrated our institutions and even got the young generation of white people to hate their own fathers.  Who, pretell came up with the term WASP (especially the P)?  Part of the whore’s business of dissembling, included working witchcrafts on my people leaving us a people robbed, spoiled, plundered, and gutted out.  Those “savage blacks” have been packed up like rats in cities for generations and would hardly know a mockingbird from a sparrow. Those shirtless young men playing basketball on the corner could have been fine husbandmen and carpenters, physicians, woodsmen, or what have you.  Instead they are locked in the most dismal of circumstances like some caged animals with no way out.  No, I don’t want to live in the city but my heart aches for those trapped in its clutches.

As for me,  I can look back at my parents and their parents and see the progressive mental weakening of generations.  “Progressive” education has been the vehicle by which the young have been divorced from the past and introduced to “Luciferian” ideals.  We can’t cook well, we cannot suffer through the smallest tribulations, we are ignorant of so much that our forefathers once knew.  Americans are promiscuous and lazy.  We are all weakened and denatured.  Rome has come in here and cleaned our clock with her sorceries–you know her Jesuits better than I do.  She worked a witchcraft on us all in order to rape our land like she has raped the rest of the world.

Mrs. Tracy

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