Jesuit Order Fortells of its Future Chinese Invasion of Australia and United States

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IHS Logo for MI5 Jane’s Media Room, England

Your Editor received an email from Mark, an Australian contact, who related information foretelling of a future Red Chinese Communist invasion of apostate White Protestant Australia.  He also mentioned the new movie titled “Red Dawn,” it portraying a future Red Chinese Communist invasion of the United States in contradistinction to the first “Red Dawn” depicting a Cuban/Russian invasion of America.  Connor Cruise, the mulatto adopted son of Knight of Malta Tom Cruise, plays a leading part in the new release slated for November, 2010.   Mark’s post is as follows:

Hi Eric,

Today I went and saw the Australian movie Tomorrow when the War Began because it hinted at a Chinese invasion into Australia.  While doing a little research I was reading this forum:


and saw the 10th comment made by Jon that Janes military experts have predicted Australia will be invaded by an Asian power within 50-100 years.  I went to the Janes military site and guess what the logo for the site says….. IHS. Here is the site: hope this is useful to you.
I have read that a similar Chinese invasion film is coming out soon [in America] named Red Dawn:

Instead of depicting a Soviet invasion of the United States heartland as in the original 1984 film, this film’s storyline will be based on a Chinese invasion.

Keep up the good work,


Knowing the purpose of the Order in building the commercial colossus of Communist Red China—that mass-murderer of God’s Reformation Bible-believing Chinese Church—let is stop feeding this monster.  Boycott Wal-Marts and cut off all diplomatic relations with that Jesuit Socialist Communist State intending to use its military to enforce the Black Pope’s Council of Trent.  Since Washington, D.C., is squarely in the lap of Rome, China will continue to be given a most favored nation trading status thereby building our coming invader.  All the more reason for State secession.

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