Pope’s Masonic Islamic Leaders: Driving European Whites into Jesuit Fascism
It is the design of the Jesuit Papacy to unite the White peoples of Europe, Roman Catholic and apostate Protestant alike, into “New Right” Jesuit Fascism. To accomplish this tremendous feat, tens of millions of Pakistani, Middle Eastern and African Muslims have been brought into Europe, financed by the Pope’s oil bonanza, “Saudi” Arabia. These bigoted, hateful, savage Muslim peoples of color have then been incited to commit ceaseless crime against the native Whites, including assault, robbery, rape and murder. They have blocked streets in their bombastic “call to prayer,” disrupting commerce and acting the public nuisance with a recidivism that bespeaks of an organized, high-level conspiracy.
The fact is the Black Pope’s International White Power Structure, which includes the entire Roman Hierarchy as well as the “blueblood” noble families of Europe, have backed this Muslim and Black invasion of the continent as well as Great Britain, plotting against their own White peoples which they purport to govern. The Black Pope’s International Intelligence Community has facilitated the invasion, permitting these criminal, Islamic populations of color into European cities, enabling the building of mosques while resisting the erection of Bible-based Churches. Why? Rome knows that if these divergent White peoples, distinguished by unique languages, cultures and histories, are to be united under the Pope of Rome leading the European Union, a common enemy must be created against which to unite. That Enemy is the Muslim peoples of color purposely brought to Europe for the last 60 years!

The Beast Reawakens, 1997: Roman Catholic Author Martin Lee Details the rise of White Jesuit Fascism in Europe
The plot is working perfectly. With justifiable White rage against their foreign criminal oppressors enabled by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors within every government of Europe, fascist organizations are now growing. The British National Party is spreading throughout Great Britain; in France there is the National Front led by Jesuit-educated Jean-Marie Le Pen; German Chancellor Angela Merkel has publicly stated “multiculturalism” has failed, while thirteen percent of all Germans would welcome a new Fuehrer as per this link. Yes, the Jesuit Order has used its violent and criminal Muslim stooges wonderfully! The more these uncouth, savage, bitterly hatefully-racist fools continue their criminal acts within these technological, highly cultured, wealth-producing, historic White nations, the more Jesuit Roman Fascism becomes a reality—to the delight of the Vatican!
Muslims! If you refuse to believe gospel of the risen Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, securing for yourselves the free pardon of your sins through his shed blood, then the least you can do is to quickly leave White Roman Catholic Europe. Turks! You are going to be “terminated” out of Germany; even Pope Benedict XVI has stated that Turkey will never be a part of the European Union—because you are not Roman Catholics, but Muslims. It is time to return to Turkey before you are rounded up and guillotined, or sent to concentration camps for the multitude of your crimes committed against the White German people! Pakistani Muslims! Get out of Great Britain as you have been marked for death! Why do you think Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Black Muslim Idi Amin expelled 50,000 Pakistanis from Uganda sending them to England? Because he was working for the Pope of Rome creating social unrest in England, an apostate Protestant England that must be driven into Rome’s Catholic EU to the extent of abandoning the Protestant British Pound in favor of the Pope’s Roman Catholic Euro! This same scenario is being played out in Sweden, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain and yes even in Malta! You are all going to die unless you leave Europe as fast as possible. “Saudi” Arabia, led by that Roman Catholic, Pope-serving King Abdullah—the dear friend of King Juan Carlos, has financed your movement into the West—setting you up for mass-murder! This is the 12th Crusade, Muslim people, and you have been seduced into the hands of your historic Roman Catholic, non-Christian, Bible-rejecting enemies conducting its ceaseless Crusades against Islam—that creation of the Vatican in the first place!
The following videos depicting Islamic agitations throughout Europe and even in Russia are as follows:
In Paris:
In Europe:
Please leave the West my Muslim friends that do not riot and kill, not knowing your calculated fate! You need to live in your own Muslim nations, not here in the West.
And this is the same message for all North American Jews: get out of the American Empire for you are the real targets of Rome’s Jesuit Fascism! In order to get to you, the Muslims must be used to justify the imposition of a fascist American military dictator. Once he is in place, the Muslims will be eliminated and the doom of you Jews is sealed! Before it is too late, it is time to remove back to Israel, the land promised to your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—promised forever! After the Pope’s international 12th Crusade against all Islam, Israel will grow into a powerful nation while North America will be defeated, invaded and partitioned by our impending Sino-Soviet-Muslim invaders!