Highly Recommended: Chris Pinto’s Superb Video “The Untold History of the Bible”

“The Untold History of the Bible,” a shorter version of Chris Pinto’s epic work “A Lamp in the Dark”
This DVD, The Untold History of the Bible, is the finest historical sketch concerning the formulation of the Protestant English Bible your Editor has ever viewed. The great dialectic between Satans Counter Reformation Jesuits and the Risen Son of Gods Reformation Calvinists is aptly illustrated in the battle to put the Word of God in the native language of the peoples, German and English in particular. Chris covers the First Century Bible of the Dark Ages, the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the Muslims driving the Byzantine scholars and Greek New Testament manuscripts into Western Europe. Indeed, God used Islams sacking of apostate Christian Orthodox Constantinople to birth the Protestant Reformation which in turn ended Romes Dark Ages in 1648! Chris then addresses Erasmus and Tyndale, the father of the English Bible.
Subsequent to the Reformation and its epic work, the King James Authorized English Version of 1611 in its present edition of 1769, the viewer is then informed of a Jesuit plot to undermine the Protestant Reformation and its Reformation Bible. Chris exposes the Orders design to justify the revision of the AV1611 Bible using a corrupt, pro-Latin Vulgate Greek text put forward by popish occultists, B. F. Westcott and F. J. A. Hort. A most notable fact is the unveiling of Count Tischendorfs connection to a Jesuit and the Sinaiticus manuscript being a forgery of Rome! Another Papal Forgery in addition to the Donation of Constantine!!! Your Editor cannot tell you the blessing he received from this irrefutable fact, as he suffered in biblical Greek classes during which higher criticisms infidel Jesuit Coadjutors Karl Lachmann, Samuel Tregelles, and Constantin Von Tischendorf were exalted to the stars!
Now enjoy the video above as Chris Pinto does an excellent job exposing the Society of Jesus when interviewed by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Alex Jones. Please remember the reason why the Jesuit Illuminati waged war on the Papacy and upon the Monarchs (upon the Altar and the Throne) was that the Papacy had suppressed and extinguished the military Company of Jesus within all of the popes Roman Catholic dominions in 1773 and the Roman Catholic monarchs had expelled the Order out of their nations and kingdoms from 1759 to 1773! Further, please remember that all Allied and Axis leaders worked together during World War II, the second half of Jesuit General Ledochowskis Second Thirty Years War (1914-1945). Protestant Prussia had been apostate since no later than 1890, during the reign of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Kaiser Wilhelm IIwho removed anti-Jesuit Otto von Bismarck from power, who restored the Jesuits back into Rome in 1893 and who re-admitted the Order back into Germany in 1917! Once the spiritual power of a Protestant nation is lost, its sovereign political power is soon to follow. In Germany, the tool by which the Order ended the Kingdom of Protestant Prussia in 1918 was Kaiser Wilhelm IIs treason in refusing to transfer over one million German soldiers out of the USSR to the Western Front in France thereby losing World War I. That was the real Stab in the Back! And the final coup dgrace that ended the Protestant Free State of Prussia in 1947 was Roman Catholic Hitlers treason, deliberately sacrificing his predominantly Prussian Sixth Army to brother Jesuit Joseph Stalin, during the Jesuit-engineered Roman Catholic Third Reich!
In conclusion, any man of God seriously seeking to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints, needs both of these video weapons for his library! Go to Adullam Films Bookstore here and place your order today at 888.780.5049.