Craig Oxley’s New Video on Things to Come with the Fall of Western Civilization



U.S. Soldier, Ishtar Gate, City of Babylon, 2009

Englishman Craig Oxley has produced another excellent video!  The subjects covered include nuclear detonations in Washington, D.C., and the moving of the capital to Denver; a nuclear detonation in Spain (or on European soil) uniting Europe to join the American-led Papal Crusade against the Muslim peoples called the “War on Terror;” the Black Pope’s control of the Muslim Brotherhood via the Knights of Malta, it betraying the Muslim peoples into the hands of Rome’s Crusaders; and the rebuilding of the Order’s commercial city of the future, the City of Babylon.  Also mentioned are the powerful  Roman papal bloodline families having brought Satan’s Society of Jesus under the protection of the Papacy in 1540 AD and subsequently financing the Order’s designs to destroy the Spiritual and Temporal effects of the Lord’s Grand and Glorious Protestant Reformation, take Jerusalem from Islam, and impose a world government with its religious capital in Jerusalem under a Jesuit Pontiff of the Company’s making!


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