EJP to Sister Ericka: Rebuking Charge of “Prejudice;” Defending Pro-White Right

Thank you for approval of my work and may God be praised for your salvation in Christ Jesus.
Why is it that as a White man I must be utterly silent about my race while Blacks and others can openly advance the cause of their race? Does this general cultural hypocrisy and double standard pitted against Whites offend you as a Christian devoted to truth and justice for all peoples? Do you not realize that if the White man is not free, nobody is free? Do you not realize that the wicked men who rule this world are Whitethe Popes International White Power Structure? Do you not know that this damnable White Power Structure is presently devoted to the destruction of all White nations via miscegenation, amalgamation, massive foreign invasion under the guise of immigration, the occult medical inquisition and fomented war between White nations (the White CFR-controlled government of White Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton bombing the White Orthodox Christian nation of Serbia for 77 days)? Do you not realize that the history of the 20th century was, in fact, the coordinated annihilation of White peoples via the Jesuit Orders Second Thirty Years War (1914-1945) as well as the Cold War (1945-1990)? Do you not realize that the White male in this country is the low man on the totem pole in the law as well as in fields of press, sports, and academia? Do you not realize that if the victimized and angered Whites (robbed, raped, plundered and murdered by the Majority Savage Backs for the last 50 years) are galvanized into a New Right political movement (the Tea Party Movement) it will ultimately be used against the Majority Savage Blacks (who deserve it) as well as the Minority Civil Blacks (who are afraid of the Majority Savage Blacks and seek to escape their presence) most of whom are our brethren in Christ?
Further, you accuse me of being prejudice when I make racial statements about Whites (as I also make about Blacks, savage and civil) that are true statements. Then you tell me that God is the God over all peoples, nations and tongues as I would not know this? Then you conclude your missive by commanding me Dont forget it???
This is unacceptable communication, dear Sister Erica. I never patronize or condescend to anybody in this fashion, regardless of race, sex or nationality. Until you accept the truth that I have the right to defend and build my own race of Whites in my own nation of ProBaptiCal (in a portion of seceded Pennsylvania), to contend for the benefit and survival of my peopleprimarily White people who believe on the true Lord Jesus Christ of the Reformation Bible, then it is you who is against the precepts of the Word of God. The Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated an allegiance to his own racial people over the Gentiles (Matthew 15:22-28) as did the apostle Paul (Romans 9:1-3; 10:1). The distinctions of race, sex, language, culture and national sovereignty are not to be abandoned by any people once they have been saved by the grace of God, though by our status in-Christ there is no positional difference (Galatians 3:28). And this truth has been taught to me by the example of every Black minister I have ever heard (not to mention Black politicians, Black athletes, Black entertainers, Black academics, etc.) in this country who always openly contend for the benefit of their own people.
If they can do itand they should, then so will Ias I have a Biblical mandate to so do. He who stands on his own rights (defending his own God-ordained race, sex, language, culture and nation) injures no one.
I trust this is helpful. As I am unable to further reply, I must humbly close this discussion.
Lord Bless,
Brother Eric
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 8:18 AM
Subject: Regarding racial prejudice
Good morning Eric,
My name is Erica and i have mounds of respect for some of your work. I am a far cry from religious, I simply believe that the Bible in its entirety is the only source of absoute truth. I have a personal relationship with God the father, His son Jesus Christ, and am indwelt by the Holy Spirit through which I can discern truth from falsehood. So far I have one matter that I would like to approach you with and that is the matter concerning a seemingly prejudice under or overtone. EX. Yes, the Order is using its JRS in conjunction with its other tools, to herd all of us Whites into the slaughter pen of anti-Jew, anti-Reformation Bible, absolutist Jesuit Fascism!. This statement is not exceptable to God and judgements like it should not be deemed so, hence the statement that follows Dear Heavenly Father, help us to see this design before it is too late!. There are blacks, asians, indians, mexicans, etc. who are believers in the Holy scriptures whom no reference is rendered in the above statement whom live and are citizens in America. Though the point made by this literary work is worth considering, in order for it to be deemed acceptable to true Christians, the prejudice must cease. God the father is not the God of whites, He is no respecter of person; that includes positions of authority, race, gender, etc. He is God over ALL peoples, nations, and tongues. Dont forget it. The bible states, you will know them by their works, and this includes literary as well as oratory works.