Jewish Holocaust Coming to America if Whites are Driven into New Right Fascism

Hitler’s Bishop Praysing at Nazi Rally with Sauvastika and Pax Romana, 1930s

There are presently over six million Jews in North America, the US and Canada.  If the Satanically-motivated Society of Jesus successfully drives all North American Whites into the Black Pope’s “New Right” Jesuit Fascism led by an American military dictator, there will be another Jewish Holocaust, this time in apostate White Protestant North America.  The Holy Roman 14th Amendment, Socialist-Communist, Corporate-Fascist American Empire (1868-Present) with its annexed Canadian satellite will be the killing floor for the “perfidious Jews” always targeted by the Vatican for annihilation.

Yes, there will be an orgy of bloodletting involving the Knights of Columbus, high-level Scottish-Rite Freemasons (Black and White), the Knights of Malta, the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, the Knights of St. Gregory the Great, the Knights of the Constantinian Order, and the American Roman Hierarchy all of which are subject to the Jesuit Papacy ruled by one man—the White Pope—overseen by the Black Pope.  The tools of these papal knights will be NORAD/NORTHCOM, FEMA, the Department of “Romeland” Security, Blackwater (Xe) backed by the Council for National Policy and the Thomas More Law Center now aiding and abetting the Jesuit-controlled “Tea Party Movement”—the birth-pangs of American White Nazi Fascism.  For more on the Secret Right’s Masonic/Knight of Malta-backed Council for National Policy, see Josh Reeves’ video here.

Therefore, if we repentant AV1611 Reformation English Bible-believing White Nationalists of North America desire to be delivered from this disgraceful fate, we need to resist not only the Socialist-Communist policies of the CFR-controlled “Left Wing” Democratic Party, but also the Socialist-Fascist policies of the CFR-controlled “Right Wing” Republican Party.  For as was the case in post-World War I, apostate Protestant Germany, the political crimes of “Left Wing,” centralist, “Jew” Communism justify the imposition of “Right Wing,” centralist, “White Roman Catholic” Fascism, and with it another rabid Jewish Holocaust.

As a reminder of that terrible Eurasian Jewish Holocaust brought about by the Jesuit Order during its Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945), see video below.

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