Jesuits Rule Columbia: Concordat Protects Order’s Monopoly in Drugs & Emeralds

President George W. Bush Awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Jesuit-trained President of Columbia Alvaro Uribe, 2009
The South American nation of Columbia has been ruled by the Society of Jesus for over a century. In building the Black Pope’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment Socialist-Communist, Corporate-Fascist American Empire (1868-Present), the Company used its Masonic minion President Theodore Roosevelt to steal land from Columbia, renamed it “Panama” and then used America to build the Black Pope’s Panama Canal. The Canal was then used throughout the duration of Rome’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945) to move troops and supplies. In 1921 the American government paid Columbia $25,000,000 dollars for Roosevelt’s criminal behavior in creating Panama. In 1928 Columbia entered into a Concordat with the Jesuit Papacy, a Concordat that remains in full force and effect today.
In the 1980s Rome’s Bush Crime Family/King Juan Carlos alliance built a huge illicit drug trade with poverty-stricken Columbia as its South American base. The drug is “cocaine,” the mind-bender of choice for the sin-addicted, AV1611 Bible-rejecting, White peoples of North America. The trade further weakens the American peoples, builds the Black Pope’s International Intelligence Community, finances “wars against communism” in the words of the late Jesuit Fordham University-trained Knight of Malta, DCI William J. Casey, and continues to build a huge South American Crime Syndicate subject to Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos.
In addition to the cocaine trade, the Order oversees it commercial monopoly over Columbia’s Emerald trade. It is estimated that Columbia has the world’s largest deposits of raw emeralds which are more expensive than diamonds once cut and brought to market. The entire trade is overseen by the Society of Jesus directing the Pope’s Knights of Malta and Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem conducting the business. Meanwhile, the people are used as slaves to mine these emerald treasures. Poverty abounds, nearly no middle class exists, the Pope’s divine right nobles rule and the Dark Ages have been fully restored in accordance with the Order’s Counter-Reformation Council of Trent.
For more information see this link.