Majority Savage Blacks Gang-Fighting in Jesuit-ruled Houston and St. Louis

Our first article concerns Majority Savage Blacks (as opposed to the Minority Civil Blacks) rioting in Houston. A movie was made of these two “gangsta rappers” on the left who had been shot and killed by their Black fans. After the movie, ready to “rock and roll,” some 300 Savage Blacks erupted into massive street fighting.
To read about these Black beasts unfit for civilization, see this link.
Our second article involves Majority Black Savagery at night in a White, upscale, shopping area of St. Louis. Notice that NONE the reporters stated these criminal rioters were Blacks. This is typical for the press here in Rome’s pro-Black, anti-White, 14th Amendment American Empire.
Now this is exactly what the Black Pope desires for apostate White Protestant America: encouraged, unpunished behavior that will in turn justify martial law and a brutal White Fascist Military Dictatorship. That tyranny will round up these Black barbarians and send them to the Pope’s Death Camps. For every action, there is a reaction.
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7
To view the video, see this link.