Hatefully-Racist, Alien Roman Catholic Mexican Invaders Call for War on Whites

Again, the Jesuit Order’s purpose in backing the the hatefully-racist, anti-White American, Alien Roman Catholic Mexican Invaders is to unite all Whites by driving them to desperation—a desperation similar to that endured by power WWI Germany. That desperation will then be channeled into the Order’s century-old plot: a White Fascist Military Dictatorship—a dictatorship similar to that impost on post WWI Germany besotted with economic hyperinflation, Black French-on-White German gang rape, and starvation. But the Mexicans, blinded by their lawlessness, ignorance and greed, are so bold as to tell all Whites to go back to New England, that they are a tired, old White race, that the Southwest belongs to them as well as other insults and lies—to the delight of the Society of Jesus. One day in the near future, the agitation will have served its purpose, and these alien Mexican/Latino criminals will be rounded up and taken to the Pope’s Death Camps in the North. It is for this reason that every administration since the kingship of Ronald Reagan has refused to protect the nation’s borders while the vast majority of White people are too cowardly to address this clear and present danger—unless they have been aroused to join the White Middle Class Tea Party Movement intended to culminate in Fascist Martial Law.
Latinos and Mexicans: Go back to Mexico before it’s too late and you find yourselves riding the rails chained in boxcars heading to the Auschwitz of southeast Alaska!
White Americans: Do not fall for the Jesuit Order’s plot of using us to overthrow our blessed White Protestant Constitution and, in exchange, imposing Roman Jesuit Fascism! Shall we repeat the same horrible mistakes of the White Germans?
For other links concerning the Pope’s Mexican/Latino Alien Roman Catholic Invasion, see this link: Part One and this link: Part Two