Update: Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas Confronted by “WeAreChange,” Los Angeles, May, 2009

Well done WeAreChange. The “Father General” most assuredly knows the infamousOath of the Fourth Vow is true—as he has not only taken but administered that abomination. Basque Nicolas is a refined, duplicitous, carefully programmed human machine. He is a socialist-communist, always defending his Order’s revolution-inciting“Liberation Theology,” also called “Black Theology” as preached to angry American Blacks by the wicked Mulatto Jeremiah Wright, the former Chicago “pastor” ofMulatto US President Barry Davis Obamahaving been tutored by Chicago Jesuitsattached to Loyola University.
Yes, the General was cool, calm and collected, while protected by his most devoted Jesuit bodyguard and Latino Roman Catholic slaves. Never forget, however, chosen subordinates will plot revenge against his opponents having publicly embarrassed him. The “payback” will come with the passing of time, but most assuredly will occur to the utter surprise and chagrin of the target: it will be administered by the hand of a trusted friend or associate.
Update: An adviser and post has proven that “WeAreChange” is directed by Jesuit-controlled, Illuminized, American Freemasonry and thus is controlled opposition.