A Bibilcal Nation-State: Common Race, Language, Culture and Boundaries


HIroshima, August, 1945
HIroshima, August, 1945


The following pictures taken in 2009 are of Hiroshima, Japan, rebuilt after having been decimated by an on-ground, atomic detonation coupled with a magnesium flash-bomb airburst occurring near the end of World War II.  Just behold what a nationalistic people can build when they are composed of a common race speaking acommon language, sharing a common history and bordered with enforced national boundaries—and also financially aided by the pope’s CFR-directed American government.  With this understanding, America is finished as a nation.  For Americans have no common race, no common language, no common history and no enforced national boundaries.

Those of us Bible-believing, nationalistic, White men in-Christ seeking to establish our new North American nation called “Probaptical” out of a portion of seceded Pennsylvania, be encouraged with the following clips:The following pictures taken in 2009 are of Hiroshima, Japan, rebuilt after having been decimated by an on-ground, atomic detonation coupled with a magnesium flash-bomb airburst occurring near the end of World War II.  Just behold what a nationalistic people can build when they are composed of a common race speaking a common language, sharing a common history and bordered with enforced national boundaries—and also financially aided by the pope’s CFR-directed American government.  With this understanding, America is finished as a nation.  For Americans have no common race, no common language, no common history and no enforced national boundaries.

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