CIA Assets Obama & Manning: Justifying a Coup d’Etat/White Fascist Dictatorship

Mulatto Barry Davis Soetoro Obama is a 32nd Degree Prince Hall Rite Freemason, a Socialist-Communist and a Muslim. He is also an asset of the Black Popes Central Intelligence Agency as per this link. Overseen by the Companys DCI, White Roman Catholic Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta Leon Panetta, and directed by his immediate adviser, White Roman Catholic Jesuit-trained Vice President Joe Biden, Mulatto President Obama is the willing tool being employed by the Order to outrage and thus polarize all Whites via executive high crimes and misdemeanors. Once the polarization is complete, key agents within the Orders New Right Fox News Network and Council for National Policy are to then lead Americas persecuted Whites into supporting a Right-Wing Fascist Military Dictatorship. As was done in apostate, Reformation Bible-rejecting, White Protestant Germany following World War I (the Order using its terrorizing and murderous Masonic Jewish Communists in both Roman Catholic Bavaria and Protestant Prussia to unite all Germans so as to justify the creation of Roman Catholic Himmlers SS in Bavaria and apostate Lutheran Protestant Goerings Gestapo in Prussia thus empowering the Papacy to impose Jesuit Fascism under Roman Catholic Austrian Adolf Hitler), so it is to be here in apostate White Protestant America.

This is the Hegelian Dialectic employed by the military Company of Jesus when attacking a historically White Protestant nation in which resides a large Jewish population targeted for destruction. On the left are the liberal (Democratic and race-mixed) Fabian Socialist-Communists openly backed by notorious Masonic Jews and Jesuits. On the right are the conservative (Republican and generally racially White) Roman Socialist-Fascists openly backed by notorious Roman Catholic Knights of Malta and select Freemasons. Barry has notable Papal Court Jews within his administration who can be blamed for his radical, socialist-communist agendaas decreed by Barrys White Papal Masters. At this very moment, Obama is planning to sign an executive order granting citizenship to over 40 million Mexican/Latino Roman Catholic Alien Invadersat the behest of the American Jesuit Conference advising the Popes American Roman Hierarchy. At the same time, retired Army Major General Paul Vallely, affiliated with both Fox News and the Council for National Policy, is calling for the resignation of President Obama (as per this link) to the delight of the righteously outraged, socially raped, financially pillaged and plundered White people of America, many of whom are participating in the Jesuit-directed Tea Party Movement. All that is needed is an incident, an event, and the entire Republican Fascist Machine will be thrown into high gear. That event could be the sinking of an Aircraft Carrier in the Persian Gulfblamed on Obama; a massive explosion in the Gulf of Mexico due to the Vaticans controlled and secretive oil fiascoblamed on Obama; the destruction of a national monument, like the Statue of Liberty, Capitol Building or White Houseblamed on Obama; or even the assassination of President Obama himself, more specifically the public killing of his cloned double via the Black Hand of Romes CIA/FBI/NSA.

Your editor is very sorry to conclude that the apparently honest and most likable Black Pastor David Manning is another exquisite tool of the Vaticans Jesuit Papacy. He dresses in the costume of a Roman Bishop (though another color) when oftentimes preaching, celebrates the blasphemy of the Roman Mass, believes in purgatory, leads his church on pilgrimages to the Vatican in Rome, and displays the sign of the crusading red Templar Cross on White background at the front of his church pulpit. Heretical doctrine produces politically subversive, sinful behavior. Thus, though he rightly defines the wicked, violent and vulgar lives of the Empires hatefully-racist Majority Savage Blacksto the delight of us victimized White Americans!he never proposes the right solution in opposition to the Orders calculated agenda.

Rather, Pastor Manning is only attacking the long-legged Mac Daddy, bisexual Obama, never saying a word about Obamas master, White Jesuit Joe Biden. Manning never exposes Michael I. Sovern (Columbia University President during the supposed Obama years, 1981-1983) as being a CFR member, nor does he attack the institutions current president, Lee C. Bollinger, as also being a member of the Council. Further, Pastor Manning NEVER TOUCHES the universitys most diabolical, Obama-creator of them allProfessor Zbigniew Brzezinski, a CFR member, a creator of the Trilateral Commission, a Bilderberger, a high Freemason and a notorious Jesuit Temporal Coajdutor affiliated with several Jesuit universities! Thus, Pastor Manning is promoting a White backlash to culminate in a race war (Civil War II), and the subsequent imposition of Jesuit Fascist Martial Law. So if Manning is promoting the secret agenda of the Popes CIA, could it be that Manning and Obama secretly work together as did White Fascist, Masonic FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and Black Communist Michael (Martin Luther) King during the Orders national agitation known as the Civil Rights Movement?
In conclusion, President Barry Davis Obama is a most obedient CIA asset. This is the reason the Company has not terminated Obama with an executive action as it extirpated President Kennedy in 1963. His open adversaries at Fox News and elsewhere are in fact his secret friends. Both Obama and his Republican opponents are working together, as none of them push on the Impostors Achilles Heelthe Birth Certificate. The Vaticans endgame for America is New Right Jesuit Fascism imposed via Leftist Jesuit Communism. The targets for annihilation are all Bible-Believing Christians (the Spiritual Seed of AbrahamRomans 2:29) and the racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites (the Physical Seed of AbrahamJohn 8:37). Without repentance among Gods saved, born-again, AV1611 Reformation Bible-believing White men, it is just a matter of time!
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