Rome’s Socialist-Communist Federal Judges Seeks to Outlaw Private Prayer

Here we go again!
The Popes federal district courts having shoved down our throats the Black Popes Counter-Reformation socialist-communist public policy maxims of a central bank, a progressively confiscatory personal income/excise/privilege tax, forced racial integration, anti-racial segregation, anti-White race/pro-Black race, anti-Reformation Bible, anti-Protestant Reformation, anti- Ten Commandments, as well as anti-private gun ownership, anti-private gold ownership, anti-White Protestant/Baptist American history, anti-White Middle Class, pro-sodomy, pro-pornography, pro-abortion, pro-monopolistic cartel-capitalism, pro-alien invasion (Roman Catholic and Muslim illegal immigration), anti-States Rights, pro-centralized government in Washington, etc., now have the audacity to attempt to OUTLAW private, Bible-based, Christian prayer among adults!
Oh when are we White men going to repent of our sins, believe the true gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, quite ourselves like men and before God REFUSE to comply with this Jesuit-ruled, criminal federal judiciary and government? When will we realize that this 14th Amendment American Empire is just as socialist-communist as Red China or the Soviet Union now deceptively renamed The Russian Federation? When will we White men insist that our individual Nation/Statenow reduced to a mere colonial Roman/Canadian province in which we residepass a righteous Ordinance of Secession as did Texas in 1861 now posted on this website? When will the true preachers of the gospel of the true Lord Jesus Christ show themselves valiant for the truth in the earth and resist unto blood (Hebrews 12:4) the Socialist-Communist Jesuit Roman Papacy?
Time is running out!