Pope Benedict Meets with Matthew Festing, Grand Master of the Knights of Malta

Here we behold the absolute subordination of the Military Order of the Knights of Malta to the Pope of Rome. English Grand Master Fra Matthew Festing carries the rank of a Cardinal and, with his plenary power over the 15,000 Knights and Dames worldwide, executes the commands given by Pope Benedict XVI advised by his Jesuit master, Adolfo Nicolas aided by former Jesuit General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. The Knights are subordinate to their Grand Master; the Grand Master is subject to the Pope; the Pope is subordinate to the Jesuit Superior General; and the General, advised by his Ten Jesuit Assistants and his Roman blue-blooded, Ten man, High Jesuit Council, is subordinate to Satan, “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4).
For an excellent review on the Knights of Malta, see this article here.