Troy Space on the Order’s Late Knight of Malta and JFK Assassin, Alexander Haig

Troy Space of London is to be a regular guest on my broadcast, Biblical Truth in History and Prophecy. Troy is a Roman Agenda/World Order Researcher and exposes the Papal Roman Empires covert global power structure and Babylonian New World Order Agenda, and in so doing has become a notable student of the Black Popes Masonic Craft. The following is his most erudite and thorough expose of the late Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Alexander Haig. Remember, Haigs brother, Francis Haig, is also a Knight of Malta and a powerful American Jesuit priest. Troy Space can be reached at
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WILLIAM A. WILSON PAPERS FOLDER LISTINGBox: 2 Fold: 35 William Wakefield Cardinal Baum 1982-1986DESCRIPTION: Contains 1 TLS, 2 TCS from Cardinal Baum to WAW. Topics include: @ Invitation of US Secretary of State Alexander Haig to join a false Order of Malta. Includes TLS from Cyril Toumanoff, Sovereign Council, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, complaining about the false order. Box: 2 Fold: 42 Prince Edouard de Lobkowicz DESCRIPTION: Contains 10 TLS from Prince Edouard de Lobkowicz. Topics concerning Lebanon and Syria; Alexander Haigs invitation to join a false order of Malta; free clinics of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Lebanon (see descriptive list with letter of 2/12/85). |
Haig has just been knighted into the secretive Knights of Malta, which includes his brother, and prestigious members like William Colby (CIA), William F. Buckley (CIA), J. Peter Grace, John McCone (CIA), General Vernon Walters (Reagans roving ambassador), James Angleton (CIA), and others.[105] |
105. Wotta Knight, New York Daily News, 1/9/83 (Alexander Haig and Rev. Francis Haig). (NOTE: Other Knights in key positions of power include the following: William Casey (CIA Director), Franklyn Nofziger (White House aide), Richard V. Allen (Nat. Security Advisor), James G. Watt (Sec. of Interior), D. Lowell Jensen (Asst. Sec. General), Raymond J. Donovan (Sec. of Labor), James Buckley (Undersec. of Security), Fred Fielding (Nixon Watergate counsel), E. Pendleton James (Watergate, Reagan), John D.J. Moore (Amb. Ireland, Grace Co.), Felix Larkin (Pentagon counsel, Grace Co.), Robert Millikan (Citibank, Grace Co.), Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi, CIA, since 1948), Nicholas Brady (Spellman, Pacelli, Grace), Robert Abplanalp (Nixon confidant), Joseph Rettinger (Bilderberger, Bernhard), Wild Bill Donovan (OSS, Nazis), Peter Flanigan (Nixon, Grace), Barron Hilton (of the hotels), Lee Iacocca (Ford Motor Co.), Joseph Kennedy (father of JFK, RFK), James Ling (Ling, Temco, Vogt), Michele Sindona (Vatican scandal, P-2), John Volpe (Amb. Italy, P-2). For more information, see article cited above, Men Behind the Counter-Reformation. |
Alexander HaigGeneral Haig graduated from the US. Military Academy in 1947, was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Army, and advanced through a variety of military assignments, including service in Japan, Korea, Europe and Vietnam. He attended Notre Dame University, pursued graduate studies in business administration at Columbia University in 1954-55 and received a Masters Degree in International Relations from Georgetown University in 1962.He served in the Pentagon from 1962 to 1965, where his positions included Military Assistant to the Secretary of the Army and Deputy Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense. He served in Vietnam in 1966 and 1967, receiving the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism.In January 1969, he was assigned to be Senior Military Advisor to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. He was promoted to full General in 1972. During his four years in the White House ending in 1973, he made 14 trips to Southeast Asia as the personal emissary of the President to negotiate the Vietnam ceasefire and the return of the U.S. prisoners of war. He also coordinated preparations for President Nixons historic visit to China.
General Haig was serving as Vice Chief of Staff of the Anny when President Nixon appointed him in May 1973 to rebuild the White House staff. Although this was to be a temporary position, the President subsequently named him White House Chief of Staff, at which point he retired from the military after 26 years of active service. He served in the White House until October 1974, when President Ford recalled him to active duty as Commander-in-Chief, U.S. European Command. Two months later, General Haig was also appointed Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. In that position, he was responsible for the integrated military forces of the then 13-member Nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He resigned his post effective June 30, 1979 and retired from the Army. General Haig was elected President and Chief Operating Officer of United Technologies Corporation and a member of its Board of Directors on December 21, 1979. Following his election on November 4, 1980, President-elect Ronald Reagan nominated General Haig to be his Secretary of State. The Senate subsequently confirmed General Haig and he was sworn in as the Nations 59th Secretary of State on January 22, 1981. He resigned from this position on July 5, 1982. He was an official candidate (1987-88) for the nomination of the Republican Party for the presidency of the United States. General Haig is currently Chairman of his own private firm, Worldwide Associates, Inc., based in Washington, DC. Worldwide Associates, Inc. assists public and private corporations both here and abroad in developing and implementing marketing and acquisition strategies in addition to providing strategic advice on the domestic and international political, economic and security environment as will affect global commercial activities. Worldwide Associates is also involved in venture capital and international construction projects. General Haig was a founding Director of America Online, Inc. and now serves on the Board of Directors of Compuserve, Inc. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Interneuron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., MGM Mirage, Inc and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. He is an Honorary Senior Advisor to the China Ocean Shipping Group Company (COSCO) and a senior advisor to several multinational corporations including United Technologies Corporation. He is the host of his own weekly television program, World Business Review. With a personal interest in the further education of future leaders of our nation, General Haig has been a Visiting Statesman and Executive at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University; a member of the Advisory Board of Tulane Universitys U.S.-Asian Forum; a Chubb Fellow at Yale University; and a guest lecturer at LeMoyne College, Syracuse, New York; the U.S. Military Academy at West Point; Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana; Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan; Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska; Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas; and other institutions of higher learning. Since resigning as Secretary of State, General Haig has served on the Presidents Commission for Strategic Forces (Scowcroft Commission); the Presidents Commission for Chemical Warfare Review; and the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. General Haig is the author of Caveat: Realism, Reagan and Foreign Policy based on his over three decades of experience at the highest levels of our government and in particular, drawing upon his tenure as Secretary of State. It was published by MacMillan Publishing Company in the United States and by Wiedenfeld Publishing Company in the United Kingdom in April 1984 and has been published in France, Italy, West Germany and Japan. In June 1992, Warner Books published General Haigs second book, an autobiography, a history of the Cold War, with a vision of the future, entitled: Inner Circles: How America Changed the World A Memoir. General Haig is an Honorary Member of the Board of the Atlantic Council of the United States; a member of the Board of Governors of the Foreign Policy Association; a life member of the Navy League, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and the American Academy of Diplomacy. He is a member of the Board of the Foreign Policy Research Institute; a member of the Board of the MacArthur Memorial Foundation; a member of the International Advisory Board, Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies; a member of the Lay Commission on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy; and a member of the Board of the Jamestown Foundation. General Haig is also a member of the Advisory Board of the European Institute for Peace and Security; a member of the Advisory Committee of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Arthur F. Bums Fellowship, and a member of the Board of Advisors for C/Media, the Corporation for Maintaining Editorial Diversity in America. He is a member of the Board of Advisors and a Life Member of the National Military Family Association; a member of the National Advisory Council, George Washington University; a member of the Board of Advisors, University of Virginia Center for Law and National Security, a Member of the National Advisory Council of The Texas Heart Institute, and a member of the Board of Directors of the World Heart Foundation. He is also an Honorary Member of the Board of Trustees of the American Friends of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, a member of the Honorary Board of the American Friends of Rabin Medical Center, and an Honorary Member of the Board of the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center at Herzliya Israel. General Haig serves as Vice President of the Pilgrims of the United States. He is an Honorary Member of the National Defense University Foundation Board of Directors; an Honorary Advisor of the Wallenberg Committee of Greater Philadelphia, Inc., and a member of the American Association of Master Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, Rochester University, Rochester, New York; and an Honorary Advisor to the Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs and a Member of the Society of Logistics Engineers. He is also a member of The Chosen Few; a member of the German-American Advisory Board; a member of tile Advisory Board of the Free Congress Foundation Center for Conservative Governance; a Charter Member of the Centurions; a member of the American Advisory Council of The Korea Society; and a member of Tile Publication Committee, Crisis Magazine/Journal. He is also 8 founding member of the Board of American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. General Haig is a recipient of Honorary Doctor of Laws degrees from Niagara University, Boston College, St. Anselms College, the University of Utah, Western State School of Law, Loyola College in Baltimore, Fairfield University, Stetson University College of Law, and Ben Gurion University of the Negev. He also was awarded the Ministerii Publici Doctorem from Syracuse University; the Hillsdale Freedom Leadership Award from Hillsdale College and an honorary Doctorate of Philosophy from Haifa University, Israel. Other honors presented to General Haig include: -Charles Evans Hughes Gold Medal Award of the National Conference of Christians and Jews -Dwight D. Eisenhower Distinguished Service Award and Citation of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States -Hap Arnold Award of the U.S. Air Force Association -James Forrestal Award of the National Security Industrial Association -David Sarnoff Award of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association -William Penn Award of the Penn Club of Washington -Bob Hope Four -Star Civilian Award from Valley Forge Military Academy -1984 Distinguished Diplomat Award from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service -Gold Medal from the National Institute of Social Sciences -Distinguished Graduate Award, U.S. Military Academy 1996 Among his many military decorations, General Haig holds the Distinguished Service Cross, the Defense Distinguished Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Distinguished Flying Cross with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Purple Heart, and decorations from Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, Morocco, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Portugal. General Haig was born December 2, 1924 in Philadelphia, attended St. Josephs Preparatory School and graduated from Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. He is married to the former Patricia Fox. They have three children: Alexander, Brian and Barbara and eight grandchildren. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DIPLOMACY |
General Alexander M. Haig, Jr. joins advisory boardWest Palm Beach, Florida General Alexander M. Haig, Jr. (USA Ret), former US Secretary of State, NATO Commander and White House Chief of Staff, has joined the international advisory board of, the company announced today.We are pleased that such a distinguished American statesman and business leader has joined us, Lord Rees-Mogg, Chairman of, said.General Haig has been at the forefront of the new economy. He was one of the founding board members of America Online and played a key role in making AOL the giant it has become. He remains as a director of Compuserve Interactive Services, Inc., an AOL-Time Warner subsidiary. In addition he is a member of the Board of Directors of MGM Mirage, Inc., Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc. and Interneuron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a media publishing company best known for its major news portal on the world wide web. In February Yahoo magazine said the companys site is among the hottest on the web, and Wired News says NewsMaxs popularity has skyrocketed. Founded in September of 1998, the company has seen a tremendous growth in its viewership and its offline magazine with more than 150,000 paid readers each month. I am impressed with the growth and development of It has broken from the pack of dotcom start-ups to develop a highly successful business model while providing the American people with a fresh perspective on the news, General Haig said. I believe this company has the potential of becoming a major player. General Haig has had a remarkable military, diplomatic, political and business career. A graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point, Haigs military career included service in Japan as an aide to General Douglas MacArthur, combat service during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He served as Deputy National Security Advisor to President Richard M. Nixon, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, and then as President Nixons White House Chief of Staff. In 1974, President Gerald R. Ford named him Commander of the US European Command. Subsequently, he was appointed NATOs Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. In 1981, General Haig became the nations 59th Secretary of State under President Ronald Reagan. As a business leader, General Haig served as President and Chief Operating Officer of United Technologies Corporation and as Senior Advisor to several other multinational corporations. He is host of his own weekly television program, World Business Review, with a focus on innovative uses of new technologies. He is Chairman of his privately owned international advisory and venture capital firm, Worldwide Associates, Inc., based in Washington, DC. We very much appreciate that General Haig views as an important enterprise and one he can identify with and advise, Christopher Ruddy, CEO and President of, said. General Haig will join NewsMaxs distinguished advisory board, which includes Robert Lohman, a former IBM executive; Nigel Evans, vice-chair of Britains Conservative Party; Yonghao Pu, former chief economist of the Bank of China, now Senior Economist at Nomura Securities; former US Congressmen John LeBoutillier and Dan Frisa and several others. The companys Board of Directors, in addition to Mr. Ruddy and Lord Rees-Mogg, includes journalist Arnaud deBorchgrave, Dallas business man Michael Ruff, publisher James Dale Davidson, and Admiral Thomas Moorer. Distributed by PR Newswire on behalf of Contact details for all releases are only available to the media via PR Newswire for Journalists. |
Newsmax Media is a media organization founded by journalist Christopher W. Ruddy and based in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States. It operates the web site, publishes Newsmax Magazine, as well as a host of health and financial newsletters.[1] |
HistoryChristopher W. Ruddy started on September 16, 1998, supported by a group of conservative investors, including the family of the late Central Intelligence Agency Director William J. Casey. Later Richard Mellon Scaife, his former employer at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and a supporter of conservative causes, invested in the fledging company.[2] One of the initial board members was author James Dale Davidson who edited a financial newsletter that had shared Ruddys interest in the Vincent Foster case. Davidsons co-editor, Lord Rees-Mogg, former editor of the The Times and Vice Chair of the BBC, later became chairman of Newsmax Media.[3]Other news figures who later joined the Newsmax board included Arnaud de Borchgrave, the longtime Newsweek chief correspondent who also serves as editor at large of UPI and Jeff Cunningham, former publisher of Forbes. The late Admiral Thomas Moorer, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who helped bring the Vietnam War to a close, also served as one of the companys founding board members. Former Nixon Chief of Staff and Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. has served as special advisor to NewsMax[4]Ruddy aimed at creating an Internet news company by building a team of reporters instead of working alone. In August 2001, talk radio host Michael Reagan merged his monthly newsletter The Reagan Monitor with Newsmax Magazine and began writing a regular column for the publication.[5]
In 2008, a profile in The Palm Beach Post on Newsmax and founder Ruddy indicated the company generated revenues of approximately $25 million per year, and, according to the company, has been profitable for the past five years. However, profiles of the website indicate an annual profit closer to $20 million.[6] In a 2009 interview with Internet guru Nathan Richardson, he was asked to identify the smartest thing on the web today. Richardson identified Newsmax, among several web sites, citing its success monetizing the web.[7] In March, 2009 Forbes featured Newsmax and described Ruddys company as a media empire and the great right hope of a troubled Republican Party. Forbes noted that after just a decade of operations it had become a media powerhouse and had surpassed such well known web sites as the Drudgereport in web visitors. According to the magazine, Newsmax draws 3.8 million unique visitors monthly. Political analyst Dick Morris was quoted as saying that Newsmax had become the most influential Republican-leaning media outlet in the nation.[8] |
References^ [1] Business Week company profile ^ Poe, pp. 171-172. ^ Poe, p. 100. ^ General Alexander M. Haig, Jr. joins advisory board, PR Newswire ^ Michael Reagan and Reagan Monitor Join Newsmax Magazine,, August 14, 2001 ^ [2]Hoover Profile ^ Smilie, Dirk, Nathan Richardsons Modest article, February 3, 2009. ^ a b Smillie, Dirk.A Great Right Hope,, March 6, 2009. |
5 19691972: Kissingers military assistant, Army Vice Chief of Staff 6 19731974: White House Chief of Staff for Nixon and Ford 7 19741979: NATO Supreme Commander, assassination attempt 8 Retires from Army, enters private sector 9 1981-82: Secretary of State for President Reagan 9.1 I am in control here 9.2 1982 Falklands War 9.3 1982 Lebanon War 10 1988 Republican presidential nomination |
EducationHaig attended Saint Josephs Preparatory School in Philadelphia and graduated from Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. He was named Most Likely to Become a Male Model in his high school yearbook. He then went to the University of Notre Dame for one year, before transferring to the United States Military Academy, where he graduated in 1947. He studied business administration at Columbia Business School in 1954 and 1955. He also received a masters degree in international relations from Georgetown University in 1961, where his thesis focused on the role of the military officer in the making of national policy. |
1981-82: Secretary of State for President ReaganIn January 1981, Haig was tapped by President Ronald Reagan to be Secretary of State. Confirmation hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee focused on Haigs role during Watergate. Haig was confirmed by a Senate vote of 93-6.[10]I am in control hereIn 1981, after the March 30 assassination attempt on Reagan, Haig asserted before reporters I am in control here as a result of Reagans hospitalization.
Constitutionally, gentlemen, you have the President, the Vice President and the Secretary of State in that order, and should the President decide he wants to transfer the helm to the Vice President, he will do so. He has not done that. As of now, I am in control here, in the White House, pending return of the Vice President and in close touch with him. If something came up, I would check with him, of course. Haig would have been incorrect if this were an interpretation of the U.S. Constitution concerning both the presidential line of succession and the 25th Amendment, which dictates what happens when a president is incapacitated. The holders of the two offices between the Vice President and the Secretary of State, the Speaker of the House (at the time, Tip ONeill) and the President pro tempore of the Senate (at the time, J. Strom Thurmond), would be required under U.S. law (3 U.S.C. § 19) to resign their positions in order for either of them to become acting President. This was an unlikely event considering that Vice-President Bush was merely not immediately available. Haigs statement reflected political reality, if not necessarily legal reality. Haig later said, I wasnt talking about transition. I was talking about the executive branch, who is running the government. That was the question asked. It was not, Who is in line should the President die? |
# # ^ AP: Rice Confirmed Despite Dems Criticisms. # ^ Alexander Haig. Time Magazine. April 2, 1984. p. 22 of 24 page article. ,954230,00.html. Retrieved 2008-05-21. # ^ HuffingtonPost: Im in charge here. 366.html?page=2. |
CurrentHaig was the host for several years of the television program World Business Review. He now hosts 21st Century Business, with each program a weekly business education forum that includes business solutions, expert interview, commentary and field reports.[16] Haig is co-chairman of the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus, along with Zbigniew Brzezinski and Stephen J. Solarz. Haig is a member of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) Board of Advisors. Haig was a founding Board Member of America Online.[17] On January 5, 2006, Haig participated in a meeting at the White House of former Secretaries of Defense and State to discuss United States foreign policy with Bush administration officials.[18] On May 12, 2006, Haig participated in a second White House meeting with 10 former Secretaries of State and Defense. The meeting including briefings by Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice, and was followed by a discussion with President George W. Bush.[19] Haig published his memoirs, entitled Inner Circles: How America Changed The World, in 1992. |
# # ^ World Business Review with Alexander Haig. Retrieved 2008-12-17. # ^ Business Wire AOL-TIme Warner announces its board of directors. _12/ai_69075111. Retrieved 2008-12-17. # ^ President George W. Bush poses for a photo Thursday, January 5, 2006 in the Oval Office with former Secretaries of State and Secretaries of Defense from both Republican and Democratic administrations, following a meeting on the strategy for victory in Iraq.. The White House. January 5, 2006. 300-1-515h.html. Retrieved 2008-12-17. # ^ Bush discusses Iraq with former officials. .12-111719-8658r. |
FamilyAlexander Haig is the father of author Brian Haig. Haigs brother, Frank, is a Jesuit priest. He served as seventh president of Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York, and is now teaching physics at Loyola University in Maryland. |