Israel: Weekly Update by Israeli Steven Shamrak Defending the Jews of Israel

Although Mr. Shamrak is not a saved, born-again, Bible-believing, Hebrew Christian, he advocates the biblical right of the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites to their ancient, God-given land to the exclusion of all Arabs as well as any other peoples. He also exposes the corrupt, CFR-directed, Masonic Labor Zionists and AIPAC as being anti-Jewish entities. Thus, on these critical topics your editor and Mr. Shamrak are in agreement; therefore his weekly updates shall be posted under “Israel.” Mr. Shamrak may be reached at
Beginning of Post, June 23, 2010:
After years of being labelled a “non-Zionist” party, Shas – which represents a largely hareidi-religious Sephardic constituency – stunned many this year by officially defining itself as Zionist and requesting to join the World Zionist Organization, founded by Herzl in 1897…
Nissim Ze’ev, a Shas MK, said, “the Jewish people have the right to live in all parts of their indigenous homeland and to maintain and develop their religious and cultural identity as indigenous to the land. Our efforts will be implemented within Jewish communities in Israel and in the Diaspora…”
The United Nations currently recognizes as indigenous any nation that declares itself as such, and according to section 10 of the UN General Assembly’s 2007 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, “indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned.”
The United Nations currently recognizes as indigenous any nation that declares itself as such, and according to section 10 of the UN General Assembly’s 2007 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, “indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return.”
Israel fits all the criteria to be recognized internationally as indigenous natives to the Land of Israel, and the only current requirement is a public declaration from a representative body of the Jewish people, whether it be from Israel’s Knesset, the WZO or even the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria .
“This is very significant with regard to the rights of all Jews in relation to their ancestral homeland,” said Ze’ev. “It is especially significant for the Jewish residents of Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights who are constantly under the threat of forced expulsions from their lands.”
Israel, and the only current requirement is a public declaration from a representative body of the Jewish people, whether it be from Israel’s Knesset, the WZO or even the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria .
“This is very significant with regard to the rights of all Jews in relation to their ancestral homeland,” said Ze’ev. “It is especially significant for the Jewish residents of Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights who are constantly under the threat of forced expulsions from their lands.”
Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak
Easing blocked of Gaza by Israeli government is the dismal mistake! Concessions made by Israel have never been appreciated by so-called Palestinians and their anti-Semitic supporters, but just encouraged them to perform more anti-Israel stunts – like ‘humanitarian’ flotilla.
Peace Partner is Non-medicated Schizophrenic. Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas met with U.S. President Barack Obama on June 9 and spoke in favor of negotiations with Israel and “the path of peace.” However, just two weeks earlier, Abbas told Vietnamese President Nyugen Minh Triet, “we are comrades in struggle and fighting.”
Beehives from Biblical Israel. Recently discovered beehives from ancient Israel 3,000 years ago appear to be the oldest evidence for beekeeping ever found, scientists reported. Archaeologists identified the remains of honeybees inside about 30 clay cylinders thought to have been used as beehives at the site of Tel Rehov in the Jordan valley in northern Israel.
‘Poor Palestinians’ Armed with Rockets. Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin said terror organizations in the Gaza Strip “continue to arm themselves, both through production and smuggling” and have some 5,000 rockets with a range of up to 40 km. Diskin warned that the steps embarked on by Binyamin Netanyahu and defense minister Ehud Barak to ease the Gaza siege gravely imperilled Israel’s security.
Is it Time of Reckoning for Iran? An armada of 11 US warships and one Israeli vessel passed through the Suez Canal Friday June 18 on their way to the Persian Gulf . The fleet was led by the USS Harry Truman carrier and its Strike Group.
Another ‘Friend’ with ‘Peaceful’ Nuclear Ambition. King Abdullah of Jordan tells the Wall Street Journal that Israel is thwarting Jordan’s nuclear goals in order to economically dwarf his country.
Weak Leadership is result of No Vision. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, submitted to US pressure for establishing an independent public probe of the flotilla incident and is also quietly falling back under the international clamour to ease the sea and land siege of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip by installing international supervisory mechanisms in place of the Israeli military and navy.
We Told you so. France has instructed the European satellite television company to prevent Hamas television to use its facilities because of inciteful programming against Israel (and Islamist propaganda). France is following a step taken by the United States.
Quote of the Week: “There are 1.5 million people living in Gaza and ONLY ONE of them really needs humanitarian aid; ONLY ONE of them is locked in a tiny room and never sees the light of day; ONLY ONE of them is not allowed visits and is uncertain health. His name is GILAD SHALIT!” – author unknown – ONLY ONE of them is not able to have freedom!
Saudi Arabia may Allow Israeli Jets to Pass. Sources in Saudi Arabia told The Times that Saudi defence officials had agreed that tensions between the two countries would be softened if Israel decided to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities, as both governments share a mutual loathing of the regime in Teheran and a fear of a possible build up of Iran’s nuclear capabilities. (They hate and afraid of each other more than Jews!)
Time for Payback. A number of local supermarket chains are taking a political stand: They have decided to boycott products manufactured in Turkey . Rami Levy, owner of the chain of supermarkets, also decided to cut off ties: “For reasons of ideology and conscience, it would be unacceptable for us to do nothing when the Turkish people behave this way. This is the minimum that we can do.”
Pakistan is an Integral part of Taliban. Pakistani military intelligence not only funds and trains Taliban fighters in Afghanistan but is officially represented on the movement’s leadership council, giving it significant influence over operations. Nevertheless, senior Western officials have been reluctant to talk publicly on the subject for fear of damaging possible cooperation from Pakistan, a nuclear-armed state Washington has propped up with billions of dollars (bribe) in military and economic aid.
Paralised by Fear of International Backlash. 1) PM Ordered Us Not to Demolish Illegal Arab Buildings. Yair Ma’ayan, the General Manager of the Jerusalem Municipality , said that the reason demolition orders had not been carried out against dozens of illegally built Arab structures in the city was due to demands by the office of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to ignore the orders. 2) Jewish residents of eastern Jerusalem say police are not enforcing law and order in their neighbourhoods. One victim said that police told him that Arabs attacks are often for the purpose of forcing police to enter their neighbourhoods, and therefore police have been ordered not to be drawn into such areas.
Fatah is Against Lifting Gaza Blockade. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is opposed to lifting the naval blockade of the Gaza Strip because this would bolster Hamas.
Legality of Israel’s Naval Blockade of Gaza.
Ed Morgan
A consolidated set of rules was issued in 1994 by the San Remo Institute of International Law in co-operation with the International Committee of the Red Cross and several national humanitarian law societies…
A naval blockade is defined in Article 7.71 of the U.S. Naval Handbook as “a belligerent operation to prevent vessels and/or aircraft of all nations, enemy as well as neutral, from entering or exiting specified ports, airfields, or coastal areas belonging to, occupied by, or under the control of an enemy nation (governing entity of Gaza – Hamas).” It is designed to stop ships from crossing a cordon separating the enemy’s coast from the high seas. It is therefore often enforced in what would otherwise be international waters approaching, but not necessarily inside, the territorial sea of the blockaded party.
The San Remo conference set the specific rules for implementing a blockade. It must be publicly declared and notification sent to all states whose vessels are likely to be nearby. Further, the blockade must be effective. International law permits no fictitious blockade designed to frighten away third-party ships. The San Remo rules also specify that a blockade be applied with impartiality to all states whose flagged ships enter the blockaded area. (The Turkish Jahadists of IHH not exception to the rule!)
A maritime blockade is for security purposes only, and must allow humanitarian assistance to the civilian population. Since the ships sailing for Gaza were on a declared humanitarian mission, those on board had the right to expect that any humanitarian goods would ultimately find their way to their intended recipients. On the other hand, having announced its blockade, Israel had no obligation to take the ships’ crew at their word as to the nature of the cargo.
Finally, the rule of proportionate force, applicable to all armed conflict, applies equally to a naval blockade. Blockading navies are obliged to arrest a ship rather than simply fire on it, and once its soldiers are on board an arrested ship their actions must be proportionate to the threat that they meet. (Being attacked with metal rods and knives IDF commandos could not use paint-ball guns they had in hands in order to protect their own lives, could they?)
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