Former Republican U.S. Senator George F. Allen: Potential Fascist U.S. Dictator

The following report may seem strange to the pedestrian bystander attempting to make “heads or tails” of unfolding events over the last four years. But upon a closer analysis of the facts, this conspiratorial investigator has reluctantly concluded that former U.S. Senator George F. Allen may well be the Black Pope’s promised White American Fascist Dictator waiting in the wings after the Company’s calculatingly “failed” Democratic administration openly led by a Jesuit-groomed and advised “African-American” Mulatto Muslim, “President” Barry Davis Obama, he secretly directed by a Jesuit-trained and advised, “Irish-American” White Roman Catholic, “Vice President” Joe Biden.

(White Supremacy/Domination and Black Subordination/Submission is the secret but true policy of Satan’s Jesuit Order, that racial master-servant relationship, however, having been pronounced by God through the patriarch Noah (Genesis 9:24-27). For that God-ordained relationship between the two races—compelled to dwell upon the same national soil—has cruelly oppressed as well as wonderfully blessed subordinate Blacks solely depending upon the religious beliefs of the Whites in power. For there will always be White Supremacy/Domination and Black Subordination/Submission, whether overt, or covert—as it is today in the Pope’s “Holy Roman,” 14th Amendment, Socialist-Communist, Corporate Fascist, American Empire (1868-Present).

For the egalitarian, pro-socialist-communist, pro-Black/anti-White, reverse discrimination policies imposed by Washington under the lying guise of racial and cultural “universal equality,” have sprung from the Jesuit Order’s Masonic Civil Rights Movement backed by the Federal CFR/Press, imposed by the Federal Bench and enforced by Federal Bayonets. And that movement has further entrenched the Pope’s Anglo-American, Cartel-Capitalist, Masonic White Power Structure, while destroying the White Middle Class (via miscegenation and murder) born out of the risen Son of God’s Grand and Glorious White European Protestant Reformation. Evil and oppressive, Papal White Supremacy/Domination over Blacks is worse today than ever before. The only hope for American Blacks is to return to reading The Reformation AV1611 King James Bible, believe the true Gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, racially separate into their own Black nation in North America, and, with God’s blessing, thereby be spared from the rampant crime, poverty and Papal White Domination of all other Black nations as was Ethiopia until the murder of Emperor Haile Salassie in 1975.)

As your editor has warned, the approaching White Fascist American President-turned-Dictator, to be imposed via a controlled “terrorist event (or events)” justifying martial law, may well be an Apostate White Protestant heavily connected to the Pope’s Scottish-Rite, Masonic White Power Structure; to White Papal Knighthoods; and to White Skull and Bones, the White supreme-elite within these secret societies being the foot-soldiers of Benedict XVI’s “left wing,” (semi-secret) Council on Foreign Relations and “right wing,” (generally-secret) Council for National Policy. And as we shall behold to our utter indignation, a private club known as the “Friends of George Allen,” envelops all of these nefarious, Pope-serving cults today overseen by shadow agents abjectly loyal to the Jesuit Brotherhood directed by the Jesuit Superior General. For the endgame of the Society of Jesus is to impose Marxian Socialist-Communism in every nation on earth prior to the murder and reviving of the final Roman Pope turned Man-Beast/Antichrist (Revelation 13:3-10; I John 2:18; 4:3). To facilitate full-blown Socialist-Communism in White Apostate Protestant/Baptist America, a White Fascist Military Dictatorship must be imposed to kill off all White nationalists, be they “heretic” Protestant and Baptist, or “liberal” Roman Catholic, as well as “extirpate” the empire’s over 6 million racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites.

Thus, the imposition of “left-wing,” Socialist-Communist policies by Rome’s CFR-controlled Democratic Party (via the administration of Obama/Biden), will drive all Whites in general into “right-wing,” Socialist-Fascism led by the CFR-controlled Republican Party—or by a new political party (as foretold by “Italian-American” Roman Catholic political/financial analyst Gerald Celente) born out of the “failed” Republican Party, which, in its zenith (lest we forget), imposed the infamous and diabolical, pro-Black/anti-White “Reconstruction” (1865-1877) on the antebellum, White Protestant and Baptist South. For it appears that the “Tea Party Movement,” founded by angry Whites in general, they voicing righteous grievances, may well birth that new political party—an “American NSDAP,” and George F. Allen is a devoted supporter of that “Tea Party Movement.”

Our story begins way back in the early 1970s with a man named Edward Bennett Williams. Williams was Washington’s foremost criminal defense attorney, defending the likes of Roman Catholic entertainer and mafioso Frank Sinatra, Roman Catholic mafioso Frank Costello—who donated the bronze doors now hinged at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, Roman Catholic mob-teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa, and Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic, pro-Nazi/anti-Communist Senator Joseph McCarthy—to name a few! He was also the intimate friend of President Lyndon Johnson who sought to make Williams the mayor of Washington, D.C., a possible payback for cooperation in the JFK assassination! Most importantly, Roman Catholic Williams—who attended “Mass” 365 days a year—was a powerful Knight of Malta, the abject servant of the Jesuits at Georgetown University, and the owner of the Washington Redskins football team.

This fanatical Roman Catholic, Edward Bennett Williams, would hire a coach for his failing team: that man would be Roman Catholic George H. Allen, the legendary NFL Coach inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2002. George was also the father of our subject, apostate Protestant Presbyterian George F. Allen. (As an aside, the wife of Coach Allen would be Henrietta Lumbroso, a full-blooded Sephardic Jew raised in French-speaking (“francophone”) Tunisia. There, she would learn of the derogatory name given by the French Roman Catholic Belgians to the enslaved Black Africans of the Belgian Congo. That term was “Macaca,” an insulting epithet meaning “monkeys”—for the Blacks had been enslaved since the days of Roman Catholic Leopold II, King of Belgium, the mass-murderer of over 10 million Black Congolese. Son George Felix—given his Jewish grandfather’s first name—would learn that term from his mother. Years later he would deliberately twice use this insulting term—on video no less!—in obedience to his Jesuit masters. Below, we shall understand why.) As we can clearly see, Senator Allen has ties to the Jesuits and Knights of Malta through his father, Coach Allen, your editor venturing to conclude that without these crucial religio-political affiliations, son George would never have stepped foot into the Pope’s U.S. Senate, much less the Virginia governor’s office. Yes, George F. Allen is deeply connected to the powers running the American Empire owned by the Jesuit Papacy!
We shall now jump to the year of 2006. Son George has been a U.S. Senator from Virginia since January, 2001. He has accomplished much for conservative Republicans and is a serious candidate for the Republican nomination seeking the American presidency. Then he receives the order from his political masters connected to Jesuit Georgetown University:

“Disqualify yourself from consideration for the Republican nomination. You see, we have chosen our CFR/CIA-groomed Mulatto, “Barack Hussein Obama,” to be president. He will do all our bidding imposing drastic, Socialist-Communist domestic and foreign policies calculated to drive all Whites, in general, into our endgame for America: Socialist-Fascism. To enthrone Obama, we must run a weak, sickly-looking, geriatric, Republican candidate who, in the end, must lose to our young, winsome and eloquent “Barack.” Our chosen, White Republican candidate will be Senator John McCain, our most devoted servant from Arizona, he facilitating our Alien Roman Catholic Mexican Invasion, praise the Pope! He will choose a vice presidential running mate that will be a “hockey-mom” woman, the Protestant Governor of Alaska, and we will crucify her in our New York City/Rockefeller Center-based, CFR/CIA-controlled Press! McCain will barely lose and our Obama will win! Meanwhile, you wait in the wings for a few years and, at the right time, we will bring you back into our new, Reformed Republican party to be our final American president, and ultimately, our half-Jewish/half White Gentile, pro-Roman Catholic military dictator—exactly as was our half-Jew, Austrian-born, White Gentile, Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler!

Indeed, half-Jews have always proven themselves to be our greatest killers of that despicable, despised race of perfidious Jews!!! Nazi SS/SD General Reinhard Heydrich, the “Butcher of Prague,” proves our point! Yes, just bide some time young George, and we will surely call upon you in the future. Meanwhile, we will amass an organization called the “Friends of George Allen” to provide all the necessary religious, political, financial and academic backing for your future success. It will be composed of intelligence incendiaries, bombastic billionaires, polished politicians, cunning cartel-capitalists, ravaging Roman Catholics, pusillanimous Protestants and bedlam Baptists directed by our “New Right Wing” Council for National Policy! Now you know what you must do! So let it be done “for the greater glory of God!”

U.S. Senator George F. Allen obeys. On August 11, 2006, George is conducting an open air campaign for re-election to the U.S. Senate. His Democratic adversary is Jim Webb who always sends S. R. Sidarth, a young, American-born, Virginian man of East Indian descent to videotape all of Allen’s speeches. In Breaks, Virginia, near the Kentucky border, at the outset of his speech, obedient George clearly and lucidly points to the dark-skinned cameraman and on video calls him a “Macaca,” the term so despised by East Indians residing in the U.S., as they are familiar with the “Macaca effect”—the giving of American jobs to East Indians rather than to native-born Americans—which is, in fact, a legitimate grievance among all American Whites in general! This was no mistake, no accident, no ignorant oversight. It was purposed, deliberate, calculated and repeated twice for the desired effect, so as to ultimately ruin his opportunity for re-election in the Senate—as intended. Jim Webb won the “election;” Democrats gained the majority in the Senate so as to be able to pass all of Obama/Biden’s Socialist-Communism; and Allen fell behind McCain in “the polls,” though Allen had been the leading candidate for the Republican nomination. By December of 2006, obedient Allen withdraws his name for the Republican nomination, paving the way for masqueradingMcCain to be the presidential Republican candidate—thereby ensuring an Obama victory as designed.

Now the fun begins. As a result of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor George F. Allen obeying his occult papal masters, this traitor is reassigned to serve on the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors of Young America’s Foundation playing the part of an acting Reagan Ranch Presidential Scholar! How cute! With this “Conservative Republican” cover, the Order founded and built the promised “Friends of George Allen Organization” located in Arlington, Virginia. To review its unbelievable list of names, see this link. Among these most notable “New Right” pundits are:
1. Knight of Malta Lawrence T. Babbio, President of Verizon.
2. Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan, “New Right” Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor par excellence.
3. Skull and Bonesman George H. W. Bush; Son George W., Skull and Bones; Son Jeb, Knight of Columbus; Brother Prescott Bush, Jr., Knight of Malta.
4. Knight of Malta Frank C. Carlucci III, Carlyle Group, Deputy Director CIA, CFR-member.
5. Knight of Malta Pete Coors, Coors Beer magnate.
6. Jerry Falwell, deceased Baptist minister, founder of Moral Majority.
7. Knight of Malta Edwin Feulner, founder of “New Right” Heritage Foundation manned by Opus Dei.
8. Bill Gates, Papal Knight, Co-Founder of Microsoft.
9. Knight of Malta Thomas Monaghan, Founder of Domino’s Pizza.
10. 33rd Degree Freemason, CFR-member Black Colin Powell, ensured an Obama victory in 2008.
11. Freemason Pat Robertson, “New Right” Evangelical minister.
12. Knight of Malta Donald Trump, “the Donald.”
These are but twelve of 300 names on the list. No doubt this “New Right” political power will be used one day. The question is not “if,” but “when.” And when it rises like a cobra to envenom all in its path, the visible head may well be Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, George F. Allen!
As the Lord Jesus has warned, We need to “watch and pray!”