Dame of Malta Queen Elizabeth II, Apostate Traitor to White Protestant Canada

Dame Of Malta Babylonian Whore to Enter Canada June 28, 2010?
We see the Dame of Malta, Elizabeth II the treasonous, false Monarch of England about to enter her Canada on the 28th of June 2010. The same whore who purposely pollutes the planet daily to suit her depopulation plans utilising the radioactive element called Uranium. Canada currently is the second biggest producer of this deadly poison and may again be number one in a short space of time. The idea of the use of uranium on the populace is to lower the population levels and at the same time in other Western regions to create incapacity. This incapacity will keep the surviving populace under control and in need of care as they have no capacity to work or fend for themselves. So as the Canadian slaves wave the Union Jack on June 28 just remember whos giving you Thyroid dysfunction, Diabetes and a Cancer rate of one in two in some areas with Canadian males. Her goal is to help pollute the Western World enough so as to create a Cancer rate of one in two for the whole region as her pharmaceutical system and media continue to warn about. [Excellent point! EJP] At this current time the Cancer rate is one in three and no one questions why its accepted and the norm.
Lets never forget the Duke of Edinburgh and his comments:
I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist
. I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.

Notice King Juan Carlos with his master, Pope Benedict XVI the King of kings and Lord of lordsin Rome. For it is this Roman Catholic, Jesuit-trained and advised, Knight of Malta, Knight of the British Crowns Order of the Garter, the acting King of Jerusalem, and overseer of Romes International Crime Syndicate working in tandem with Romes International Intelligence Community, that orchestrates Romes international drug trade, thereby weakening the nations in preparation for the coming final pope, murdered and risen from the dead to be the Man-Beast/Antichristthe coming King of Jerusalem.
To review the entire article see this link.