American Jesuits Smolich and McCarry back RC Mexican Alien Invasion in Arizona

On January 18, 2009, the Kino Border Initiative was officially launched with a Mass at Sacred Heart Church in Nogales, Arizona. After the Mass, several representatives of the partner organizations behind the Kino Border Initiative discussed the project.
In the video below, Jesuit John McGarry, Provincial of the California Province of the Society of Jesus, and Jesuit Thomas Smolich, President of Jesuit Conference of the United States—Smolich being the most powerful Jesuit in North America—discuss the role of the socialist-communist, Counter Reformation, Society of Jesus in the Kino Border Initiative and “larger issues” regarding the Pope’s Alien Roman Catholic Mexican Invasion. The “larger issues” discussed must have involved the Company’s grand and glorious bi-centennial goal of suspending the White Protestant U.S. Constitution, the imposition of absolutist Martial Law for which this cherished Mexican Invasion is absolutely necessary.
The photo above is most priceless! On the left is California Jesuit Provincial John McGarry speaking with Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas—the most powerful Jesuit General in the history of the Order according to Venetian Count Vittorio Vivaldi III. McGarry is one of the Order’s 85 Jesuit Provincials, the California Province being composed of California, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada and Utah—Mormon country! Yes, McGarry is the superior of the Mormon Prophet and the 12 Mormon Apostles—all Freemasons! McGarry is also the master of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as well as Attorney General Jerry Brown—a Jesuit Brother Professed of the First Vow. Provincial McGarry is also the superior of every Cardinal, Archbishop and Bishop as well as the overlord of his most devoted soldiers, the Knights of Columbus, in all five states.
Now if Provincial John McGarry, the slave of Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, is the master of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, would he not also be the master of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (left)? And if so, does this not justify the conclusion that Arizona’s righteous, anti-illegal immigration/anti-alien invasion law, SB1070, was secretly facilitated by agents of the provincial within the Arizona legislature? And if so, should we not conclude that both the alien Roman Catholic Mexican/Latino invasion (having transpired for the last thirty years) as well as this Arizona law is calculated by the Order to specific ends? Must we wonder what those ends are in light of the history of Reformation Bible-rejecting, White apostate Protestant Germany during the Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945)?