“Machete:” Rome’s White Power Structure Promotes Invasion of Mexico, Pt. 1 of 2

As reported by your editor in a previous article, the Jesuit Order, via its agent provocateurs, is the master of agitation, reaction and subsequent annihilation of targeted populations the world over. Here, in the Vatican-financed and owned “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment American Empire, the story is the same—agitation, reaction and revolution to culminate in absolutist, Jesuit-controlled, CIA-enhanced, CFR-facilitated, Republican “New Right”-led, Council for National Policy-supported, politically and religiously united, ecumenically-based, “Neo-Con” Roman Catholic/Apostate Protestant and Baptist, White Fascist Martial Law.
As we shall discover, the details behind the promotion of Machete—a violent, X-rated, brazenly bloody, White-whore mastered, race-baiting, new Hollywood release featuring “Italian-American” Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Robert De Niro (left)—, lead the objective conspiratorial investigator right to Rome’s Masonic International White Power Structure poised to strike its final blow upon what is left of historic White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestant/Baptist Constitutional American liberty. And unless we White men understand the cleverly-shrouded, recent history of Rome’s unfolding American revolt climaxing into unbridled martial tyranny, key events must be reviewed.
To begin with Socialist-Communism and Socialist-Fascism are two heads attached to the same body. Both systems always work together. A White Gentile Roman Catholic Bavarian—Nazi-SS Chief Heinrich Himmler (below), and a White Gentile Christian-Orthodox Georgian—Soviet NKVD Chief Lavrenty Beria (below), both worked together before and during World War II. Both systems are always financed by the same Jesuit-created, Jesuit-ruled, Masonic Secret Societies. Both systems always destroy “heretic” Protestant, Orthodox, and Baptist Christian peoples as well as “liberal,” pagan Roman Catholics. Both systems always work in tandem for the annihilation of the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic peoples racially composing the 13 tribes descended from Jacob. Both systems work together to promote the security of the Pope’s CFR-directed, Masonic government of the Jesuit Papacy’s “Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem”—Israel.
Further, both systems celebrate “May Day” as a holiday, the very same May 1 on which the Jesuit Brother Adam Weishaupt (left) founded the Black Pope’s Bavarian Illuminati in 1776; the very same “May Day” on which Knight of Malta John J. Raskob (below) opened his Empire State Building in 1931! Both systems utilize forced-labor concentration camps. Both systems are governed by overt military dictators, or by covert “constitutional” Commanders-in-chief. Both systems work together for the ultimate destruction of frustrated, misguided, deceived, Reformation Bible-rejecting and Jew-blaming White peoples having fallen into Rome’s anti-Jew, White fascist net: the White nationalists—blaming the Jews in general for their national plight—fight for nationalist Fascism and are subsequently betrayed and crushed by anti-nationalist Communism! Indeed, upon the fall of fascist governments openly backed by Rome, communist governments take their place—covertly backed by former White fascists!
The Labor Day emblem of the Nazi Rally Badge dated 1934 (above) proves this very point. Working together, both observing May 1 Labor Day, Nazi Fascism symbolized by the “evil” Suavastika (with a counterclockwise/left-hand spin as opposed to the “good” Swastika with a clockwise/right-hand spin that was never employed by the Nazis) supports the Fascist Roman Eagle. The Eagle, in turn, holds forth the “Hammer and Sickle” of Communism overseen by Masonic Jew Karl Marx, the very Jewish Jesuit Coadjutor who called for the death of every Jew in the world according to Richard Wurmbrand in his Marx and Satan (1987) so stated on page 41! Yes, indeed, Jesuit Brothers Hitler and Stalin worked together prior to and throughout the entire duration of World War II—the Grand Finale of Rome’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945)—, Socialist-Fascist Hitler “losing” and Socialist-Communist Stalin “winning.” The Labor Day emblem tells it all!
The “endgame” of the Black Pope is the religion of atheistic, evolution-premised, anti-nationalist, cartel-corporate fascist-backed, Socialist-Communism (the religious core of every academic, “Ivy League” American institution) to be imposed upon every government on earth via the Jesuit General’s Illuminized/Jesuitized Freemasonry. (Today, this is called “bringing Democracy” to Afghanistan. During World War I, this was called “making the world safe for Democracy!”) The means by which this anti-nationalist, universal tyranny of one man is to materialize—the future murdered and risen, devil-possessed Pope turned Man-Beast/Antichrist—is the Pope’s pro-Socialist-Communist United Nations domiciled in Roman Catholic New York City, the heart of Rome’s overtly socialist-communist, covertly socialist-corporate-fascist “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment American Empire.
The Bolshevik Nationalist Party Flag (left) perfectly illustrates the essence of the Pope’s “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment American Empire. The flag’s background are the Nazi Fascist colors of a Red “square” and a White circle/”compass” (derived from the Masonic “Compass and Square”); its foreground color is Black, the same color of the Nazi Suavastika on the Nazi Party Flag (above right). But the foreground symbol is not the Suavastika, but the Hammer and Sickle! Thus, Rome’s cartel-corporate Jesuit Fascists are the supporters of the Order’s religio-political, Socialist-Communist world system of nation states. The Jesuit-Papacy’s last and final Pope will smash it all upon his murder and raising from the dead he then be the Satan-possessed Man-Beast/Antichrist for 42 months during the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15).
To facilitate the Order’s Socialist-Communist “endgame,” the Vatican’s “straw dog” of right-wing, Jesuit Fascism (presently championed in America by Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News) must be used to eliminate all true nationalists who would otherwise resist the impending and resultant tyranny of absolutist, anti-nationalist, Socialist-Communist military rule. The Poles learned this lesson well when they lost their best manhood during the Polish Warsaw Uprising in 1944 after which Poland (thanks to the decision of communist Jesuit brothers FDR, Churchill and Stalin at the Yalta Conference in 1943) was put under the boot of Soviet Communism until the end of the Pope’s Cold War Hoax (1945-1990).
Racially White Jesuit Fascism (as was under Jesuit Hitler/Himmler) is also used to openly murder every Jew in its grasp—as a matter of policy, so as to deceive the Israelites into believing Socialist-Communism is their friend and protector. However, racially amalgamating Socialist-Communism (as was under Jesuit Stalin/Beria) has been secretly calculated by the Order to destroy the financial and cultural life of every Hebrew within its grasp. (When Beria’s NKVD took over Buchenwald Concentration Camp after the war, NKVD officers in East Germany stated they were continuing where Himmler’s Nazi SS/Gestapo had left off!)
During the Pope’s Cold War Hoax, Russian Jews—to the exclusion of the Black Pope’s Masonic Bolshevik Sabbatian-Frankist “Court Jews”—have learned this lesson well, while pro-Socialist-Communist, pro-Democratic Party, American Jews ignoring the past, are presently experiencing the same financial fate. Racially White Jesuit Fascism kills the Jews immediately (as did Fascists-in-fact Czars Alexander III and Nicolas II); racially amalgamating Jesuit Communism, erected on the ruins of Jesuit Fascism, kills the Jews over time, as was the case in the Order’s USSR since Jesuit Stalin’s Purges of the mid-1930s to the Present; as was the case in the Order’s racially amalgamated Communist Cuba ruled by Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic Fidel Castro since 1960.
Holding forth the above political theory based upon the Order’s Masonic Hegelian Dialectic, the following chronological events of American history have enabled the nation’s present course of events to unfold. These events have birthed the impending Mexican (racially Latino) American (racially Southern White) War between nations (masked under the guise of a Latino-on-White race war) to culminate in the Second Mexican-American War. (Remember, these alien Roman Catholic Mexican invaders are flying their Flag—their military colors—of Mexico! These are invaders without formal uniforms and guns!) It appears this Second Mexican-American War will be initiated by the millions of Alien Roman Catholic Mexican Invaders incited to “race war” by Rome’s Masonic International White Power Structure, two of its foremost provocateurs being the Governor and Lt. Governor of Texas!
Martial Law will be declared and American forces will be deployed to the Southwest under the command of NORAD/NORTHCOM charged with “securing the homeland.” This massive, American air and land force, composed of primarily White Roman Catholic and White Apostate Protestant/Baptist Americans, will gladly round up millions of the Mexican invaders sending them to the Empire’s over-600 concentration camps—for termination. However, millions of invaders will flee back into Mexico thereby justifying an American invasion across the border. The U.S. invasion will be a repeat of the American invasion of Mexico in 1916, when General John “Nigger/Blackjack” Pershing was pursuing the forces of Pancho Villa.
Enjoying the moral support of both American and Mexican peoples, U.S. forces will be hailed as “saviors” by the Mexican people—delivered from Rome’s Mexican, mass-murdering drug lords secretly controlled by Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos of Spain via the American Bush Crime Family (left) working with Rome’s CIA and Mafia Organized Crime Syndicate. Coupled with the simultaneous, peaceful invasion and resultant submission of Canada, the Vatican’s Fascist North American Axis Power—the “North American Union” with its “Amero,” imposed due to the purposed failure of the U.S. Dollar, Canadian Dollar and Mexican Peso— will be complete, to the delight of the Jesuit Papacy.
Then the I-69 Trans-Texas Corridor—being built by Cintra, a company controlled by Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos—linking Mexico with the U.S. and Canada will then be completed under the aegis of NORAD/NORTHCOM overseen by the Archbishop of Denver advised by the Jesuits from Regis University. Like Hitler’s “Autobahn,” the International Trade Corridor will be used by the future Sino-Soviet-Moslem Invaders flooding into North America when this present American-led “Crusade” (in the words of Skull and Bonesman George W. Bush)—Rome’s Third Thirty Years’ War—is ended. To understand the present we must look to past key events which are as follows:
1. In 1929 the Jesuit Papacy causes the American Great Depression. Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Joseph P. Kennedy was the sinister short-seller that caused the Stock Market Crash. Democratic Party Chairman and Roman Catholic Knight of Malta John J. Raskob had encouraged American Middle Class farmers to “invest” in the Stock Market leaving tens of millions of White Protestant Americans penniless while ten million Americans would starve to death!
2. In 1933 the Jesuit Papacy enthrones a Democrat, Apostate Protestant Masonic FDR into the White House who in turn promotes the Order’s calculated solution due to the “failure of capitalism.” That solution was the socialist-communist “New Deal” originally backed by Father Charles Coughlin and Father John Ryan of Catholic University of America. FDR loved Coughlin, referring to him as “Padre,” while giving the priest free and open access to the White House!
3. In 1934 the Jesuit Papacy sought to overthrow its FDR with a military coup d’etat using a Protestant Quaker and Marine Corps General, two-time Medal of Honor recipient Smedley Butler. The radical socialist-communist policies

of FDR were used by the Company of Jesus to justify the president’s overthrow via a American Fascist movement backed by pro-Nazi Charles A. Lindbergh. Two of the men behind that conspiracy were Roman Catholic Knight of Malta John J. Raskob (above left) and Roman Catholic Knight of Columbus Al Smith (above right), the mouthpiece of Knight of Malta Nicolas Brady (above). (For Brady was one of the American Empire’s most powerful New York City billionaires, as he was the owner, director, or chairman of over 100 corporations! He was the Vatican’s American favorite, granted the “honor” of being a Knight of the Supreme Order of Christ—the only other living Knight of the Order being King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy—, and awarded the Grand Cross of St. Gregory, Papal Chamberlain, and Papal Duke in 1926.) Pope Pius XI’s plot failed when Butler blew the whistle on the conspirators during a congressional investigation. Thwarted, the Society of Jesus would wait for over 70 years when it would once again attempt to impose another Fascist Military Dictatorship due to intense socialist-communist policies imposed by another Democratic President advocating “Change” (as did Jesuit Georgetown University-controlled, Masonic FDR), Prince Hall Rite, Mulatto Freemason Barry Davis Obama.
End of Part 1