Vlad, Russian Brother-in-Christ, Critiques Movie: “Six: The Mark Unleashed”

Dear Brother Eric,
Last week I watched an interesting movie, titled Six: The Mark Unleashed. The synopsis of the movie is as follows:
“Armageddon awaits when a brutal dictator finds that his only true ally is deceit in this Christian-themed drama set during the ‘seven years of peace’ prophesied by the Bible. Three political prisoners (led by Stephen Baldwin) must avoid the executioner’s blade either by choosing the ‘mark’ or by risking a deadly escape in order to give humanity a fighting chance to survive.”
– In an interaction between characters, one talks about how hard it is “to get cigars now, ever since the leader nuked the South, all the way down to Cuba.” I found it interesting for that character to describe nuking like that, with specific naming of the location, as if the other character did not know about it. Maybe a hint? We know, they, so-to-speak, “nuked” the South before; won’t put it past them if they decide one day to really nuke it.
– They talked about purges, one location mentioned was Los Angeles.
– Everybody had to have an implant in their right hand, and those who did not were hunted down, along with the Christian “heretics”.
– You might want to know how those “heretics” were dealt with? Well, it was the GUILLOTINE. And I must say a very time saving guillotine at that, as it was a stand with 5 or 6 axes, so that they could behead that much at once.
– And of course as is usually the case with the bad guys, the military goons that ran the show and hunted down “heretics” wore black uniforms, just like our good friends, the Jesuits.