Jesuits Direct Pope Benedict XVI’s Alien Roman Catholic Latino Invasion, Pt. 1 of 3
For over 150 years the Military Company of Jesus has sought to “make America dominantly Catholic.” This conspiracy, spearheaded by the Jesuit-ruled Knights of Columbus founded and headquartered in New Haven, Connecticut—just as apostate Protestant Yale University’s co-conspiratorial Skull and Bones fraternity is also based in New Haven—, began its real thrust of “Romanizing” White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestant/Baptist America in the mid-19th Century in complete obedience to the Black Pope’s Counter Reformation Council of Trent.
First, the Jesuits fomented the “Anti-Slavery Agitation” from 1820 to 1860, dividing the old Federal Republic (1787-1868) along geographic lines as per the Mason-Dixon Line—North and South. Secondly, the Order formed the “New Federalist,” Radical “Red/Black” Republican Party, led by the bitter and wicked, White-on-Black adulterer, socialist-communist “commoner” Thaddeus Stevens in the House of Representatives (left), to champion Rome’s British Crown-led, anti-slavery, pro-socialist-communist, radical mass-emancipation/grand-theft-from-White/Black American-slave-owners movement while at the same time divided the Democratic party into two warring factions, breaking up the party’s convention of 1860.
This ensured a Lincoln Republican victory which guaranteed the secession of White Protestant South Carolina and, shortly thereafter, the secession of that grand old dominion of White Protestant Presbyterian Virginia. On April 15, 1861, Lincoln (left) called out federal troops for the invasion of Virgina: the sanguine “War Between the States”—deceptively called “the Civil War” (inferring no Sovereign American State possessed the right to secede)—had now begun. It was now time for the White Protestant Southern States of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia to pay in treasure and blood for refusing to immediately abolish the Pope’s British Crown-led, Kidnapping and Murderous, Black Slave Trade at the behest of Thomas Jefferson in 1776 and again at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. After the war, Lincoln would be assassinated by the Jesuits, he refusing to promote the centralizing and imperial 14th Amendment.
Upon the Confederacy’s surrender at Appomattox Courthouse facilitated by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor General Robert E. Lee in 1865, the old White Protestant South lay in ruins. Over 600,000 “heretic and liberal” Americans had been slaughtered—to the delight of Pope Pius IX (left) and his master, Jesuit General Peter Johannes Beckx. Now, the secret but true purpose for fomenting the war would become evident: Centralization and Empire! centralization of power in Washington and converting the once limited, Calvinistic Federal Republic of Sovereign States into an unlimited, Jesuit Roman Empire composed of Provinces governed from the Empire’s Center City—accomplished all under the open but false policy of giving the Blacks, recently emancipated by the 13th Amendment, American citizenship.
Of the Vatican’s quest to erect an empire “from sea to shining sea” on the ruins of the War Between the States, Richard W. Thompson (left), having referred to “the Jesuitical plottings to establish a ‘Holy Empire’ upon their [the people’s] ruins” (p. 8), wrote on page 55 of his The Papacy and the Civil Power (1876):
“What does Protestantism mean? What necessity gave it birth? What has it done for mankind? What would be the condition of the world if it were destroyed? These are questions we should not fear to discuss, and which we are bound to discuss, now that it is denounced, in our very faces, as heresy and infidelity, and we are insolently told that duty to both God and man requires its total extermination, and the erection of a “Holy Empire.”
Rome’s conspiracy of empire against America would have ominous overtones for the country’s racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites; for limited, pro-Protestant, White Calvinist Republics (Republic of Venice; the Dutch Republic; Cromwell’s Commonwealth of England; Republic of Geneva; and the Republic of the United States) never persecute the Jews. But unlimited, pro-Roman Catholic, White Jesuit/Arminian Empires (the Second French Empire under Emperor Napoleon III; the British Empire under Knight of Malta King George V to the present Dame of Malta Queen Elizabeth II; the Austro-Hungarian Empire under Knight of Malta Emperor Franz Joseph; the Russian Empire under Knights of Malta/Czars Alexander III and Nicolas II and the Third German Reich under Roman Catholic Austrian Adolf Hitler) always curse the racial, physical seed of Abraham through Isaac through Jacob. Always!
In realizing this political conspiracy, the Supreme Law of the Land—the U.S. Constitution—had to be “altered and modified.” Enter the declared ratification of the 14th Amendment in 1868, the incorporation of Washington, D.C. in 1871 and the Supreme Court’s decision of the Slaughterhouse Cases in 1873. Done deal. (See my VAIII for further explicative details.) Washington, D.C. was now “Rome on the Potomac,” the president was now “the Pope,” the Senate was now “the College of Cardinals” and the Supreme Court was now “the Pope’s Sacred Rota,” the States were now Roman Provinces, and the newly created 14th Amendment citizenship for both Whites and Blacks was now Roman Citizenship, the White and Black citizen/subject/serf merely enjoying privileges granted from the Federal and State governments—to the exclusion of God-given Common Law Rights! “Since there is no God, how can there be any God-given rights we in Washington must recognize, you White and Black niggas?” (It is a fact that no federal court acknowledges the possession of any common law right claimed by any 14th Amendment American Citizen! This fact was learned by your editor the hard way!) All is man-centered, thus all rights enjoyed by the Empire’s 14th Amendment Roman Citizens have been conferred by man—the Papal Roman Caesar!
All the Jesuits needed now was a whole new population of Roman Citizens to populate their new Roman Empire of the West. The new American citizens (to replace over half a million “heretic and liberal” Protestants and Baptists murdered from 1861-65) would be first and foremost Roman Catholic citizens of “the Sovereign State of Vatican City” ruled by “the King of Rome”—the Pope. Enter the mass-migration of tens of millions, poverty-stricken, White Roman Catholics from Europe having suffered the injustice of the Black Pope’s “Holy Alliance” (1814-1815), specifically its suppression of the rise of constitutionally limited, representative republican governments on the continent.
The Order would then organize its invading, foreign Roman legions. It would import its Sicilian Roman Catholic Masonic Mafia to organize crime; the Company would found the Knights of Columbus (1882), and later the American Tongue of the Knights of Malta (1927), to gain political and commercial control of every major American city in the Northeast (“the liberal Eastern Establishment”) and, beginning with no later than pro-Roman Catholic, anti-Protestant, Masonic Theodore “Rex” Roosevelt, rule the White House from the new “West Wing Oval Office”—the vaginally-shaped, “Oval Office” of the Virgin Mary. By the time President Woodrow Wilson (above right, seated in the “Oval Office”) was elected, Rome was in unrivaled domination of the White House, Knight of Columbus Joseph P. Tumulty (above left, standing in the “Oval Office”) acting as personal secretary and adviser to the president overseen by Tumulty’s master, James Cardinal Gibbons.
But by 1901 there was still a strong Protestant and Baptist, AV1611 Reformation Bible-reading Christian outcry against unfolding papal control of the nation. So the Order imposed its pro-Tridentine (Council of Trent), pro-Latin Vulgate American Standard Bible in 1901, while doing all in its power to discredit the AV1611 English Reformation Bible—”the foundation upon which this Republic rests,” as declared by President Andrew Jackson. Further, the Society of Jesus sought to unite their slavishly obedient, Roman Catholic immigrants with the historic, free-thinking White Protestant and Baptist American people around a common enemy: enter World War I—the beginning of the Black Pope’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945).
The “American Pope,” Archbishop of Baltimore James Cardinal Gibbons, would lead the war-cry against “the Hun” of Germany. Cardinal Gibbons’ American Knights of Columbus, including Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations (left), would distinguish themselves “fighting the enemies of America,” thereby ingratiating themselves with and endearing themselves to Protestant American nationalists. Rome would use America’s emerging Military Industrial Complex to destroy Germany’s Protestant Second Reich by the end of World War I and to devastate apostate Protestant Lutheran Prussia by the end of World War II. Further, by the end of Gibbons’ reign in 1921, the Cardinal would have overseen the “extirpation” of three Protestant heretics of note—President Garfield, President McKinley and President Wilson.
Meanwhile, the Order would create its Masonic Second White Ku Klux Klan in 1915, bringing into its ranks all anti-papal, White Protestant and Southern Baptist leaders and members—as the KKK was rightly anti-Roman Jesuit Papacy in its outward policy—only to then be neutralized by anti-Jewish fury incited by Masonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors from within. (Yes, the 30th Degree of Scottish-Rite Freemasonry (as re-written by Albert Pike, the Black Pope’s most powerful American Freemason)—the Knight Kadosh—informs the recipient that the Pope of Rome is the head of the Craft!) The White KKK would be used to create an open but false front against Knight of Columbus presidential candidate Al Smith in 1928, and again serving as an open but false front in the 1960s, adding a moral momentum to the Jesuit Order’s amalgamating Black Civil Rights Movement by acts of violence and murder perpetrated against White and Black “Freedom Riders” as well as against Black Baptist churches in the South. Indeed! The Pope’s White KKK (secretly aided by Rome’s FBI—then directed by Rome’s Grand Inquisitor, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite-Freemason and notorious sodomite, Mulatto J. Edgar Hoover) killed Black AV1611 Reformation Bible-reading “heretics and liberals” in accordance with the Black Pope’s Counter-Reformation Council of Trent!
At this time after World War II, the Order would begin to import its fighting and fornicating, crime-ridden, culturally lower-classed, priest-ridden, fanatical Roman Catholic Latinos from Puerto Rico, Cuba, Mexico and other Central and South American nations. Most of these Latino Roman Catholics would legally immigrate into the Pope’s 14th Amendment American Empire, but a fifth column within their midst would incite division through ceaseless, organized agitations such as the Chicano Movement, the anti-Jew Aztlan Movement and “La Raza”—”the Race”—financed by the Pope’s Ford Foundation, the former employer of Ann Dunham who is the late White mother of Jesuit-groomed, Mulatto Barry Davis Obama! Meanwhile, any honest White man sincerely opposing this overwhelming Latino Roman Catholic border crossing (legal or illegal) would be shouted down by the Pope’s CFR-controlled national press, intimidated with the epithets of “racist and bigot.”
But let this scenario come as no surprise. The Pope’s plot to Catholicize America’s southern border was foretold by Miss Burke McCarty in her The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (1924). On page 12 we read:
“For over sixty years the Great Scheme the Vatican and its Jesuits have been working on is, in a nutshell, to form an ECCLESIASTICAL EMPIRE, uniting French Canada with our Atlantic States, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. This is to be done by annexation, manipulated through corrupt politicians at Washington, D.C., in much the same method as the annexation of Texas was accomplished, over sixty years ago. [Could this, written in the early 1900s, be the forerunner of the Pope’s North American Roman Catholic Union? Clearly, the Jesuits rule Ottawa, Washington and Mexico City! Is Canada to be annexed by an American military invasion, much the same way as Hitler annexed Austria in 1938?]
“The next big card being played by Rome is the unification of the French Canadian and Irish-Catholic vote in the New England States where the influx of Catholic Canadians is of such proportion as to cause serious consideration of loyal Americans right now.
“The Church is meeting with some difficulty, owing to the deep-seated dislike between the French and Irish Catholics. This, however, is being rapidly overcome by two methods: intermarriage and through the work of the Knights of Columbus which is by far the most dangerous lay organization in this country.
“The Tragedy of Quebec, a book written by a Protestant Canadian, exposes the PLAN in detail, and the facts and figures given by this writer who has been a close student of the subject for many years are startling. It would be illuminating to the reader who is not familiar with this book to read it. The full plan of extending the Pope’s empire on the Atlantic coast will be done by Latinizing our Southern States, a process which was begun very early in our history, prior to the Civil War.” [Emphasis added]
End of Part 1