Black Murder of White South African Leader Eugene Terre Blanche, Part 1 of 3
On April 3, 2010, hatefully racist, White South African separatist leader Eugene Terre Blanche was brutally murdered by to two cowardly and savage South African Blacks aged 28 and 15. After these two hatefully racist, Majority Savage Blacks (as opposed to the Bible-believing, non-hatefully racist, Minority Civil Blacks) murdered Blanche with a machete (“panga”) and a pipe-club (chopping and beating him to death after breaking into his home), they then pulled down his pants to the knees, masturbated and ejaculated their semen all over his pants and exposed genitalia. (This can be the only explanation for the presence of semen all over Blanche’s pants and private parts.) But this outrage is “par for the course” as the hatefully racist, Majority Savage Blacks of every nation—especially within historic White Protestant nations in which they are so “oppressed”—are completely and totally preoccupied with two historic, Black cultural pastimes: fighting and fornication. Deprive these God-hating, Christ-denying, Bible-rejecting, savagely tribal, socialist-communist, pagan Blacks of their two national preoccupations, and they would truly be aimless and indolent. (Here in Rome’s 14th Amendment American Empire we see this same identical behavior of the hatefully racist, Majority Savage Blacks in every major city—incessant fighting and fornication—to the delight of the Jesuit Order’s hatefully racist, Masonic White Power Structure as this rampant Black crime will justify the establishment of martial law and total gun confiscation!)
We must not forget that we are witnessing the Second White Protestant Genocide in Africa. The first has concluded in Jesuit-trained Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, nearly every White farmer having been driven out or killed out of the country. Apparently the sins of the England’s leading, Pope-serving, wicked White Fathers committed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries—foreign policy sins committed in the name of the Irish, English and Scottish White peoples—are being visited upon the third and fourth generations of English-Rhodesian Whites. Buried in what was once called “Rhodesia” is Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Cecil Rhodes, a homosexual pervert, high-level English Freemason, founder of “The Roundtable” patterned after the Jesuit Order, inciter of England’s mass-murder of White Protestant Boers during the Second Boer War (1899-1902), founder of the international DeBeers diamond cartel (after the British Army had stolen the diamond mines from the Boers), hatefully anti-Black racist and plunderer of southern Africa—all for the benefit of Pope Leo XIII in control of Apostate Protestant Queen Victoria.
The “Rhodes Colossus” was proverbial in England evidenced by the attached cartoon (left) depicting Rhodes uniting Africa via telegraph—that design being the forerunner of Rome’s A.T. & T. international monopoly overseen by the Knights of Malta.
Now, thanks to the nearly 23-year dictatorship of Jesuit-trained, British-backed Robert Mugabe (left), Zimbabwe is financially broke and starving: no White men to grow the food, no Black men get to eat. (May the Blacks residing here in the West learn this lesson well before they are seductively incited by Black Masonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors to wage a race war against American White farmers, the vast majority of these greatest food producers in the world being Protestants and Baptists.)
Further, Jesuit Coadjutor Mugabe—subject to Dame of Malta Queen Elizabeth II—has been supplied with arms from the Order’s Communist Red China in preparation for the Pope’s coming annihilation of every White in both Zimbabwe and South Africa. The Red Chinese have been providing weapons to Mugabe through Mozambican ports. Why? It is well-known among the Blacks that once Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor and Knight of Malta Nelson Mandela dies (now 91, above left), Stage Two of the “extirpation” of White Protestant South Africans will begin, Stage One having been forced miscegenation and amalgamation of the country’s 36 million Blacks with the nearly 5 million Whites. Stage Two will be the organized mass-murder of all White descendants of White Protestant Boers and White Protestant Englishmen, the genocide to be led by the Order’s socialist-communist (“take from the Whites and give to the Blacks”) African National Congress in league with Communist Red China—abetted by Washington and London!
We must not forget that Chinese Communist Dictator Mao Zedong—enthroned in 1949 by the U.S. State Department overseen by Jesuit-trained and advised Francis Cardinal Spellman—drove all foreign Protestant and Baptist missionaries out of China and then imprisoned, enslaved or murdered the Lord’s beloved Bible-believing Chinese Christians—including the great Watchman Nee.
As an aside, it appears the Black Pope, in using his London-based RIIA in tandem with his New York City-based CFR, is wielding his UN-backed, Socialist-Communist “Sword of the Church” to “extirpate all heretics and liberals [nationalists] from the face of the whole earth” pursuant to the Order’s bloody Fourth Vow. These accursed and condemned people are Asian Protestants and Baptists in the Far East; Caucasian Protestants, Baptists and Christian Orthodox peoples throughout Eurasia; Latino Protestants and Baptists throughout Mexico, Cuba, Central America and South America; and Black African Protestants, Baptists and Christian Orthodox peoples throughout Africa. At the same time he is using his Sunni/Wahhabi Islamic “Sword of the Church”—financed by his oil bonanza, Saudi Arabia—to murder the Black African Christian Orthodox, Protestant and Baptist peoples of Africa.
Let us also remember that it was the Jesuit Georgetown University-trained, Cecil Rhodes-Scholar, CFR-directed, American President Bill Clinton that embargoed racially-segregated, White-ruled South Africa thereby forcing the minority Whites out of government and enthroning the Jesuit-backed, Socialist-Communist African National Congress in 1994. Jesuit Socialist-Communist Clinton also gave military secrets to Communist Red China, via Chinese American physicist and traitor Wen Ho Lee, while backing the movement to give China a “most favored nation” trading status with the U.S. Jesuit Clinton is a Radical Democratic Communist—along with his “son-in-the-communist-faith,” Muslim Barry Davis Obama—and is one of the Pope’s agents responsible for setting the stage for the final consummation of the present White Protestant Genocide in South Africa.
But let us turn our attention to the murdered Eugene Terre Blanche. This White Apostate Protestant Boer was the founder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) meaning the Afrikaner Resistance Movement. Created in 1973, Blanche’s White, right-wing organization was founded out of legitimate grievances, specifically the theft and ongoing destruction of the Boer republics, the South African Republic (Transvaal) and the Republic of the Orange Free State (the name taken from the Protestant House of Orange of the Netherlands). Its open but false purpose was righteous and without fault: to create an independent White Boer/Afrikaner constitutional republic in a part of South Africa—presently 90% Black and the bastard creation of London’s Jesuit Provincial overseeing the Crown. However the secret but true purpose of the movement is depicted in its symbol. The flag of the AWB Party is nearly identical to that of the Jesuit-created Nazi Party in post-WWI Germany, employing the colors of red, black and white sporting the same identical pattern of the Jesuit Order’s Nazi flag. The only difference is the use of three “sevens” as opposed to the swastika, more correctly, “the suavastika.”
Therefore, we must conclude the AWB was formed as a hatefully racist, White “right-wing fascist creation of the Jesuit Order secretly intended, in the end, to justify the mass-extermination of every White in South Africa. Apostate Protestant White Prussia was brought into the Bavarian Roman Catholic Nazi party born out of three legitimate grievances: the loss of the Protestant German Second Reich, the subsequent unjust Versailles Treaty as a result of the Order’s WWI and Bolshevik Communist raids into Prussia murdering German Lutherans. So it was with the neo-Nazi AWB, born out of the loss of the two Protestant Dutch Republics that bordered one another, their subsequent subordination to the Black Pope’s British Crown as a result of the wicked, thieving, English-led, Second Boer War (1899-1902) that murdered 37,000 Boers—older men, women and children—in concentration camps (above) at the advice of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Kaiser Wilhelm II, and the pro-Black, Socialist-Communist policies of Prime Minister Vorster! Apostate White Protestant Prussians were annihilated by the Order’s U.S./U.K.-backed, Socialist-Communist Red Army as payback for the German Army’s brutalization of the “subhuman” Russian Slavs (1941-1945); even so the Apostate White Protestant Boers are to be annihilated by the Order’s U.S./U.K.-backed, Socialist-Communist Black African National Congress as payback for the Afrikaner’s brutalization of the “subhuman” Blacks during the apartheid era (1961-1994).
Lesson ONE: Rome’s Jesuits are the masters of creating a reactionary party, the Counter-Reformation Society of Jesus being the foremost reactionary party in world history. The Company always creates reactionary parties—with a secret, sinister aim known only to select leaders—as a result of legitimate grievances arising from undeniable injustice suffered by a people of a specific race, language and historical/religious culture. This is EXACTLY what is being done in Apostate White Protestant, Roman Catholic-dominated America today with the “New Right” Republican/Tea Party Movement. This is EXACTLY how the Masonic, hatefully-racist, First White Ku Klux Klan was created in 1865; this is EXACTLY how the Masonic, hatefully-racist, Second White Ku Klux Klan was created in 1915; this is EXACTLY how the Masonic, hatefully-racist, Black Nation of Islam was created in 1930; this is EXACTLY how the Masonic, socialist-communist, Jesuit-backed, Black Civil Rights Movement was created in 1954; and this is EXACTLY how the Masonic, socialist-fascist, Knight of Malta-backed, White “New Right” Republican Movement was created in 1983.
Lesson TWO: There can be no White Protestant and/or Baptist nation allowed to exist on the face of the earth. Any serious movement to that end must be co-opted, sabotaged, depicted as hatefully “racist” and betrayed, while its “accursed heretic and liberal,” Bible-believing White people must be “extirpated from the face of the whole earth” by traitors from within and foreign invaders from without.
End of Part 1