Haiti: Full of Sin; Oppressed by Pope’s White Power Structure

“Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7
Haiti is the Zimbabwe of the Western hemisphere. Like, Zimbabwe, Haiti is an all Black African Nation with only a handful of Whites seeking to live in what they consider to be their home nation by birth. Like, Zimbabwe, Haiti is full of sin against God and crime against man: it is rampant with theft, fornication, murder and sorcery. Like Zimbabwe, it was once prosperous when educated Whites and Jews were allowed to conduct business without fear of being robbed, raped and murdered by tribal, savage Blacks. Like Zimbabwe, and soon-to-be South Africa, Haiti has no farming base to feed its cities: Whites have no more influence in food production as they have been either killed out or driven out—therefore the African-Haitian Blacks are starving by the thousands. Like Zimbabwe, Haiti is begging from White peoples to send their monies and supplies by which to save the nation from certain death thereby indirectly admitting an innate inability to enjoy an organized infrastructure common to advanced civil societies without the aid of White nations—historically White Anglo-Saxon Protestant nations. As an aside, your editor finds it most intriguing that NOT ONE Black Nation of Africa is sending either aid or capital to Haiti after its massive earthquake that has killed nearly 200,000 Blacks and rendered over one million homeless. Meanwhile the historically “heretic” White Protestant nations of America, Canada and Germany, as well as “liberal” and historically anti-Jesuit France, are to be flooded with Haitians fleeing their decimated capital. This unwanted immigration will further weaken the racial, moral, social, cultural and financial foundations of these once high and prosperous White countries—pursuant to the Black Pope’s Counter-Reformation Council of Trent. Obviously, no African nations are planning to receive their “Black brothers” from Hispanola: that, dear reader is the White man’s job! For this continual drain on White nations, this damnable imposition, is what the Order has both created and called “the White Man’s Burden.”
But to understand the plight of African Black Haitians, we must remember TWO criminal acts perpetrated by the Jesuit Order via its Enforcer, high-level, Illuminized OTO/Freemasonry overseeing the Pope’s International White Power Structure. The first act of infamy was the poisoning of Haiti’s national hero, Toussaint Louverture. A Roman Catholic and a low-level, anti-Jesuit Freemason, he led the Black slaves in their overthrow White French Roman Catholic rule during the Jesuit Order’s anti-Papacy French Revolution. But posing a threat to the Order once the Napoleonic Wars would terminate, Haiti’s hero was arrested, sent to France, imprisoned in a dungeon and poisoned. And who was behind this perfidy? none other than the Emperor himself—Masonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Roman Catholic Napoleon Bonaparte. This event should be on the mind of every Haitian. It should be common knowledge that the Jesuit Order, using its “Robespierre on Horseback,” gave “the poison cup” to the greatest Black leader in the history of the Caribbean.
The second great injustice against Haiti was imposed by the Black Hand of the Black Pope’s Central Intelligence Agency then directed by Jesuit Fordham-trained Knight of Malta William J. Casey. Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier was the absolute dictator of Haiti, the creator of the feared and absolutist secret police called the “Tonton Macoutes.” Ruling the nation with an iron fist, he expelled all Jesuits in February, 1964—Praise God! For this he suffered several CIA-backed coup d’etats and attempted assassinations, but Voodo-master Francois finally paid with his life when he died suddenly in 1971—another victim of the Order’s “poison cup.” Son Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” was overthrown in 1986 to be replaced four years later with Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic priest and CFR pick for Haiti, Jean Bertrand Aristide. Your editor personally knows a former member of Seal Team Six who was ordered into Haiti by 33rd Degree Freemason CFR-member General Colin Powell, to save Aristide from certain death upon the dictator’s overthrow and flight from the island.
We must also consider a little-known fact about Haiti trodden down by the Pope’s International Masonic White Power Structure. During World War II—Act II of the Company’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945)—, Haiti admitted European Jews fleeing the Jesuit Order’s Nazi-SS/Soviet-NKVD Eurasian Jewish Holocaust. American Masonic Skull and Bonesmen backed both Stalin and Hitler; Prescott Bush for the socialist-Nazi Fascists and Averell Harriman for the socialist-Communists. Meanwhile, 33rd Degree Freemason Franklin “Devil” Roosevelt, advised by his CFR/Jesuit alter-ego Harry Hopkins as well as by Jesuit priest/Knight of Malta Edmund Walsh at nearby Jesuit Georgetown University, REFUSED entry of condemned European Jews into America. Later, FDR’s pro-Nazi Knight of Malta John J. McCloy would REFUSE to use the Army Air Force to bomb Auschwitz in Poland. Yes, brother Freemasons FDR, Hitler, Stalin and Churchill all worked together to corral and annihilate European Jews during Pope Pius XII’s “Crusade” of WWII—but voodoo-stricken, Black Haiti rained on their parade! The risen Son of God would bless Haiti for her blessing the racial sons of Jacob in accordance with Genesis 12:1-3, and the Devil would bide his time until he could impose payback. That payback would finally arrive in 1990 with a U.S.-backed dictator, the CFR-controlled, Jesuit-trained, Roman Catholic priest Aristide!
In summary, before we Bible-believing White men jump to the conclusion that impoverished Haiti is solely the work of the immoral Black African Haitians, we must never forget the White Jesuit Order’s control of the country via its North American political whore, Washington, D.C.—”Rome on the Potomac.” If Haiti is ever to be free to prosper under a Black military dictator—the only form of government under which unsaved, Savage Blacks are forced to civility—it must break off all connection with the Jesuits, the very secret society of wicked White men now ruling the world via “Rome on the Tiber.”
This should in fact be our prayer for Haiti: deliverance from the power of the Devil through belief of the true gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. The second part of our prayer should be Haiti’s deliverance from the damnable Temporal Power of the Pope by expelling all priests, including cutting off all diplomatic relations with the Sovereign State of Vatican City and its North American surrogate—Washington, D.C.—financed by the Pope’s Federal Reserve Bank in New York City.
Meanwhile we are going to be bombarded with a ceaseless plea to White Americans—presently financially broken—to give our monies for the suffering people of Haiti, suffering because of a man-made earthquake—on orders from the Vatican! That endless, emotional plea will be led by Jesuit-Hollywood’s “bums and whores,” so appropriately termed by the late Italian-American Roman Catholic Chicago mob boss, Sam Giancana. Let us not be surprised that most of that money—to be sent to the Pope’s Red Cross—may well go into the pockets of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, two most obedient Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors!