Criminal U.S. Federal Judges Disarm Populace & Promote Crime

Here is another example of a Federal District Judge punishing a responsible, middle-aged White man for carrying a concealed weapon in Black-crime-ridden Atlanta despite the fact that the victimized-accused held a concealed carry permit. You see, the grand design of Rome and its surrogate on the Potomac, Washington, D.C., is to encourage Savage Black-on-White Crime while simultaneously disarming the productive White populace—further bankrupting the nation and destroying the once White Anglo-Saxon Protestant/Baptist culture based upon the Presbyterian-Calvinist United States Constitution and the Baptist-Calvinist Bill of Rights.
The “endgame” is to drive all disarmed Whites to desperation due to tens of millions of Black-on-White/Roman Catholic Latino-on-White/Muslim-on-White crimes. As calculated, all Whites in general (Protestant, Baptist, Roman Catholic and atheist) are to then BEG at the feet of the Black Pope’s CFR-controlled Federal Government to save them with a military dictatorship—a Jesuit fascist military dictatorship!
One of the greatest criminal acts any of us White men can commit is to shoot any perpetrator of any violent crime—on the spot while the crime is in progress—righteously punishing the offender thus discouraging more crime while eliminating the justification for more police, more laws, more prisons and thereby the Order’s “endgame” of martial law! This is the plot of the Order, my White racial brothers. Now, we understand why we are plagued with the Federal and State Courts rewarding Savage Black-on-White/Roman Catholic Latino-on-White/Savage Muslim-on-White crime.
The solution: true Biblical repentance among White men and receiving of the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Savior through belief of the true gospel of Christ (I Corinthians 15:1-6), and then returning to State sovereignty via political secession of our State that we might restore cultural order by punishing evil and rewarding good—the sole purpose of government as ordained by God in Genesis 9:6 restated in Romans 13:1-5 and I Peter 2:13-14. link