Black Muslims of America Military Training Camps: Race War

This video proves that the Black Pope’s Unified American Intelligence Community coordinated by his Freemasonic White Power Structure is fomenting a coming “Holy War/Race War” within the American Empire. Just as the Nazi-SS worked with Islamic leaders during World War II, even so the American CIA/FBI work with Islamic leaders and while their Muslim soldiers of fortune conduct military exercises in over 60 training camps throughout America. We must observe the Muslims filmed in the video above are American Blacks, not foreign Shemites from Islamic countries. This furthers the conclusion that the Jesuits in charge of Washington, D.C., are seeking to convert the American Majority Savage Blacks (as opposed to the Minority Civil Blacks) to the violent and vicious religion of Islam—a form of Roman Catholicism for Arabs and peoples of color.
Therefore, we can plan on more Black-on-White crime; more Black males sent to prison on drug charges in which to be converted to Louis Farrakhan’s hatefully-racist, anti-White, Black Nation of Islam; more gladiator/paramilitary training for Black Muslims; the future outbreak of an organized Black “Muslim”-on-White “Christian” race/holy war; a politically unified (via the Council for National Policy), religiously ecumenical (via the Manhattan Declaration), White Roman Catholic-led backlash involving the imposition of a White Jesuit-Fascist Military Dictator who will direct his DHS Blackshirts in the grand mass-guillotining of the nearly 60 million Blacks within the American Empire. In addition to the Blacks (both Savage and Civil) and Latinos (both legal and illegal), the “perfidious” Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites will also be “extirpated.”
This is truly a horrible and gruesome scenario, but becoming more and more apparent with every passing day. It is well planned-and cleverly calculated by Freemasonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors, White and Black, leading both sides of the ignorant and deceived, racial warring factions. Meanwhile, there are no investigations on the part of the Jesuit Georgetown University-controlled Department of Justice. Nobody in the Federal or State governments will be allowed to put a stop to this High Treason. For we unrepentant American White peoples appear to be under the national judgment of God for the multitude of our domestic and foreign policy sins commencing with FDR’s military dictatorship imposed in 1933. The Black Pope’s military Company of Jesus is the Devil’s Great Second Cause to bring about our national punishment. One of the Order’s tools is the hatefully-racist, anti-White, Black Nation of Islam whose Masonic leaders submit to the Temporal Power of the Roman Pontiff, as do the Masonic White “Skull and Bonesmen” who also “kiss the slippered toe of the pope.” Read between the lines of the above video, for the truth is in the details.