Exiled Dutch Statesman Geert Wilders Warns Against Islam Part 1

We are witnessing the pope’s final destruction of the “heretic and liberal” peoples of once White Protestant Western Civilization. For these “accursed heretics and liberals” must be “extirpated” if the once high Western cultures, born out of theProtestant Reformation, are to be destroyed. Further, the White Roman Catholics of Europe and North America are no longer “good Catholics” as they were during the pope’s Dark Ages. They have become “liberal” while they enjoy the rights of freedom of speech, press and conscience—originally secured by anti-papal Protestants! Further, Europe and North America remain cultural and economic havens for three fourths of the world’s racialHebrew/Jewish/Israelites. Therefore the following questions must have arisen within the secret council chambers of the Jesuit Order:
1. “How can we finally destroy the once Bible-based cultures of White Western nations born out of the Protestant Reformation such as those in Northern Europe, North America and those nations formerly under the protection of the once White Protestant British Empire such as South Africa, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Australia and New Zealand? These nations have rejected the Reformation Bible from its councils and thus are apostate: their final, political destruction will be much easier then their spiritual destruction that we effected during the 2oth Century.
2. “How can we unite these nations into economic and military blocks when their peoples are so disunited by race, nationality and religious belief systems remembering these nations are far from being consciously submitted to the pope’s Spiritual and Temporal powers?”
3. “What common enemy can we raise up within those historically White Protestant Western nations that would accomplish three things: 1) unite the White nationalities into one people within Europe; 2) persecute and/or kill the “heretic” Reformation Bible-believing people openly resisting our New World Order in both Europe and North America; 3) and persecute the racial and religious Jews in both Europe and North America, in which nations these people have enjoyed—for the last 400 years—the greatest amount of civil, religious and political liberty during their Diaspora?”
4. “How can we rid the Middle East, especially the nations adjacent to the pope’s ‘Kingdom of Jerusalem,’ of tens of millions of ‘wild’ (Ishmael’s descendants), ‘warring’ (Esau’s descendants) Arab Muslims (Islam being a creation of the Vatican) that will otherwise continue their destructive and intolerant behavior thereby rendering us unable to build our Third Hebrew Temple for the pope?”
Answer: “We will bring tens of millions of Arab Muslims into European nations (apostate Roman Catholic, apostate Protestant and atheist). We will also bring these people into North America. Both immigrations will be financed by our economic powerhouse, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (created by us in 1932), so that these Muslim Arabs will reproduce without any economic restraint, while the Whites of those nations are financially broken and struggling to make ends meet from week to week. We will then incite Muslim violence and crime, while giving them preference in the culture over the natives. Our agents running the governments in Europe and North America will follow our directions until the financial and cultural desperation becomes intolerable among the natives so as to drive all the Whites to their knees begging deliverance from the very enemy we created and by which we destroyed their once White Protestant cultures. We will then give them OUR deliverance as planned for over 100 years—Jesuit Fascism imposed by our military dictator. United and seeking vengeance, our White Fascist Armies will totally annihilate the Muslims as well as the Blacks having committed millions of Black-on-White crimes for over half a century.”
Dutch statesman Geert Wilders is right on all of his points—generally speaking. But little does he know that by not blaming the papacy for the Islamic invasion and cultural onslaught into Europe and North America, he will never propose the right solutions to the problems imposed upon Western Civilization. Enjoy the video.