Black Pope’s Freemasonic ADL Attacked by a Jewish Former Insider

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has been an arm of the Jesuit-ruled Roman Papacy since the League’s inception in 1913. Founded by New Testament-hating, Lord Jesus Christ-deploring, Masonic Jews who were members of B’nai B’rith, the ADL has always been loyal to the pope of Rome. (Your editor is referring to the true Lord Jesus Christ of the Old and New Testaments and not the false “Jesus Christ” on the crucifix, which new god was created by Constantine in 325 AD at the Council of Nicea thus, in fact, birthing the Roman papacy.) Its policies result in the fomenting of anti-Jewish fury among Gentiles throughout North America—as intended by the racially-Jewish, Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor overseeing the hate-cult, Abraham Foxman. The ADL is a total backer of the pope’s Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists running the government of Israel for the benefit of the “Vicar of Christ” and his Knights of Malta overseeing Rome’s revived “Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.” One of those Knights is Jesuit-educated and Jesuit-advised King Juan Carlos, not only the “King of Spain,” but also the “King of Jerusalem.”
The Jewish Freemason and Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor running the ADL is, once again, Abraham Foxman. This devil, who seeks to make Evangelical Protestant Christians the enemy of Jewish people residing in North America as well as those Jews rightfully residing in their land of Israel, is a Polish Jew who was raised a Roman Catholic. Ah yes, a Roman Catholic Jew running the ADL! Wonderful!!! Now we understand his attack on Bible-believing Christians, while never addressing the present crimes of the Jesuit-ruled, Roman papacy.
Further, this servant of Satan oversees the conferring of the ADL’s highest award to the minions promoting the purpose of the Black Pope’s Antichrist, anti-Protestant Reformation, Jewish cult, whether those minions act consciously or unconsciously. That award (now get this!) is called “The Cardinal Bea Interfaith Award!” Yes! This Masonic Jewish cult, decrying the Jesuit Order’s Eurasian Jewish Holocaust (“burnt offering”)—while never openly blaming the Jesuit papacy for its complicity, extols one of the Jesuit confessors of Pope Pius XII—so beloved and honored by former Israeli Prime Minister and another popish, Polish Jew—Golda Meir! For it was this Pope Pius XII who had two Jesuit confessors during his pontificate. The first was German Jesuit Robert Leiber and the second, you guessed it, Bavarian German Jesuit Augustin Cardinal Bea. And it was this wicked and abominable Augustin Bea, while a young Jesuit in Bavaria, who was a promoter of the Nazi-SS persecution of Europe’s Jews as proven by ex-priest turned Bible-believing missionary to the Roman Catholics of New York City, Pastor Leo H. Lehman.
The ADL is a tool of the Jesuit Order and part of the Black Pope’s Counter Reformation International Intelligence Community. It is wicked, evil and should be prosecuted by the Department of Justice under the new Hate Crimes law right along with Pope Benedict XVI’s Roman Hierarchy in the U.S. (We are not surprised that the coming last and final pope, murdered and risen from the dead to be The Antichrist, will have a racial Jew for his False Prophet!) The good news is that a former ADL member, aided by certain Bible-believing Evangelicals, has now openly attacked the Antichrist ADL’s Freemason Abe Foxman with his policies. Although I regard Ted Pike and Michael Collins Piper to be adept Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors blaming the Jews for the Pope’s International Conspiracy for World Government, the attached article is of great worth and may be read here