Questions? Text “63336″—666 number of the Beast

Babylonian-Mother-Goddess-Lilith-OwlsThe last Pope (rightly understood to be the “Papal Roman Caesar/King of Rome”), is to be murdered (Revelation 13:3-10; 17:8).  He will then, by the working of Satan, rise from the dead to be the Man-Beast (Revelation 13:3-10; 17;10).  The Antichrist (1 John 2:18; 4:3) will be  fully possessed by the Devil/Satan having been cast out of the abode of God in the “third heaven” (II Corinthians 12:2) and confined to earth (Revelation 12:7-9).  The “Vicar of Christ,” who is in fact the “Vicar of Horus,” will then be the risen “Horus” possessed by “Set,” the Devil/Satan of Egyptian lore.  The risen Pope turned Man-Beast will take a new name and worship another god that previous Roman Caesars/Popes did not worship (Daniel 11:38).

When the Man-Beast begins his 42-month, tyrannical reign over all nations, he will take control of the world’s commerce centered in the rebuilt City of Babylon, he to be the “King of Babylon” (Isaiah 14:4).  The rebuilt City of Babylon will be the final capital for the Vatican’s fully-developed, European Union—the perfected, Roman Jesuit-Fascist, Fourth Reich Kingdom of the Man-Beast—after the Ten European Kings destroy Rome (Revelation 17:12, 17).  Rome will be destroyed in the middle of the Prophet Daniel’s seven-year period having begun with the final Pope’s confirmation of a previously existing, international peace treaty (Daniel 9:27).

Once Rome is destroyed, the risen Pope turned Man-Beast/Antichrist will make the rebuilt City of Babylon his new political and commercial capital of the world—the center for international idolatry in the worship of Babylon’s Man-Beast.  The rebuilt City of Babylon, perfectly situated for commerce at the European, Asian, Far-Eastern and African continental junctions, will be the richest city in world history, termed in scripture “the golden city” (Isaiah 14:4)!  From this city, the Man-Beast will institute the only means by which individual or corporate commerce may be conducted—the taking of his name, or his mark or his number.  That number is 666 (Revelation 13:18) and is in use depicted in the video above.  Notice also within the video the equilateral triangle—symbolizing the pagan Babylonian/Egyptian trinity—with sunbeams in the background!

The good news is just prior to the visible Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, He will destroy the City of Babylon just as He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Isaiah 13:19; Jeremiah 50:40)—with “fire” (Revelation 18:8).

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