EJP Responds to a “Disappointed Negro”

By your missive you are reckless and lazy. You are reckless with your points of assumed facts and lazy in your prose. Further, you are too undisciplined or disrespectful to address me by name, betraying your anti-White hateful racism. This is typical of most Blacks, though not the rule, and thus provides another reason for the separation of the races.
You sir, have a religion, and it is not based upon the Bible. You have fallen for the Jesuit propaganda of “universal equality,” Black supremacy in history, and the origin of man in Black Africa. These religious beliefs are more incredible than Aesop’s fables.
The following points of fact you claim are outright lies:
1. You think that I am anti-Black; your first great mistake. The same principles I advocate for Whites I advocate for Blacks. Biblical maxims work for any race, including separation.
2. I do offer a logical solution to the coming race war: separation of the races as per the Word of God. The creation of the three major races was done by God to keep mankind separate so that we would not unite against Him as was done by the one human race prior to the Flood. I have said this many times in my 40-volume series you reference, but obviously you refuse to listen.
3. I do not want a race war; I am seeking to put forth the Biblical solution in averting that monstrosity. That solution is separation, which you notoriously hate. For when we WASPs separate from you race-mixing Blacks, the Savage Blacks (assuming you are a Bible-believing Civil Black) will not be able to be used by this Jesuit-ruled, CFR government to steal from, rape and murder us any longer. Black-on-White crime will cease! Just think of it! Praise God!
4. You claim that secession of a state is not possible as that will not be “allowed.” My, my; the devil must be greater than God. This was the same claim of the Tories in the 18th century. God is able to grant this prayer of millions of Whites if the Whites seeking such secession will base their new country on the Reformation Bible. That, I will do—with malice towards none.
5. The Vatican never founded the U.S. That is another bold-faced lie. This betrays your complete ignorance of true, White American Protestant history. You need to take some time and work at reading history.
6. Egypt is indeed the land of Ham, but that does not mean there were no Shemites or Japhethites in that land that hosted Egypt and its highly mathematical civilization.
7. Black Hamites never built Egypt or the pyramids. There is no reliable history for such an absurd claim. Since there were no Blacks capable of writing the history of Egypt during the 19th century (I wonder why?), then I must defer to the White historians. Further, no Black Hamite has built an advanced civilization for the last two thousand years.
8. My White audience is not gullible; it checks out my claims and corrects me if I am wrong with verifiable facts—something you have not done. You rant like the typical, emotional Negro [as you call yourself] when offended rather than writing a respective, systematic response to my claims. This bent to rabid, knee-jerk, reactional emotionalism is a weakness of the Negro [Black] race that the Order capitalizes upon at its whim. That White Roman Catholic priest in Jeremiah Wright’s “church” (preaching like a Savage Black in linguistic American-English “Ebonics” and inciting Black-on-White hatred) proves the point. You need to change.
9. You have “proved” my status to yourself not by any facts, but by a religious, hatefully bigoted, emotional diatribe based upon your belief of damnable socialist-communist doctrine of cultural “universal equality.” This is Jesuitical and springs from amoral philosophy, not from any Biblical truth or historical fact.
10. I will never be “exposed” as being a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor as I am not one. Every point I champion the Jesuits hate as it counters their design for this nation.
Mr. “Negro,” since you refuse to provide your name as a man would do, you are angry that I expose the devil’s lies of Black and White cultural “universal equality.” You deliberately ignore the fact of White cultural supremacy over Black culture—or is that merely because the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants have kept you down? Oh that’s it! Every failure of Blacks and Black culture is the fault of us WASPs and White Baptists. Well then, if you chose to believe that damnable Jesuit lie, then let us separate, you to your destiny in your own country and me in mine. He who stands on his own rights in his own space injures no one.
Regardless of any line of reasoning, whether it be yours or mine, the solution is the same: separation of the races into their own countries as “a nation” is a people composed of a common race, common language, common culture, a common history, with a common geographic dwelling place. This is why I also advocate Arab separation from the Jews of Israel; the Arabs can go to 22 surrounding Arab countries. Let the Jews occupy their own land to the exclusion of all other races.
Join me in advocating this right solution to the increasing problem of the races in this Jesuit Empire. If you don’t, you are another Jesuit stooge expounding a Jesuit philosophy couched in Socialist/Communism—as Martin “Lucifer” King was one of the finest. (And that Black devil is the only man in this 14th Amendment Jesuit Empire that has a specific national holiday in his name—to the exclusion of every WASP and White Baptist that founded the American Calvinist Republic in 1787.) But then he was “the boy” of that evil White man sitting in the Vatican, Pope Paul VI, the murderer of JFK and Malcolm X. Mr. “Negro” who claims to believe the Bible, you espouse the same doctrines of the Pope, the Jesuits and their professional agitator who hated his own race, Michael King—his real name!
Goodbye my friend. Since you refuse to listen, then do not seek to waste my time or yours any longer. And please do not listen to my broadcasts as they will just make you angry—until you repent!
Sincerely in faith
Brother Eric
[Dear Eric]
so until jesus establishes his righteous throne, you will establish one for white men. im sure the lord would be pleased. after all, the great commission was to build kingdoms on earth,huh. it s very clever for the vatican. it is evidenced by people like you alex jones and alan watt, they dont care what we know, as long and they can put leaven in it, even a speck, it wil do no good. now thru you and others theyre simply rubbing it in. you are rallying your wasp brothers to foment a race war. may god have mercy on your soul. ive only listened to racewar 1-9. you offer no logical solution to this war. you want it. yu know darn well no black, white, or blue country will ever be allowed to secede from ANY COUNTRY especially not the Vatican founded US. in psalms 3 times egypt is called the land of ham! you know they were black. but unlike most of your gullible white audience and a miniscule amount of other races therein, i am not an idiot and will not be decieve by your vatican chicanery. nice try, but havng sufficiently proved your statis to myself, i will not alert others. if they wont read for themselves its pointless. but one day you will be exposed, and it will discredit everything ese you have done. perhaps this is your goal
a negro who is disappointed in you