George Washington: An Accurate Summary of His Freemasonic Life

The link at the end of this article properly concludes that George Washington, the Father of the Av1611 Reformation English Bible-based, Theocratic, Protestant and Baptist-Calvinist, Federal Republic of these United States of America (1787-1868), was a low-level, generally inactive, American Freemason. Washington was an enemy of the Illuminati as stated by himself in a notorious letter written in the 1790s. Washington stated that the Illuminati had not infiltrated American Freemasonry in his day, and thus, being merely an association of American patriots—many of which were Protestants (unfortunately)—he gave his hearty approval. Washington did not consider Freemasonry a religion (thus ignorant of its occult essence) and regarded it merely as a gentleman’s club for American patriots who were also anti-papacy—not anti-Roman Catholic people. Washington’s boy general, the Marquis de Lafayette, was a French Roman Catholic who hated the Jesuit Order and warned of its threat to the American Republic, yet he also was a low-level Freemason. At this epoch in time, Freemasonry, due to the First Great Masonic Schism of 1753, was God’s means of expelling the Jesuit Order first from Roman Catholic Portugal, then Roman Catholic France and finally Roman Catholic Spain—wrought by the hand of Roman Catholic-Freemasonic advisers to the Roman Catholic kings of these countries.
Washington was not the Roman Catholic Freemason portrayed to be by P. D. Stuart in his Codeword Barbelon. Washington was not the Freemasonic conspirator portrayed in Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor F. Tupper Saussy’s Rulers of Evil. Apparently, it is now the quest of the Order to paint our beloved George Washington with the brush of Freemasonic fanaticism, that he was some sort of a “supermason,” that he was merely the creature of the Jesuit Order—then suppressed by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 who was subsequently poisoned—and that the America he founded was merely a Jesuit Republic subject to the Black Pope. These are all lies and will be dealt with over time through a series of articles on our heaven-sent, bold and brave, Baptist-Calvinist winner of the Protestant American Revolution and First President of the late, great, Federal Republic of these United States of America (1787-1868), George Washington.