The Crusades: The Crescent and the Cross Part 1 of 10

These videos are a good beginning in understanding the Vatican’s barbaric Crusades against Muslims, non-Roman Catholic Christians and Jews. As covered in my Con Con Power Point offered on this website under “Store,” Islam was a creation of Rome in the 7th Century to impose a religion upon the Middle East that would be identical in substance—in its practical outworking—to that of Papal Romanism. Islam was to be the Roman Catholicism for the Arab peoples, the physical descendants of Ishmael inter-racially mixed with the descendants of Esau—Jacob’s older brother. Islam was to be “the Sword of the Church” against Constantinople, Rome’s political rival and later, after 1054 AD, her religious rival. When the armies of Islam, financed by the papacy and backed by papal bulls, took Jerusalem from the Emperor of Constantinople in the late Seventh Century, its leaders refused to give “the holy city” to the pope: the “Vicar of Christ” was called an “infidel”—which indeed he is according to the Reformation Bible—and kept the city for themselves. As a result, succeeding popes launched their Crusades to retake Jerusalem for that future man of sin—the final pope of Rome, murdered and revived from the dead to be the ruler of the world from Jerusalem’s Third Hebrew Temple. The Crusades were part of the devil’s “mystery of iniquity.”