Update on Islamic Mass-Murderer Hasan: Great Falls, Virginia

It is now official: Hasan had ties to Al Qaeda according to Newsmax as well as ties to the Department of Homeland (“Romeland”) Security according to Jerome Corsi. We now must consider an extremely important question: “What is the significance of the mosque Hasan attended?” The name: Dar al-Hijrah Mosque (above); location: Great Falls, Virginia. Since the murderer had ties to Al Qaeda through the former Imam of that mosque, and that Imam was permitted to leave the U.S. in 2002 shortly after the 911 demolition (carried out by the American Intelligence Community and blamed on Al “CIA” Qaeda Muslims), this Imam—Anwar al Awlaki—was deliberately permitted to depart for Yemen from which he continues his jihad against America.
From these few facts, coupled with the reality that Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA, we may conclude Husan was a Muslim working for the CIA’s International Freemasonic Islamic Terrorist Network. It is now public record that the CIA has refused to release any intelligence in connection to the killer. It is also public record that Congress—the very Congress that knows 911 was an act of high treason by President George W. Bush and CFR/Vice President Dick Cheney—asked CIA Director (Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta) Leon Panetta and Director of National Intelligence (Rhodes Scholar) Dennis Blair to “keep” all intelligence documents related to Hasan. Again, Hasan was a Muslim foot soldier for the CIA, just as the murdered Osama bin Laden was an agent for the CIA, just as London bomber Siddique Khan of 7/7 fame was an agent for British Intelligence.
The question is how was Hasan handled so as to leave no paper or computer trail that would lead to his secret intelligence masters? I believe the answer lies in the location of his mosque—the town of Great Falls. For Great Falls also hosts St. Catherine of Siena Church, the infamous Roman Catholic Church which America’s greatest FBI/KGB spy had attended—FBI counterintelligence officer Robert Philip Hanssen. The Church was known for being Opus Dei—”God’s Work”—graced with such attendees as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (whose son, Paul, is a Catholic priest) and FBI Director Louis Freeh, both of whom are members of the Jesuit-created, secret society Opus Dei. Hanssen too was Opus Dei, protected for years by his Opus Dei/FBI boss from taking a polygraph test insisted upon by other FBI officers. Even the priest, Father Franklin Martin McAfee, was Opus Dei performing the mass in Latin evidencing open contempt for the Second Vatican Council.
Here are powerful FBI officers, they most assuredly conducting secret business advised by their Opus Dei priest under cover of a Catholic Church, while during this very same time period—and in the same town—Hasan with other Al Qaeda Muslims is conducting secret business advised by their Al Qaeda Imam under cover of a Mosque! Remembering the Islamic “Assassins” and the Papal “Knights Templars” worked together within the “Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem” for nearly two centuries (1099-1291) and factoring in the above evident connection between the Church and the Mosque via intelligence operatives in 2001-2002, we may rightly suspect a present connection between Opus Dei and Al Qaeda played out in Great Falls. May the Lord Jesus Christ raise up a group of men within the Justice Department who will insist on finding the truth! We need another group of Untouchables, men who cannot be corrupted with money, sex or power; men who will not stop investigating every lead until the truth can be proven in open court. Then mulatto Muslim Obama and his White Roman Catholic Jesuit master, Joe Biden, will fall; the Jesuits will be exposed as the masters behind the murder of thousands of our military defenders of the nation—presently prostituted by the Order and deceived by an uninformed patriotism to fight the Black Pope’s Crusade against Shia Islam which includes a forthcoming invasion of Shia Iran.
Update: November 11, 2009
There appears to be more than one shooter, probably three, which conclusion makes better common sense! Source: